DNOK - a preparation for spraying garden crops

bottom spray preparation Fungicides are used to combat diseases of fruit and berry crops. One of these products is DNOC - a preparation for spraying vegetables, berries and fruits in the garden. It is a strong insectofungicide. Its use is possible only after reading the instructions.

The composition of the product and the form of its release

herbicide bottom

DNOC consists of dinitroorthocresol. The substance is an acaricide and a fungicide. The drug is sold in packages of 50 g. In one package, the concentration of dinitroorthocresol is 40%. Additionally, the product contains sodium sulfate, as well as ammonium. The product is a granular powder. Its color is yellow.powder color

The drug has a pungent odor. Analogs of the drug DNOC are such drugs as Dinosal, Cresoton and Selinon.

DNOC spray preparation and its action

DNOC preparation - insectofungicideAccording to the instructions, the drug DNOC is an insectofungicide. It is characterized by a triple action. It is a powerful fungicide that fights fungi. Also, the drug has a herbicidal effect that reduces the growth of weeds. DNOC acts as an insecticide, that is, it actively fights pests.

The tool has a long-lasting effect. After spraying shrubs with it, effectiveness is ensured from 1 to 3 years. DNOC is slightly soluble in water.

Dinitroorthocresol, after contact with the stems and leaves of the treated plants, kills the fungal cells. Also, the substance provokes the death of pathogens of diseases of horticultural crops.

Dinitroorthocresol begins to act two days after its treatment of plants. The DNOC spray preparation shows its full effectiveness 3-4 days after spraying. The agent has a protective effect on the treated plants for 30 days.

The drug fights against plant diseases such as:

  • scab;
  • septoriasis;
  • moniliosis;
  • anthracnose;
  • coccomycosis.

DNOC is effective against gray mold, powdery mildew and clotterosporiosis. The drug destroys aphids, suckers, moths and leafworms.

DNOC is toxic. It can only be used on large garden areas. The drug should not be used in a small area.

DNOC - spray preparation: instructions for use

packaging with DNOCBefore use, the product must be mixed only with an organic solvent. It can be acetone, turpentine, white spirit or alcohol.

The solution is made according to the scheme:

  1. 1 liter of solvent is poured into a clean container.solvent
  2. To it is added 50 g of fungicide.add drug
  3. The mixture is mixed with 10 liters of water.add water
  4. The solution is mixed.

The mixture is poured into an automatic spray bottle and sprayed onto the plants.

According to the instructions, the treatment of plants with DNOC should be carried out according to the following scheme:

Type of cultivated crop Pest type Disease DNOC consumption in liters per 100 m2
Apple and pear Aphids, honeydew, moths, leaf rollers and mites Scab and moniliosis  15
Currants and gooseberries Aphids, moths, leaf rollers and mites Powdery mildew. Anthracnose and septoria 15
Cherries, plums, peaches with apricots Aphid, honeydew, moth, leaf rollers Coccomycosis and clotterosporia 10


The product is used for spraying grapes. It is used to control aphids and worms. The drug is used for treatment of grapes from necrosis, anthracnose and cercosporosis... 100 m2 vineyard should have 8 liters of fungicide.

DNOC is used in the spring, autumn and summer periods. In the spring, shrubs with trees should be sprayed at a temperature of 13-200C. The plants themselves should not yet have buds. The soil adjacent to trees and shrubs must be covered with a tarp.

instructions for useThe preparation for spraying DNOC in autumn should be used after the period of leaf fall. The air temperature should be up to 50C. When processing, it is recommended to water the soil adjacent to trees and shrubs. This will not adversely affect her fertility.

Do not combine DNOC with other pesticides. Do not use the product at high air temperatures due to its evaporation.

Treatment with the drug should be carried out away from home and pastures. The distance between the processing site and buildings must be at least 1 km.

Features of using the tool

spraying rulesIt is possible to use the drug DNOC for spraying only in overalls. Work must be carried out in gloves, glasses, a gas mask and rubber boots. You can work with the drug for a maximum of 2 hours. Used overalls must be washed and left in a separate room. Preparation of a solution based on DNOC should take place in the open air, away from residential buildings, sources of water and fire.

spring garden treatmentThe drug is allowed to be used for 3 years. At the end of its shelf life, the packaging cannot be disposed of in a standard way. It is necessary to hand over the remaining funds to a special organization for disposal.

Treatment of plants with DNOC - video

  1. Anatoly Borisovich

    Thank you for sharing such valuable advice on the specifics of using the product at home, so to speak! You need to be very careful and take this issue seriously!


