What can be done with viburnum - tasty and healthy

Please advise what can be done with viburnum? A couple of years ago, a neighbor was planting her old bush and gave me a share. And this year there were already a lot of flowers, which means there will be a lot of berries. Maybe grind them with sugar? I heard that viburnum is very useful for colds.

what can be done with viburnum The scarlet berries of viburnum with a tart taste are very fond of birds and in winter they completely peck them if the bunches remain on the branches in the forest. The shrub can often be seen in private plots, because it looks beautiful, especially during flowering. And berries are also very useful and there are many recipes that can be done with viburnum. First of all, it is a valuable raw material for the preparation of various medicinal products. They also make jam and various drinks from berries, including alcoholic ones.

What can be done with viburnum for treatment

medicinal tea with viburnum

Practically all parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes: bark, flowers, leaves, berries, both fresh and dried. Special useful fruits, because they contain many vitamins and minerals. Juice is made from berries and leaves, medicinal decoctions are made from the bark. Red berries are eaten just like that, and also teas and tinctures are prepared. They are ground with honey, diluted with water and drunk with colds. And the infusion of flowers gargle with sore throat.

In terms of vitamin C content, viburnum bypasses even lemon - it contains 1.5 times more of it.

Healing agents made from viburnum have a positive effect on the work of all organs, namely:

  • lower blood pressure and blood sugar;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • stop bleeding;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • relieve swelling, cramps, pain spasms.

You can not use viburnum for the treatment of hypotension, gout, increased blood clotting, kidney disease. It is also forbidden to take it during pregnancy so as not to cause a miscarriage.

Viburnum recipes

Ripe berries are used in cooking, from which they make:

  1. Jam. Especially useful raw jam, it turns out to be both tasty and medicinal. The berries are simply rubbed with sugar in a 1: 1.5 ratio.raw viburnum jam
  2. Juice. The berries are crushed, the pulp is poured with water and boiled. Strain and add the broth to the juice along with sugar. For 1 kg of viburnum, take an equal amount of water and sugar - 250 g each.viburnum juice
  3. Wine. The berries are crushed, water and some of the sugar are added and left to ferment. The remaining amount of sugar is poured in two more steps during the fermentation process. For table wine, 1.7 liters of water and 300 g of sugar are needed for each liter of viburnum juice. For dessert wine, add less water (only 0.5 l each), and 50 g more sugar.viburnum wine
  4. Tincture. Whole berries, harvested after frost, are poured with vodka in a 1: 1 ratio (for 1 kg - 1 l) and insisted in a dark place for a month.

    viburnum tincture
    Processed by: Helicon Filter;

In addition, if there are a lot of berries, they can be frozen, like currants or raspberries. And then in winter, use it both for treatment and for preparing delicious desserts.

Seven viburnum recipes for the winter without cooking


