What to plant in the country, so as not to look after - advice to lazy and busy gardeners

Advise what to plant in the country, so as not to look after? I got a small plot from my grandmother, but we live in the city. We rarely come to the dacha, mostly only in summer. My grandmother always used to have a well-groomed garden, albeit a small one, but I don't have time to do this. On the other hand, it is a pity that the land will be idle and overgrown with weeds. And it would be good to eat natural products, at least for the season. And there is also a front garden, however, only chrysanthemums have survived. Maybe plant unpretentious perennials that would survive without regular care?

what to plant in the country so as not to look after The owners of private plots always have a lot of work, be it a vegetable garden, a garden or just a house that periodically needs repair. Therefore, the question of what to plant in the country, so as not to look after, has always been and will be relevant. Growing vegetables, fruits and even flowers in most cases requires spending most of their free time. And a modern, busy person has it in a limited amount. It is also interesting for older people, because caring for plants takes not only time, but also health. However, if you think over the planting methods correctly and select unpretentious crops, you can greatly facilitate the task.

Competent organization of the beds is half the success of a well-groomed site

stationary beds

As you know, the main problem of gardeners is weeds. In addition, one of the main tasks is to provide plants with moisture. The arrangement of stationary beds will help to reduce the number of watering, prevent the growth of weeds and facilitate the care of crops. Boxes, raised and warm beds retain moisture. It is easier to care for them and they look more aesthetically pleasing.

In addition, not the least role is played by mulching... Organic mulch will not give weeds a chance at the same time and will serve as additional fertilizing. The soil becomes loose, fertile, does not overheat and does not dry out.

What to plant in the country, so as not to look after - we choose unpretentious vegetables

unpretentious vegetablesHaving prepared the beds, you can plant garden crops there, which are not particularly demanding to care for. They will produce crops with minimal effort. Among these plants:

  • zucchini, pumpkin;
  • rhubarb;
  • beet;
  • legumes (peas, beans, chickpeas, vigna);
  • radish, daikon, radish;
  • horseradish;
  • greens (dill, parsley, arugula);
  • salad, spinach.

Unpretentious flowers for a flower bed

perennial flowersDo not forget about flowers, because they will decorate and transform even the most unsightly area. You can pick up plants with different flowering periods and admire them from the beginning of spring to the very frost.

First of all, bulbous primroses do not require special care: woodplants, tulips, daffodils, crocuses, hazel grouses. They bloom first, but flowering ends quickly. Therefore, unpretentious perennials can be placed in the background:

  • hosts;
  • ferns;
  • phlox;
  • irises;
  • viola;
  • perennial asters;
  • chrysanthemums;
  • bells;
  • chamomile;
  • loosestrife.

annual flowersAmong the annual flowers, there are also beautiful and undemanding plants. Most multiply by self-seeding, so it will be enough to buy and plant seeds only once. From annuals it is worth getting:

  • nasturtium;
  • salvia;
  • morning glory;
  • calendula;
  • escholzia;
  • alissum.

If there is free space and the size of the plot allows you to break the lawn, you can sow it with a special mixture. For example, Moorish, clover and meadow lawns are highly resistant and unpretentious. They grow quickly and even if weeds come across, they will be "lost" in the total mass.

Unpretentious and useful plants for giving - video


