Making a flower pot from a plastic bottle
If you want to plant your flowers in a beautiful decorative pot, but there is no suitable container on sale, you can make a flowerpot from a plastic bottle. A homemade container can be stylized as bronze, gold or any other metal.
To make an original flower pot you will need:
- plastic bottle volume of 5 liters;
- several old newspapers;
- napkins;
- PVA glue;
- paint.
You will need to use scissors, a soldering iron, and paint brushes. A glue gun is used to make the base. You can make a pot in a few hours. The finished product is varnished to give the pot a metallic sheen.
Preparing a plastic container
To make a pot, cut the plastic container in half. Cut off the bottom of the bottle. It will serve as a stand for a flowerpot. In the center of the base, you need to cut a hole for the neck of the bottle. Its other half is the main part of the pot.
In the lid of a five liter bottle, cut some drainage holes to drain the water. Without them, the root system of the plant will rot. The pot holder and the main part of it must be fastened with liquid nails or glue using a glue gun.
Preparing flower pot decorations
To decorate the pot, you need to make decorations from newspapers. To do this, roll up some newsprint tubes. Then make six "snails" from the tubes. Make the petals of a flower from five, and use the sixth "snail" as its middle.
When all the decorations are ready, you can start decorating the plastic base of the pot. It is pasted over with newsprint. Then another layer of PVA is applied to the newspaper to glue napkins to the paper. Wrinkle them a little with a brush. Thus, they give the flowerpot texture. Then the pot is decorated with a flower made of newspaper tubes.
Painting the pot
When the glue is dry, you can paint the pot any color you like. To stylize the pot for bronze, it is painted black with splashes of purple and bronze paint. The flowerpot can be varnished to make the flowerpot look stylish.
After the paint has dried, such a pot is filled with a fertile soil mixture and plants are planted in it. Any indoor flower will look great in such an original flowerpot.