Decorative peppers in a pot - care, photo of miniature fruits

Tell me how to grow decorative peppers in a pot, care, photos of indoor fruits, if possible. Our family is very fond of all kinds of spices, but there is no way to plant a vegetable garden. We live in an apartment, there is no dacha, so the only way to feel like a gardener is the balcony and window sills. Dill, parsley and cilantro are already in full swing on the window, and yesterday I sowed pepper. Will it be possible to take a crop from him if I have only one bush? The rest of the seeds for some reason did not sprout.

decorative potted peppers care Its miniature fruits of the most varied colors not only look beautiful, but are also edible. Decorative pepper in a pot, care (a photo of the plant will be in the article) for which is easy and not difficult - this is an ideal culture for the home. Compact cute bushes will delight flower growers, and the fruits will be useful to housewives for cooking dinner.

What is the difference between decorative pepper and what grows in the garden

chilled pepper

The main feature of decorative varieties is their compact size. The height of indoor bushes does not exceed 40 cm. The leaves have the same oblong shape as in garden species, only they are smaller. This also applies to fruits - the peppers seem to be reduced in size. Depending on the variety, they can be not only red or yellow, but even almost lilac. However, all varieties are characterized by diminutiveness. Each pepper is no more than 2.5 cm long and weighs a maximum of 15 g.

Ornamental varieties can live up to 5 years, while they are self-pollinated.

When is it better to plant homemade peppers

seedlings of decorative peppersOrnamental varieties are grown by seeds, which are sown on seedlings. It is preferable to do this at the end of winter. Then the plants will develop in natural light. Seeds are germinated before planting to accelerate the emergence of shoots. You can sow first in a common dish, and then plant the seedlings in separate small pots. For the first time, containers with a volume of 300 g are suitable. The soil for miniature peppers should be loose and fertile. A versatile substrate mixed with humus is suitable.

It is very convenient to plant each seed in peat tablets... The seedlings then easily tolerate transplanting without the risk of damaging the fragile roots.

Decorative peppers in a pot - care (photo)

decorative peppers in a pot care for an adult bushWhen the first pair of true leaves is formed on the seedlings, it must be transplanted into larger pots (1 l). This is done by the transshipment method, and without additional burial of sprouts. In such a container, the bush can grow until it gives up to 7 leaves. Then it should be transplanted into a pot again, 4 times the volume.

Indoor peppers need this care:

  1. Comfortable conditions of detention. This is good lighting, the temperature is about 23 ° C warm and high humidity. In summer, the pots can be displayed on the balcony or outdoor veranda.
  2. Regular watering - the earth should not be allowed to dry out.
  3. Root dressing every 2 weeks with a mineral complex. And it is desirable to alternate with foliar fertilizing with nitrogen (at the beginning of growth).
  4. Forming a bush by pinching for better branching.

For the winter, pots with plants can be rearranged in a cool room, but not lower than 18 ° C heat. Moreover, it should be light there. During this period, the plants rest and prepare for new fruiting. Although modern hybrids can bear fruit all year round.

How to grow small-fruited decorative peppers at home


