Do-it-yourself florarium: step-by-step instructions for beginner florists
At all times, ficus Benjamin, dracaena, geranium, violet and palm were considered an exquisite part of the interior. But we will figure out how to create a florarium with our own hands for growing exotic crops. After all, overseas flowers do not withstand the conditions that prevail in mid-latitudes. They lose their attractiveness and eventually just die. Do not be afraid of the incomprehensible word "florarium". Better to get acquainted with the ancient method of growing plants under glass to decorate your interior with lively decor.
Original home greenhouse
The first florariums appeared in France in the middle of the 19th century. Smart agronomists grew ferns in glass containers to decorate their homes. The idea spread throughout Europe and became popular. In the new conditions, the plants thrived and even bloomed profusely. The method is almost the same as for the aquarium. Therefore, the method of growing plants under glass was called florarium.
Nowadays, to create mini-greenhouses they use:
- glass vases;
- flasks;
- plastic cans;
- aquariums.
Most often, various varieties are grown in them. succulents, tropical crops and moss. In an enclosed space, plants receive enough light and moisture. Moreover, the compositions do not need any special care.
Florariums replaced the flowerpots located on the windowsills. They successfully cope with their main task - to purify the air. They give the room a stylish look and please the eye all year round.
Mini greenhouses have a number of advantages:
- compactness (take up a minimum of space);
- exclusivity (flight of thought, creativity);
- economy (time, finances);
- cleanliness (constantly under glass);
- safety (for children and animals);
- easy care.
Even in the absence of owners for a long time, the flowers do not lose their original beauty. The only thing that can cloud their appearance is dust on the glass. It is not difficult to create a florarium with your own hands at home. The main thing is to adhere to the basic principles provided by specialists. Of course, you can buy such a garden in a store. However, the creation process will bring a lot more joy.
Thanks to a simple technique indoors, you can make a piece of the beach, desert, forest edge.
Choosing containers for the florarium
There are a huge number of vessels on sale for arranging a home mini-garden.
However, improvised items are also suitable for your project:
- volumetric flasks;
- wide bottles;
- deep glasses;
- wine glasses;
- old salad bowls;
- chandelier shades;
- electric lamps;
- glass teapots;
- aquarium.
The shape of the florarium also plays an important role. Most often used:
- conical;
- cubic;
- rectangular;
- square;
- in the form of a ball;
- exclusive tanks.
The height of the container should correspond to the volume of all types of soil required to plant the plant. And also the size of an adult culture, as indicated in the photo. Ideally, the container is halved. The glass is, of course, transparent.Otherwise, the plant will not receive enough sunlight.
Open containers for a mini greenhouse are especially popular. It maintains the same temperature, humidity and good air circulation. Closed versions maintain an optimal level of moisture inside the vessel. Reliably protect the plant from drafts, small children and pets.
According to the method of placement, florariums are of 3 types:
- desktop;
- suspended;
- outdoor.
Tabletop options fit wonderfully on a windowsill, desk or decorative shelf. Such vessels are small in size, therefore they are suitable for city apartments or small rooms.
Floor tanks are installed in beauty salons, restaurants, supermarkets. They also find their place in luxury country houses. Usually, these mini-gardens are distinguished by their exclusive design and large size.
Suspended types of florariums are used to decorate a wedding celebration and similar events. Plants under glass add a unique flavor to both the interior and the exterior.
To acquire the necessary skills when creating a florarium with your own hands, it is advisable to use inexpensive vessels.
Suitable crops for a miniature greenhouse
To create a florarium with your own hands, both traditional indoor flowerpots and exotic species are suitable. Plants are purchased in specialized stores. Take from friends or neighbors. The main thing is that they match the size of the glass tank. For example, for beginners it is best to use cacti or succulents. They develop very slowly and do not require any special care.
For a short-term composition, snowdrops, hyacinths and tulips are suitable. Earthy greens are planted in bottles. Blooming crops look beautiful behind glass.
The most demanded plants for florarium are succulents. They come in a variety of varieties, shapes and colors. In general, they resemble tropical cultures. Let's consider several options.
The succulent has lancet leaf plates with a decorative color. Outwardly it resembles a water lily. Coexists wonderfully with other plants. Loves moderate humidity and temperature.
Culture refers to flowering plants. Fleshy leaves of deep green color. Small buds are lilac, white and pink. Not afraid of high humidity. A succulent plant is easy to care for.
The plant comes in the form of a miniature shrub or lush grass. It is used to create curtains of dense character. The shoots of Monantes are erect. They are crowned with a curly rosette of foliage. There are varieties that bloom periodically. Plants cannot tolerate high levels of moisture. They love a lot of light. They easily adapt to temperature changes.
The plant is a creeping shoot that consists of toothed segments. Different tones of green make them unique in their kind. And the star-shaped buds are admirable. For this, piarintus is planted in the center of the phyto-composition.
Various types of mosses are used to cover the soil of the mini-garden. They are sold freely in flower shops. If desired, the culture is grown independently. For the case, they use natural planting material, driftwood or stones. The seeds are poured with bio-kefir, mixed and applied to suitable items. After a few days, the desired greens will appear.
Often, moss is replaced with ground cover crops:
- "Nertera" (blooms with purple, yellow, white buds);
- Selaginella (forms lush green bedspreads);
- "Soleirolia" (it can be golden, green and silver).
For a florarium of a tropical nature, slow-growing crops are suitable. Let's mention the most popular ones:
- Fittonia;
- Royal Begonia;
- "Small-leaved lily";
- various types of orchids;
- violets;
- ferns.
Of course, there are many more of them. However, when choosing plants, one should take into account the growth rate, methods of care, temperature, humidity, light.
Soil for mini-garden
Since the florarium consists of various crops, the soil is chosen taking into account their needs. For beginner fans of greens, ready-made mixtures are suitable, which are sold in specialized retail outlets. Experienced craftsmen make universal soil on their own from peat substrate and sand (1: 1). If cacti or succulents are planted, the soil is prepared in a 1: 2 ratio.
Usually, glass tanks, which are designed for the florarium, are produced without holes. Therefore, the garden needs artificial drainage. It is made from pebbles, moss and charcoal. The components are laid out in stages at the bottom of the container. If you plan to use undemanding crops, disinfected soil from a forest or garden is suitable.
To create complex compositions, plants are planted in separate containers with different soil and wrapped in moss.
Do-it-yourself florarium: master class
Anyone can create a mini-greenhouse with their own hands. The main thing is to follow the advice of experts, be patient and act. Living florariums can become a stylish decoration of a room or an original gift for a friend.
Before starting work, collect the necessary accessories:
- glass container (vessel, jar, bottle, vase);
- disinfected soil;
- special fertilizers;
- sifted sand;
- drainage material;
- charcoal (activated and charcoal);
- decor elements (ladders, miniature houses, wood chips);
- scapula;
- watering can;
- spray;
- plants.
In accordance with the step-by-step instructions, a glass vessel is first selected. It must have a perfect surface. Chips and cracks can destroy the finished structure. It is thoroughly washed without chemicals. If limestone deposits or greasy stains are found, use baking soda. The washed container is poured with boiling water. When dry, wipe with alcohol.
It is advisable to prepare the container immediately before starting the creation of the composition.
The next step is filling the florarium. A mixture of charcoal and activated carbon is poured into the bottom of the selected glass vessel. I put expanded clay or small pebbles on top. Base height approx. 3 cm.
Next, apply disinfected soil with fertilizers. Align with a miniature spatula. Sprinkle with water from a spray bottle. Thanks to this, she will sit down a little. According to the instructions, this level takes up 1/3 of the capacity.
The vessel is set aside and the plants are taken care of. Prepare the moss. Sort the selected crops. Determined with decor items. They begin to form the landscape from scratch, assigning a place to each plant. Then funnels are made in the soil with the index finger and the seedlings are placed in them.
When planting, do not allow the foliage to touch the walls of the vessel. This can lead to fungal infections.
Greens are spread between the planted crops. Alternatively, use moss or ground cover plants... Free spaces are decorated with various decorative items. The finished composition is poured with clean filtered water using a spray bottle. Enjoy creating your own hands!
We build a florarium with our own hands from an old aquarium
The original composition is made in just a few hours. Consider the sequential progress of work. First, the tank is washed out and degreased with alcohol. Charcoal and expanded clay are poured onto the bottom. The soil is mixed with peat and laid on top of the drainage.
Plants are prepared:
- remove dry and damaged foliage;
- clean the roots of soil residues;
- choose suitable crops.
Immediately before planting, markings and holes are made in which the plants are placed. Lightly tamp on top.Sprinkle with clean water at room temperature. The remaining surface is decorated with decorative figures, pebbles of different colors, yellow sand.
Popular types of mini-gardens
For busy people, an unpretentious version of the composition with minimal care will suit. Those with a passion for growing plants will love the intricate crop variations behind glass. Let's get acquainted with the proposals of specialists.
A corner of the sultry desert
The main elements of the florarium are succulents. Plants are not afraid of prolonged drought, they successfully absorb moisture from the air and soil. They quickly take root in a glass vessel. Suitable soil is sand mixed with earth. Drainage and decoration are made from stones and ceramic chips.
Mountain landscape
The principle of creating a composition does not change. Drainage is placed at the bottom, then soil saturated with organic elements. Pebbles with sharp angles resembling rocks and cliffs are suitable for decoration. Ferns, ivy, succulents, violets are chosen as greenery.
Wet forest
The miniature glass greenhouse successfully recreates the tropical jungle landscape. Trees and shrubs are planted, which are freely sold in the network of flower shops.
Best suited:
- begonia;
- dwarf ficuses;
- asparagus;
- crotons.
The main thing is that the soil of the florarium is suitable for all seedlings. When caring for the plants, maintain an optimum temperature of about 25 ° C. High air humidity is created using a tiny vessel with water placed inside the composition.
Capricious orchids behind glass
A florarium with a small hole can become a wonderful habitat for artsy flowers.
It creates unique tropical-like environments with:
- direct sunlight;
- additional fluorescent lamps;
- ventilation (holes in the container);
- electrical appliances.
Orchids planted in a glass container look perfect against the background of a green bedspread and decorative elements. The composition is suitable for both a gift and a home interior.
Oriental bonsai
An exotic craft with a unique tree will give the room a chic look. A copy of the natural landscape is decorated with:
- moss;
- pebbles of various sizes;
- fresh herbs;
- chips;
- figurines made of plastic.
In a glass vessel, they successfully create a landscape of a quarry, a grotto, of a Latin American character.
Basic principles of care
The do-it-yourself florarium is an excellent habitat for tropical plants and succulents. However, without proper care, the composition will lose its appeal. In addition, dust accumulates on glass containers, which should be removed regularly. The procedure is done very carefully, using a damp cloth.
You cannot leave stains on the glass, otherwise the florarium will take on an untidy look.
The composition is moistened as the soil surface dries. After all, excess liquid often leads to decay of the root system of plants. Florists advise paying attention to the inner surface of the glass vessel walls. If there is no condensation, then the garden needs watering.
Planned pruning
Since plants are in tight spaces, they need regular pruning. The procedure is performed using sharp scissors. Herbaceous crops are pinched by hand. For the prevention of fungal diseases, yellowed foliage is removed.
Top dressing
Fertilizers in the florarium with their own hands are applied to the soil if colorless or pale yellow leaves appear on the crops. This is done carefully and in small doses. Otherwise, the plants may die.
The best place for a mini-garden behind glass is a window sill on the north or west side of the house. Direct sunlight increases the temperature inside the vessel. As a result, the vital processes of plants are disrupted. Only succulents love the abundance of light.
Crops that bloom periodically are best placed where bright light diffuses. For example, in the middle of a room. In dark rooms, you can turn on additional electric lighting.
The original vase with cacti fits wonderfully next to the computer. And if you want to add charm to the bookshelves, you should decorate them with a home greenhouse. Hanging compositions will find their place on vertical walls.
Creating a mini garden behind glass is a great opportunity to discover new talents. It is also very interesting to observe the development of miniature plants. The florarium will revive the living room, decorate the window sill, and add coziness to the bedroom. It is presented as an original gift. Using the provided video, you can safely get down to business.