The mysterious favorite of gardeners - the dragon tree

dragon tree Once on the island of Tenerife, a famous traveler noticed an unusual plant of a strange shape. It was a dragon tree with a huge trunk with a hollow inside. The local population considered the plant sacred, therefore they worshiped it. An object resembling an altar was installed inside the tree, which made a strong impression on the travelers. After some time, they learned the mysterious legend of the sacred tree. As it turned out, she was not alone.

The tale of a pretty tree

tree with an amazing legend

When people hear the word "legend," they immediately know that part of the story is fiction. A similar thing happened with the name of the dragon tree. One of these legends tells of a bloodthirsty dragon who often attacked huge elephants. He drank all the blood out of them, giving no chance of salvation. One day, a defeated elephant fell on its killer and crushed him with its body. As a result, blood flowed to the ground. Over time, amazing trees have grown on this site, which are called dragon trees.

unusual shapeAnother story about the tree is related to romantic relationships. On the South American continent, the plant is called the "Tree of Happiness" and this is no coincidence. In one Aztec settlement there lived a brave but poor young man. He fell in love with the daughter of the chief priest of the tribe, who also had tender feelings for him. Then he asked the priest for the hand of his dear daughter. But this did not please the rich nobleman. He grabbed a stick that had been prepared for the sacrificial fire, plunged it into the ground and ordered it to be watered for a whole week. If leaves appear on her, he is ready to marry them.

The young man realized that he had lost the girl forever. Nevertheless, he decided to fulfill the request of the priest, hoping for a miracle. When the specified period came to an end, young leaves appeared on the stick. The story ended with a wedding, and the plant was named the "Tree of Happiness". Some people still believe in the miraculous power of the mysterious plant.

The dragon tree is often called dracaena, which means “female dragon”. The plant is widely used as a house crop.

Biological characteristics of the plant

branched trunkA detailed description of the dragon tree helps nature lovers to imagine the plant in all its glory. It can rightfully be considered a cute giant, because it reaches 20 m in height. The main feature of the tree is a branched trunk, which is often up to 4 m in diameter. Its wide crown consists of many thick shoots, densely intertwined with each other. On each of them, grayish-green leaves of a xiphoid shape grow. They are striking in their length - about 60 cm. The surface of the leaf plate is decorated with sinewy patterns that remind of a living creature from the legend.

dragon fruitLike all plants, the dragon tree is crowned with flowers once a year. They are collected in small bouquets, which can contain from 4 to 8 buds. The flowering period lasts about two months - from July to September. After successful pollination, orange fruits develop in place of the buds.

Interestingly, the tree of happiness develops very slowly. It is almost impossible to determine its age, since there are no annual rings inside the trunk. Despite this, biologists note that the lifespan of a plant can reach up to 9 thousand years.

At first, only foliage is formed on the young shoots of the tree. Only 35 years later, the trunk begins to branch out, forming shoots with dense bundles of leaves. From the outside, they resemble an open umbrella.

dragon tree sapWhen the tree is about 100 years old, it produces a sap of a resinous character. Under the influence of oxygen, it acquires a reddish color. The people call the resin "dragon blood". It is famous for its many beneficial properties and is widely used for various purposes. Here is some of them:

  1. Natural fibers from sheet plates are used to create ropes and thick fabrics.
  2. Wood has a high heat capacity. It burns practically without fire, while generating a lot of heat.
  3. The sap of the plant is used to make varnish, which is used to cover metal surfaces or joinery.
  4. On the basis of the juice of the dragon tree, a dye for hair of a golden hue is made.
  5. The indigenous people of the area where the exotic tree grows use its juice to paint over their own alcoholic beverages.
  6. Alcohol tinctures are used to heal wounds and resolve bruises.

indoor dragon treeThis shows that the plant brings many benefits to humans. But, someone may object: "We do not have such trees, and you can admire them only in the photo or in television films about nature." In fact, many gardeners have long been growing a dragon tree at home, cutely calling it a dragon tree. This close relative is as good as her majestic ancestors. In addition, there are many varieties of indoor exotic flowers.

Under the shade of a miniature palm tree

dracaenaRecently, it has become fashionable to grow exotic plants at home. For example, it could be:

  • Chinese rose;
  • various ficuses;
  • palm;
  • dieffenbachia;
  • dracaena.

Each of the options is cute in its own way, therefore it has its own fans. But a potted dragon tree surpasses all expectations. Today, many species of this lovely flower are known. Let's consider some of them.

Derem or fragrant

fragrant dracaenaDracaena of this species grows up to 1.5 m in height. Has a different leaf shape, namely:

  • ovoid;
  • spear-shaped;
  • ovoid;
  • in the form of a long belt.

striped leavesThe main feature of the plant is longitudinal stripes on leaf plates of white or yellowish color. The flower takes root well in homes, offices, hospitals and educational institutions.


dracaena frangrasThe plant belongs to the slowly growing species of dragon tree. It is characterized by a multi-stemmed base, from which thin branches emerge. The leaf plates are dense, dark green in color. A similar option in nature grows up to 15 m.

Some representatives of Dracaena Fragrans have variegated leaves. This fact should be taken into account when forming a home interior.


Dracaena SanderThe fleshy shoots of the flower look like bamboo. Leaf plates grow from nodes in small bouquets. Their sharp ends point upwards. The color is grayish green. Some options Sanders differ in leaves with dark green edges.shoots like bamboo


bordered dracaenaThis dracaena has a stiff trunk that grows as the foliage falls. Several (2 or 3) branches emerge from it and form a pretty crown of elongated foliage. If properly cared for, a dragon tree can grow up to 2 m in height.

Caring for the plant

dragon tree careWhen an exotic plant gets into the house of its fans, it is important to remember the basic rules for caring for it. Since dracaena does not like a lot of light, it is better to put it in the back of the room opposite the window. The temperature in the house should be at least 20 degrees.

regular wateringIn the hot summer season, the flower is watered every day, and the leaves are wiped with a damp cloth. With the onset of cold weather, the number of watering is reduced, but they do not forget to provide it with enough light.They feed the plant with minerals or organic fertilizers... In the summer, they are brought in one by one, once every 14 days.

The best organic options are mullein, wood ash, or bird droppings.

dragon tree in potsWith such careful care, the dragon tree will bring joy to its fans for a long time. Under its shade, it is easy to imagine yourself on a desert island, where harmony and eternal peace reign.

Dragon tree at home - video


