Dandelion Flower Sweet Medicine

dandelion syrup It takes about 4 hours to make dandelion syrup or jam. The resulting medicine is considered a choleretic agent, and is also used for infectious diseases. It also helps with joint pain.

Simple recipe - strong effect

Opinions differ on how many flowers should be collected for jam. Some say 200, while others say 300. The recipe below uses 750 g of flower heads, that is, up to about 400. In this case, the stems should be torn off.

The collection of flowers of a herbaceous plant is carried out in May, when it grows intensively. It is advisable to do this in sunny weather and at lunchtime. By that time, the dew has already disappeared, and the buds will fully open.

Since the flowers can be dirty and insecty, they are washed several times with cold liquid, but not hot. Then put it in a large sieve and filter. Next, pour the flower mass into a saucepan. Pour in water so that it covers the dandelions. They put it on the stove. They should boil over low heat for about one hour. Then the dishes with compote are sent to infuse for 12 hours. Read also:dandelion jam recipes for the liver with a photo!

The final stage of preparation

After the plant has saturated the liquid with useful substances, it is filtered into another pan. Flowers are squeezed well. At the same time, some housewives practice cooking with them. Then they take a fine sieve, it is possible for tea, and the infusion is filtered. From this number of heads, 2 liters of syrup should be obtained. The following cooking steps:

  • the pan is placed on minimum heat;
  • 1 kg of sugar is added;
  • stir until complete dissolution;
  • cook for 2.5 hours;
  • a coffee spoon of citric acid is dissolved in several tablespoons of chilled syrup;
  • poured into a boiling mixture.

As soon as jam will become thick and acquire a rich olive color, they begin to pour it into jars. To check the consistency of the syrup, you need to drop it onto a plate. If the trail does not spread, it can be closed. Take the prepared elixir for 1 tsp. in a day. This is best done in the morning on an empty stomach.

It is worth remembering that dandelions are not a drug. The syrup is used in addition to the main course of treatment. Herbal medicine is successful only with very long-term use of decoctions and infusions. When the body accumulates a sufficient supply of valuable substances, only then these compounds will begin to support the work of malfunctioning organs. Some people note that dandelion honey helps in rehabilitation after liver surgery and in removing the gallbladder.


