Poinsettia bloom: a solution to a burning problem

blooming poinsettia Many amateur flower growers are pursued by one déjà vu: they carry out all the proper procedures in the strictest order, and the poinsettia blooms just like that. This terrible tragedy, unfortunately, is not uncommon. There can be many reasons for this fiasco. One of them is cloudy autumn weather. Often it is it that is not taken into account when the cover is removed from the pot. Indeed, at this moment the plant needs bright sunlight. If the green mass does not receive a certain dose of photons, then it goes back to its original position - to hibernation.

In the current circumstances, culture needs to provide full lighting using special lamps... The duration of artificial daylight hours is about 12 hours. Additional lighting is carried out until the buds are tied.

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Poinsettia bloom: stimulating the process

An unscheduled spring transplant of the affected specimen will help to achieve the desired result. In this case, the pot is not changed, but only treated with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate. The root system is slightly shortened. The soil can be replaced or disinfected.

Then it is recommended to prune, because an adult culture reaches up to 50 cm and above. Before this, the bush is carefully examined, paying special attention to the inner and side branches. The following parts of the plant are cut:

  • empty branches - no buds;
  • the top of the central trunk, in the lower part of which there are several young shoots;
  • crooked or not very stable stems;
  • long (to the side) shoots, then they will not branch from above to the pot.

Such a dramatic haircut can provoke poinsettia to bloom. Some are so addicted to hairdressing that they completely cut the bush. As a result, only rods 10-15 cm long rise above the surface. Experiences here are in vain, since the Christmas star has amazing regenerating properties. Experience shows that the procedure is successfully carried out before transplantation.

To create a compact form, young seedlings are pinched. The tip of tender shoots is torn off or cut off with a sharp knife.

Care Tips

The pot is recommended to be placed in a well-lit room. Still, it is worth remembering that some of the stems grew in the shade (middle of the bush), and only diffused sunlight came to them. In this case, they will have to be accustomed to new circumstances so as not to cause terrible burns on their foliage. For example, you can try the following method:

  • in the morning they put a flower on the south window for several hours, this is done for 1 week;
  • then the interval is increased to 6-8 hours;
  • after 14 days, they take out the flowerpot outside, but try to shade it with some material.

Observing all of the above tips, next year the hostess will be able to enjoy the amazing flowering of poinsettia. However, in the fall, she will again have to undergo 8 weeks of therapy for night shelters. It should be borne in mind that the next half of the day the plant needs abundant sun baths or additional lighting.


