What is the amazing Fimbriata begonia

Visiting a friend, I saw a very unusual begonia. At first I didn't even understand what kind of flower it was, because its leaves are like begonia's, but the buds are not at all similar. A friend said the variety is called Fimbriata. What is Fimbriata begonia?

begonia fimbriata mix Begonias of Fimbriata are quite consistent with their name, which is translated from Latin as “fringed”. This one differs from other subspecies of begonias precisely in the shape of the flowers: they are so lush and stuffed, and the petals have a jagged edge that more resemble large carnations.

It is worth noting that Fimbriata begonias are not a separate variety, but a whole group of plants, united by a common trait. The varieties included in the group have the same, pronounced double form of inflorescences, but differ in their color, size and shape of the flower petals themselves.

The flowers of the fimbriata group are tuberous and are widely used both in home cultivation and for planting in open ground in the spring-summer season.

Famous representatives of the group

The plants that represent the fringed group are somewhat similar to each other, but each is unique in its own way. First of all, this concerns the color of the buds, depending on which the following varieties of fimbriata begonias are distinguished:

  1. Yellow.yellow begonia fimbriata
  2. Orange.orange begonia fimbriata
  3. White.white begonia fimbriata
  4. Red.red begonia fimbriata
  5. Pink.pink begonia fimbriata

In addition to begonias with a solid color of flowers, in stores you can also find various mixtures of varieties (mixes), including 3 or 5 different shades.

Growing begonia Fimbriata

Like all tuberous begonias, this group does very well in the fresh air and is therefore often used in summer beds. Before planting, the tubers must be germinated, for which in February, plant them in a pot with loose and nutritious soil. Young bushes should be planted in open ground no earlier than May, or even in June, since the juicy watery shoots are very afraid of a drop in temperature and immediately die off.

With the arrival of autumn, the tubers of the fringed begonia must be dug up and stored in a dry basement.

Fimbriata also grows well in indoor conditions, while you can immediately plant the tuber in a flowerpot and leave it in the room, or transplant a plant that grew outside.

Begonia likes abundant watering, but not during flowering. During this period, she needs more complex feeding. Good lighting is also important, and the southwest window sill will be the most suitable place for the pot.

Secrets of planting and caring for tuberous begonias - video


