Zircon fertilizer instructions for use
After applying fertilizers of biological and chemical nature to the soil, the plant can find itself in a stressful situation, which can affect its development. The plant needs the protection provided by zircon fertilization.
Zircon is used as a regulator of root formation, growth, flowering and fruiting, and it also has the properties of inducing disease resistance of indoor plants and horticultural crops. The composition of zircon makes it possible to neutralize all stressful situations that appear in the plant.
The basis of the fertilizer and its main component is a plant extract - purple echinacea.
Such substances do not have a harmful effect on the environment, animals and people. Zircon is compatible with almost all biological and individual insecticides (substances that protect plants from insect attack) and fungicides (substances that prevent fungal diseases of plants). This is its main advantage over other similar fertilizers.
Instructions for the use of zircon. Making a solution
Zircon fertilizer preparation should be carried out just before planting. It is allowed to store the finished substance for 3 days in a place inaccessible to the sun's rays. In this case, the water in the solution must be acidified with citric acid (1 g. Lemon juice per 5 liters of water). The solution can be stored outdoors for no more than a day.
In case of stratification of zircon in the ampoule, you need to shake it slightly so that the drug is completely dissolved to a homogeneous liquid. Moreover, this temperature should not be lower than room temperature, and be 180-230FROM.
According to the instructions for the use of zircon fertilizer, basic solutions are isolated for watering garden crops:
- For feeding cucumbers 5 drops of zircon / 1 liter of water are used. The solution should be infused for about 8 hours.
- For soaking vegetable seeds, use 10 drops of zircon / 1 liter. water. The solution should be infused for about 6 hours.
- To soak flower seeds, about 40 drops (approximately one ampoule) of zircon / 1 liter of water are used. The solution should be infused for 6-8 hours.
- To fertilize potatoes, a solution of 20 drops of zircon / 1 liter is prepared. water. The solution is calculated per 100 kg. tubers.
- Tubers gladioli need to be fed with a solution of 20 drops of zircon / 1 liter. water. The resulting solution is insisted for about a day.
- Bulbs of different colors are fertilized with a stronger solution - 1 ampoule of zircon / 1 liter. water. The solution should be infused at room temperature for about 18 hours.
- For cuttings of all types of fruit trees, it is necessary to prepare a solution of 1 ampoule of zircon / 1 liter for fertilization. water. After that, teach him until 12 o'clock. Apply for watering the soil around the cutting of the tree.
- For various types of other soda and garden crops and plants, a universal proportion is used - 20 drops of zircon are diluted in a liter of water and infused for 20 hours. After that, the solution can be used as a fertilizer.
There is another way to apply zircon fertilizer - spraying during the growing season. It is held exclusively in the morning, before the sun appears in the sky.The morning should be calm, as the wind can blow off the fertilizer and will not be effective. Such treatments of plants are carried out once every 7 days.
Spraying of some garden crops is carried out with the following solutions, in the ratio of cyclone drop / amount of water:
- Root crops - 8k. / 10l. It is carried out after the first plants emerge from the ground.
- Potato culture - 13k / 10l. It is carried out at the beginning of budding, and when the first gatherings appear.
- Cucumbers - 4k. / 1l. It is carried out once only at the beginning of budding (when at least 3 full-fledged leaves appear).
- Cabbage (white and cauliflower) - 14k. / 10l. It is carried out with the beginning of the formation of the head.
- Tomatoes - 4k / 1l., Fertilizer is applied when planting seedlings in the soil once, and is repeated when the first, second and third brush appears.
- Pepper, eggplant - 4 K. / 1 l. Spraying takes place after planting seedlings and during the appearance of the first buds.
Following simple instructions and recommendations, each summer resident can prepare and feed their garden crops with zircon.
During the use of the drug, protective equipment and standard safety measures should be used. All work must be carried out in a mask, gloves must be on the hands, boots on the legs, a hat on the head, a dressing gown on the body, and protective glasses must be worn to protect the eyes.
The use of zircon for indoor plants
Very often, zircon is used as a fertilizer for indoor plants as a growth stimulant. The first time it is used when preparing a solution for soaking seeds or watering bulbs, shoots, cuttings during transplantation.
A solution for soaking seeds is prepared in a proportion of 1k zircon / 300 ml. water. The solution is infused for 16 hours.
Attention. A lower concentration of zircon is required for soaking vegetable seeds than for growing flowers. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations from the instructions on the package.
To accelerate the growth of cuttings, one ampoule of zircon is needed per liter of water. You need to insist up to 14 hours. This substance is also effectively used to increase the buds of bulbous indoor plants (1 ampoule / 1 liter of water), only the solution must be instructed for up to 24 hours.
If zircon is used for watering indoor plants, you need to remember a very simple proportion that will not harm in any way: 1 ampoule / 10 l. water or 4 k. / 1 l. water. This is a versatile watering solution for flowerpots.
Zircon is an environmentally friendly fertilizer compared to other types. The use of zircon is that it is used to nourish and stimulate the growth of garden and indoor plants, and also helps to eliminate stressful situations and adapt plants to new conditions.
Nice informative article, thanks. I have heard many good reviews about Zircon for a long time, but I have never tried it in action. I used more Energen, also a good remedy. But after reading the article, getting acquainted with all the properties of Zircon, I will definitely try this drug too. And who used zircon, please write what it is in action? I am more interested in its effect on seedlings of tomatoes and cabbage. Thank.
Why insist on SOLUTION? Infusion, by definition, is used to bring something into a solution, i.e. dissolution. The shelf life of the working solution of zircon is 1 day (3 if in the dark and strongly acidified), after a day of "infusion", therefore, the effect will be like settled water.
What solution is needed to spray indoor plants and how often?
The article contains a recipe for preparing a solution for indoor plants.“If zircon is used for watering indoor plants, you need to remember a very simple proportion that will not harm you in any way: 1 ampoule / 10 l. water or 4 drops. / 1 l. water. This is a versatile watering solution for flowerpots. " The solution must be insisted for a day. Frequent use is not recommended. Enough once a month.
First, Zircon is NOT FERTILIZER. It is a stimulant. Mainly induces root formation and flowering.
You don't need to do any infusion for a day. You will not feed this. Overdose is dangerous, because acts aggressively on the plant.
Can be sprayed, can be watered at the root (unlike epin, which is only on the leaves)
In addition, you cannot use this tool all the time.
Used for specific purposes.
Good day. The question has already been asked about the infusion of the drug. But I found no answer. It is not clear what the insistence is for.? Moreover, there is no such recommendation on the packaging itself? Thank.
Most likely, the author had in mind the quality of the water used. Strongly chlorinated water must be defended before use. If water from a well or rainwater is used, then there is no need for such actions. Use the solution as directed. It is better to reduce the dosage than to transfer.