Cytokinin paste to revitalize the orchid

cytokinin paste Cytokinin paste will help wake up the dormant buds of an orchid and stimulate the growth of its lateral shoots. This drug is especially useful in the propagation of an exotic plant. It contains plant-derived hormones that are responsible for cell division. Such compounds contribute to the full development of the root system and accelerate the budding process. In addition, this hormonal orchid ointment is used to bring the flower out of its dormant state.

Yet, due to the laboriousness of processing plants with the composition, many gardeners do not want to use it. Therefore, it will be appropriate to consider some of the advantages of a phytopreparation, as well as the features of this procedure.

Cytokinin paste in action

capsules with cytokinin paste

The composition of the ointment includes phytohormones cytokinins, which are involved in the formation of plant tissue. The active ingredients of the drug inhibit the growth of the central shoot, which allows the lateral shoots to develop actively. New flower buds or shoots appear on the dead crop areas. This effect of cytokinin paste on the plant turns it into a beautiful lush bush.

In addition, this hormonal ointment:

  • helps to slow down the aging process;
  • increases the reproductive function of the flower (the number of female ovaries increases);
  • improves the functioning of the immune system, thereby making the plant less vulnerable to various diseases;
  • restores tuberous and bulbous crops after their complete drying / disease.

Cytokinin paste. With the help of this ointment, you can awaken dormant buds, stimulate the development of new ones and ensure the rooting of plant children.

the result of using the pasteThe result of exposure to the hormonal agent can be observed 7-14 days after the procedure.

Since there are no species restrictions in the use of a phytopreparation, florists successfully use it when growing all varieties:

  • orchids;
  • citrus fruits;
  • roses;
  • hydrangea;
  • Saintpaulia;
  • camellias;
  • violets;
  • hibiscus;
  • succulents.

It is forbidden to use cytokinin ointment in case of severe damage to the root system of plants. In addition, it is dangerous to apply a herbal remedy to flowers weakened by diseases or affected by pests.

Despite its versatility, the use of cytokinin paste on orchids has some characteristic features. When considering the most common ways of using it, it is important to pay attention to the technology of the procedure.

Cytokinin paste for orchids: florist's surgery

orchid processing processEarly awakening of the flower is considered a favorable time for the event. It often falls in late February or early March. Reproduction of orchids with the help of cytokinin paste or stimulation of the laying of new buds is carried out during the period of flower growth. When young shoots appear, the plant needs additional feeding, as well as appropriate keeping conditions. Therefore, the flowerpot is sent to a well-lit and warm enough place. Otherwise, this will lead to the complete depletion of the orchid, deterioration of its condition.reaction to hormonal ointment

The plant reacts very strongly to hormonal drugs. The orchid spends most of its energy on restoring the areas smeared with paste. Therefore, there should be no more than 3 such areas.

Manufacturers produce ointment in special capsules.The hormonal agent is stored for 2 years at a temperature of 5-15˚С.

According to the instructions, the cytokinin paste is applied in this way:

  • if there is dry plant scales on the kidney, it is carefully removed with tweezers;remove dry scales
  • an incision is made on the trunk of the plant or on its dormant bud with a sterile object (needle, scalpel);
  • ointment is applied to living tissue in the form of a pea (1.5-2.5 mm);a small amount of cytokinin ointment
  • spread the paste evenly over the entire surface of the kidney or incision.

The hot climate interferes with the development of new buds. Therefore, the procedure is repeated again, but only after 9-11 days.

kidney awakenedShallow scratches on the stem or bud of an orchid promote rapid absorption of the hormone. As a result, after 7-14 days, new shoots will appear in this area. In another case, kidney awakening occurs 7-10 days after the procedure.

A large amount of ointment leads to the awakening of several shoots at once from one point of growth. Since in this state they will not be able to fully develop, weak shoots are removed.

Own Cytokinin Paste

DIY cytokinin pasteOn sale there is a powdered mass of benzaladenine (abbreviated as 6-BAP) for making a cytokinin paste with your own hands. However, the shelf life of this white powder is limited because special conditions are required to contain it. In combination with it, lanolin is used, which is sold in many pharmacies.

Pasta is prepared using a simple technology:

  • 20 g of alcohol (96%) is poured into a glass bottle;
  • dissolve in it 1 g of benzaladenine;
  • glass beads (2-3 pieces) are dipped into the vial and the contents are thoroughly shaken;
  • dehydrated lanolin (100 g) is heated in a water bath in a glass container until completely melted;
  • the alcohol mixture is introduced into the wax mass;
  • mix thoroughly;
  • cover with a lid, leaving a small hole for alcohol vapors;
  • the container is left in a dark place at room temperature;
  • after 2-3 days, the contents are mixed and packaged in a container.

After surgical procedures, it is important to water the orchids regularly. During this period, it should be fed with organomineral complexes, excluding nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers from its diet.

bottles for storing ointmentStore this ointment in the refrigerator (5-12˚C) for 1 year in a hermetically sealed bottle. Among other things, you can prepare cytokinin paste in another way. To do this, make an extract from a ripe leaf of the agave (aloe).

The procurement procedure is reduced to the following stages:

  • the leaf is thoroughly washed with water;
  • tightly wrapped in foil;
  • leave for 2 weeks in a dark and cool place (4 ° C);
  • after the expiration of the term, the agave leaf is cut into slices;
  • placed in a glass bottle;
  • poured with alcohol (the liquid should cover the green mass);
  • after a day, the contents are filtered.

aloe leaf juiceThe resulting substance is an excellent analogue of benzaladenine. Therefore, it is safely used instead of 6-BAP during the preparation of cytokinin paste. In this case, the dosage of the concentrated extract is the same as when using the powder. However, the effectiveness of the product will only be apparent when the product is correctly applied to the plant.

We grow orchid babies using cytokinin paste - video


