Apple blossoms: at what age and in what month does it come

Tell me when the apple tree blooms? We bought a dacha last year, there is a small garden, judging by the height of the trees, still young. The former owners said that there are several apple trees among them, but the spring has passed, and they have not bloomed.

flowering apple trees Blooming apple trees is a very beautiful picture. In the spring, among the young light green foliage, quite large inflorescences bloom on the trees: there are a lot of them, and the buds are painted in a pale pink color. As if a bride in a pink veil, there is an apple tree in the middle of the garden, attracting the attention of both the human eye and the toilers-bees.

If you want to have time to admire this spectacle, it is important to know when the apple tree is blooming, because after a maximum of 2 weeks, or even earlier, the petals are crumbling. The flowering of a crop depends on two factors:

  • the age of the apple tree;
  • the climate of the area where it grows.

At what age does the apple tree begin to bear fruit?first bloom

Flowering, and hence fruiting in young seedlings apple trees begins no earlier than the tree has a sufficiently strong root system that can provide food for the apple tree itself and its fruits. Different varieties have different periods, but, in general, a young apple tree is ready to start bearing fruit at about 5 years of age.

However, there are varieties that bloom for the first time only at 6, or even at 7 years.

Do not forget to check with the seller when buying a seedling the name of the variety, so that you know exactly when the first apples will ripen.

What month does the apple tree bloom?apple tree blossoms

Like other horticultural crops, apple blossoms occur in spring, but each region has its own timing. In general, this is a completely unpretentious tree that tolerates winter well, which allows you to grow an apple tree not only in the south, but also in more severe conditions of the central and even northern strip.

Temperature values ​​at which the buds begin to open en masse are from 15 to 23 degrees Celsius.

Thus, flowering occurs:

  • in warm southern regions with early spring - late April;
  • in the central zone with a later spring - early to mid-May;
  • in northern latitudes with late cool spring - not earlier than the second half of May, or even at the end of the month, and even at the beginning of June.

The flowering time is also influenced by the varietal belonging of the culture. Late-ripening apple trees generally bloom a week later.

Also, flowering can be postponed for a week, if winter does not want to leave for a long time in the current year, and spring comes late.

What to do if the apple tree does not bloom - video


