Dendrobium Berry Oda - the most fragrant orchid
Among the orchids there are special beauties who will delight you with a six-month-old flowering, and also with a stunning aroma, like dendrobium Berry Oda. Despite the modest size of the bush, it is able to give three times more peduncles than it has stems. In addition, this variety is not as difficult to tolerate heat compared to most dendrobiums. Where does such a fantastic power come from in a small bush and what is the secret of its abundant flowering?
Characteristic features of the variety
Instead of roots, the plant has a pseudobulb. Thick erect stems grow from them, the height of which is a maximum of 40 cm. They have narrow lanceolate leaves, in adult plants - mainly in the upper part. The color of the leaf plate is typical for orchids, green. But the air roots that dendrobium releases over time are lighter and thinner than that of phalaenopsis.
In early summer, the bush forms peduncles with racemose lush inflorescences. The flowers themselves are small, no more than 1 cm in diameter, but bright, in one word their color cannot be described. There are purple, crimson, lilac tones and even white. The inflorescences emit an intoxicating sweet scent reminiscent of lilacs. Flowering lasts until autumn, but sometimes dendrobium can bloom in winter. Moreover, babies formed on stems quite often bloom. This explains the large number of peduncles.
Berry Oda is a typical representative of lithophytes and grows in natural conditions on stones, between close cracks.
Dendrobium Berry Oda - the subtleties of growing
Since the main advantage of the orchid is still its flowering, it is necessary to create the right conditions and care for it:
- It is better to plant a bush in a cramped pot, not necessarily transparent, but with drainage holes.
- The soil can be taken from the store, marked "for orchids" (bark-based substrate).
- Dendrobium needs lighting, and you can put it on the south window. But in summer, the bush should be protected from direct rays. But in winter, on the contrary, to supplement the lighting.
- The flower stalks will be laid only if there are temperature drops within 10 °. The optimum temperature for keeping dendrobium during the growth period is 25 ° C (at night - at least 5 ° lower). When the pseudobulbs are ripe, it is advisable to transfer to a cooler room.
- You need to water abundantly, but be sure to wait for the soil to dry out. In winter, watering should be sparse.
- With the beginning of flowering, feed with special mineral complexes. When the dendrobium forms new shoots, the fertilizers are stopped.
Berry Oda reproduces by babies that appear on the shoots. When they get their own roots, they can be separated. You can also propagate an orchid by dividing the bush during transplantation. However, it is often impossible to transplant dendrobium - he does not like it.