Mushrooms for your table

mushrooms mushrooms Among lovers of quiet hunting, there are many connoisseurs of early harvests. Among the many species, mushrooms mushrooms are in great demand. The most reverent attitude is observed towards the spring variety. When the season has not yet begun, these mushrooms are a gold mine for mushroom pickers.

Honey mushrooms: main types

honey mushrooms in the forest

Many do not know what mushrooms are and often bypass them. These mushrooms grow all summer and until mid-autumn. They are conditionally edible. Growth occurs on moss litter and in areas with high humidity. They are found on bruised stumps or on overhead projections of tree roots. In particular, oak, hornbeam, beech, elm, linden trees and others. They grow either as a colony or as single individuals. The taste of the mushrooms is high. This is what arouses increased interest among culinary specialists.

Before you start picking mushrooms, you need to learn to distinguish between edible and inedible.

In addition to spring, honey agarics are common in our latitudes:

  • winter;
  • summer;
  • autumn;
  • bulbous;
  • dark.

winter mushroomsAll these species are united by belonging to the same genus and similar morphological features. Honey mushrooms lend themselves well to heat treatment, and are compatible with other mushrooms.

cooking honey mushroomsUsually they are fried in a pan, boiled in water, and also pickled. Honey mushrooms contain active substances in large quantities and may well be regarded as food with useful properties. They help to accumulate the body's reserves in the fight against various infections, and the functionality of the cardiovascular system significantly improves its performance. A positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract was noted.

Long-term use of honey agaric, according to experienced mushroom pickers, helps to improve the general condition of the body, strengthen immunity. They say that people get sick less even with a runny nose.

Honey mushrooms are rich in vitamins, in particular riboflavin, thiamine, ascorbic acid. Zinc and copper are also abundant. Nutritional value is characterized by a huge percentage of fiber, carbohydrates and proteins. This is why they are appreciated.

Honey mushrooms - mushrooms that can be collected all year round

curtain honey agaricTypes of edible mushrooms:

  1. Winter. They have an open cap shape and look shiny due to the adhesive coating. Adult mushrooms are rusty-yellow in color. The diameter of the cap reaches 9 centimeters. They have good taste. They can be used both for conservation and for drying. They grow on the stumps of poplar, willow, linden or birch alone, or colonially. The mycelium of this mushroom has a regenerative ability, therefore, it begins to bear fruit during thaws. You can collect winter mushrooms from October to December.winter mushrooms
  2. Summer. It has a relatively thick and stocky leg, on which a hemispherical closed cap is crowned. The color is dark red, turning into brown. The peak of fruiting is summer, as the name implies.summer mushrooms
  3. Autumn. Outwardly, they are slightly different from the summer ones. And its main feature is the presence of a skirt, on a dense, light-colored legs relative to the cap. The pulp is white and porous. The bulbous honey fungus has a fleshy brown-yellow cap. The leg is also dense and reaches ten centimeters in length. This makes it visually large compared to other colibs. The collection time for autumn mushrooms begins in August.autumn mushrooms
  4. Meadow. Often called meadow, clove, marsmius and negniyuchkin. The diameter of the cap of an adult mushroom reaches 9 cm.Meadow mushrooms are yellow, but there are also brown-red ones. On hot days, the hat can fade from the sun. From contact with water, it acquires a creamy shade. The collection of such mushrooms is carried out in the last month of spring.meadow mushrooms
  5. Fatlegs. They differ in a cap, which has a hemispherical shape, up to 8 cm in size. The leg is thick, about 8 cm high. The upper part is gray in color, and the flesh is snow-white. Mushrooms have a rich aroma. Collecting fat-legged honey agaric is carried out from August to October. They often grow in huge groups, but not in bunches.fat-legged mushrooms

Slimy mushrooms belong to the group of edible mushrooms. Mushroom pickers are often called mucosal udemansiella. If the above species have a rich aroma, then these mushrooms are practically tasteless. The diameter of the cap ranges from 2 to 8 centimeters. The hat is white and the leg is transparent.

Spring mushrooms and their peculiarity

spring mushroomsSpring mushrooms (Latin name Collybia dryophila) are the earliest of the mushrooms. They begin their growth from mid-May. Belongs to the genus Colibius, which includes about 70 more species of mushrooms.

Dry meadow mushrooms, when in contact with water, are capable of re-producing spores for reproduction.

They are often called:

  • dubious money;
  • colibia is oak-loving;
  • wood-loving.

Outwardly, the spring honey agaric is similar to the meadow one. Its hemispherical cap has a diameter of 3 to cm. Over time, it changes to prostrate or convex-prostrate. The edges are drooping. The color of a ripe mushroom is brown-ocher, reddish or brown-yellow.

ripe mushroomSometimes you can distinguish a red tint, which changes over time to cream or brownish. The plates are adherent and narrow, lemon-white and often arranged. The leg is thin, up to 5 cm long. Its color is like that of a cap, sometimes the shade is lighter. Fine pulp with a pronounced mushroom aroma. The spring differs from the inedible false honey fungus in a smoother structure of the leg.

In terms of useful properties, colibia is inferior to most of its counterparts, belonging to the fourth category.

These mushrooms can be frozen for long-term storage, but they are best cooked freshly cut. For example, cooks take honey mushrooms and sour cream in a one-to-one ratio, add onions, dill, spices to taste. Fry the mushrooms in a pan until all moisture evaporates, add sour cream and bring to a light boil. Poured honey mushrooms with sour cream into a plate, add onions and spices. Plain vinegar or apple cider vinegar is used as a preservative and as a food additive. The dish is ready to eat. Connoisseurs are distinguished by a recognizable delicate taste, from which it is impossible to tear yourself away.

pine mushroomsPine mushrooms are no less popular. In structure, they are similar to mucous membranes. A distinctive feature is the bonnet, which has a velvety top. Pine mushrooms of a red-yellow hue.

A large number of such mushrooms can be found in deciduous forests from early July. Their disadvantage is the presence of a bitter taste.

Knowing everything about mushroom mushrooms, you can stock up on a real storehouse of trace elements. With their frequent use, you will once and for all forget about many diseases and saturate your body with vital components.

Collecting autumn honey agarics - video


