Cauliflower - growing and care
Cauliflower, despite the fact that it can not be seen in every summer cottage, deserves special attention. This vegetable contains many vitamins and microelements useful for humans. These include, for example, vitamins of groups B, C, as well as iron, potassium, magnesium. Due to its many positive characteristics, our article will focus on the correct cultivation of cauliflower (Learn about Romanesco cabbage).
Popular varieties of cauliflower: description
Before proceeding with the story about the most popular varieties, we note that the appearance of cauliflower differs from ordinary cabbage in that it has white inflorescences. They are then eaten.
Today there are a great many varieties of cauliflower. Their main difference from each other is the ripening period.
Typically, the following varieties of cauliflower are distinguished:
- early maturing;
- mid-early;
- medium late;
- late ripening.
Let's dwell on the most popular varieties of cauliflower.
Early ripe varieties of cauliflower
Early maturing varieties are distinguished by a short growing season. From germination to harvest, it takes about 100 days. Heads of cabbage of such varieties are dense, leaves are short. Here are some examples:
- "Summer resident" - has a flattened white head. The fetus weighs approximately 1 kg. Can be frozen and also used fresh;
- A variety of cauliflower, photo bark is presented below, called "Amphora". This variety is distinguished by an unusual head shape - it resembles a shell. A head of cabbage can weigh up to 2 kg. The use is universal;
- "Snowdrift" - has a round head. Its weight is not so big - about 1 kg. Good for freezing.
Mid-season cauliflower varieties
The ripening period for mid-season cauliflower varieties is about 110-120 days. The leaves are larger, the heads of cabbage reach an impressive mass. Here are some popular varieties from this series:
- "Moscow Cannery" - grows well in Siberia. The heads are large, weighing about 1.5 kg;
- "Domestic" - heads of cabbage grow small - about 700-800 gr. The growing season varies from 100 to 120 days;
- Yako is a high-yielding variety. The weight of the heads is 650-800 gr. ripens very quickly: from planting to harvest on average 60 days.
Late-ripening varieties of cauliflower
These varieties have the longest growing season - it can be up to 200 days. The fruits are quite firm, medium to small in size. Usually these varieties are grown in the south of Russia.
- "Adler winter" is a late-ripening variety. Heads of cabbage can grow up to 1.8 kg. Preferable for fresh consumption;
- "Sochinskaya" - the heads grow small. Their weight is about 0.5 kg. As a rule, this variety is grown in the Krasnodar Territory.
How to grow cauliflower seedlings?
For growing seedlings cauliflower at home, you need to know some of the nuances and rules. For example, we are talking about the timing of sowing, the frequency glaze, picking (plant transplant), soil preparation. Let's talk about each process in more detail.
The timing of sowing cauliflower seeds directly depends on the growing season of the selected variety. It is customary to sow seeds of early-maturing varieties in the first decade of March (5-10 days), mid-season and late-ripening varieties - in the second decade of March (10-20 days) or in open ground in early April under covering material or film.
Preparing the soil for seedlings
An important stage is preparing the soil for seedlings. Correctly selected soil can, to some extent, reduce the seed germination time. So what is required: peat, sod land and river sand. All ingredients are mixed at a ratio of 1: 1: 1.
When watering cauliflower seedlings, it is important not to overdo it. If the soil is too waterlogged, the seedlings may rot, and with a lack of moisture they will slowly develop. The best option is to water the cabbage seedlings in small portions as the soil dries up (usually 2-3 times a week).
IMPORTANT: At the initial stage, when the cabbage seeds are just sown, the seedlings are watered only when the first shoots appear (this usually takes 10-15 days).
Picking cauliflower seedlings
Picking is the process of transplanting seedlings into a more spacious container. This is done so that the roots of plants become the strongest and take root faster when planted in the ground. Cauliflower seedlings dive at the age of 14 days.
Growing cauliflower outdoors
You can plant cauliflower outdoors in April. So that the seedlings that have not yet matured do not freeze, they are covered with polyethylene. You can also use a covering material for these purposes.
Cauliflower is usually planted in the holes. The optimal landing pattern is 50:50, i.e. and between the holes and between the rows there should be approximately the same distance. In order for the cabbage to take root well in a new place, it must be shaded for 2-3 days (pull some piece of rag over it). Meanwhile, experienced gardeners, in order to eliminate the loss of seedlings, are advised to plant cabbage in cloudy weather.
IMPORTANT: Seedlings are planted when about 5 true leaves are formed on the plant (this takes about 45-50 days). If the planting is done earlier, then the cabbage may die, and if later, the leaf rosette grows weak, the head of cabbage will be small.
When to feed cauliflower?
After planting seedlings in the ground, caring for cauliflower is reduced to the timely introduction of dressings - this is necessary for the growth of a powerful leaf outlet. If it (the outlet) is scarce, you can not expect a good harvest. As a rule, three dressings are done:
- The first is done 10 days after planting seedlings in the ground. For this, ammonium nitrate is used (20 grams per 10 liters of water).
- After 14 days, a second feeding is done. This time, in addition to ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride is used and superphosphate.
- The third feeding falls on the period of tying the heads. In this case, a full-fledged mineral fertilizer.
How often to water the cauliflower?
When growing cauliflower outdoors, do not forget about systematic watering. If it is not provided with sufficient moisture, the heads of cabbage will grow small, and in some cases they may not tie at all.
Harvesting and storage
The ripening period of cauliflower directly depends on the chosen variety: the early ones can already be obtained in mid or late June. However, the main collection of cauliflower still falls in July. During harvest, the cabbage is cut with a sharp knife, while capturing a couple of leaves. If the fruits are torn off overripe, they will quickly deteriorate.
Cut fruits on time can be stored for up to two months at a temperature of 0 - +1 degrees.
Cauliflower is used both for canning and freezing. For these purposes, you need to choose dense white fruits.
Growing cauliflower is not that difficult. The main thing is not to forget to water and feed the plant periodically. You should also pay special attention to the choice of the variety. For example, in Siberia, gardeners usually acquire early ripening varieties of cabbage.
It is impossible to grow good full-fledged cauliflower seedlings in an apartment. If there is a closed balcony or loggia, then everything will work out. It is necessary to disinfect the soil. Blackleg loves cabbage sprouts. Watering must be done first when real leaves appear. The night temperature should not be higher than 15 degrees. If such conditions cannot be created, the head will not be tied up, or it will be frail. After planting seedlings in the ground, pests like it as well as head varieties. Therefore, scaring away, dusting with ashes should be applied until a head of cabbage with a walnut develops. From micronutrients, cauliflower adores molybdenum. Using this trace element and other top dressing, you can get dense, healthy heads from properly grown seedlings. When the heads are full, they should be shaded so that an ugly yellowness does not appear.