Can melon be consumed with pancreatitis?

Ripe melon contains many minerals, vitamins, fiber If there is a ripe melon on the table, the aroma alone induces an appetite. When the fruit is cut, there is nothing to refuse from the sweet, honey-juiced slice. Melon is not only everyone's favorite summer delicacy, but also a storehouse of minerals, vitamins, fiber, sugars and other substances that have a beneficial effect on the body. But in some cases, the most delicious and useful fruit can not give strength and vigor, but cause harm. This happens if melon pulp, entering the body, irritates the internal organs, makes them work intensively or with overload.

Can melon be eaten with pancreatitis? The pancreas plays a huge role in ensuring human life, which is to ensure digestion, regulation of energy exchange.

The quality of digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates depends on enzymes, and thanks to insulin and other hormones of the pancreas, the blood glucose level of a healthy person is always at an optimal level.

Aromatic sweet melon slices

The inflammatory process in the pancreas is called pancreatitis. Moreover, the disease can be acute in nature, and proceed latently and sluggishly, interspersed with periods of exacerbation.

The course of the disease requires a different approach to the menu for a patient with acute or chronic pancreatitis.

Since the diet has a direct impact on the well-being and the treatment process, doctors have developed a lot of recommendations, where they tried to include the most common food groups. They could not bypass the melon crops, including the melon, watermelon, pumpkin.

Melon with pancreatitis in the acute phase or during the exacerbation

Exacerbation of pancreatitisDespite the seeming safety, the tender juicy pulp of the melon, which does not stand out with a sour or pungent taste, but, on the contrary, has a lot of useful properties, is prohibited during an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis or in an acute illness. Why can't you eat melon with pancreatitis in these cases? How do doctors explain their ban?

According to the method of treatment used, the most gentle mode of operation is required for the inflamed organ. This should be facilitated by the chosen diet.

When eating melon, rich in dietary fiber and carbohydrates, this cannot be achieved:

  • due to the activation of the endocrine function of the affected gland, increased secretion of the digestive system;
  • due to an increase in the activity of the gland and the rapid synthesis of insulin in response to a surge in blood sugar levels;
  • due to increased production of hydrochloric acid and activation of the production of pancreatic juice.

Melon saladIn addition, melon with pancreatitis can cause bloating, pain in this area, excessive gas formation, frequent stools of a liquid or foamy consistency. The reason for these unpleasant symptoms is fiber that is useful for a healthy person and is a source of energy for sugar.

In order not to aggravate the course of pancreatitis, during an exacerbation, melon should not be used for food. This requirement applies to all possible uses, including fresh, dried or frozen fruits, canned melons or juice.

Melon in remission of pancreatitis

In the remission phase with pancreatitis, you can drink melon juiceWhen inflammation loses its strength, and doctors have reason to talk about successful treatment and the onset of remission, patients with pancreatitis often expand the range of permitted products.In this case, melons and gourds also return to the menu along with other fruits and vegetables.

Melon with pancreatitis helps to maintain normal carbohydrate metabolism in the body, but you should not immediately lean on honey fruits. At first, it is better to include in the menu small portions of juice from fresh melon, tender mousse or jelly. In this case, it will be possible to reduce the amount of fiber contained in the dessert, and the ingestion of the melon into the digestive system will not lead to a breakdown in treatment.

Melon will only benefit in limited quantitiesIf the first experience of "acquaintance" with melon in pancreatitis is not overshadowed by pain or other symptoms inherent in the disease, the pulp is introduced in small quantities into salads, desserts with permitted foods or eaten separately, strictly adhering to the measure.

If the attending physician has allowed the patient to adhere to diet No. 5, used for pancreatitis, a single serving of melon should not exceed 100 grams.

With caution and taking care of your own health, you can prevent a disease exacerbation of the disease and enjoy the melon and other gifts of summer in the season.

Diet and nutrition for pancreatitis - video


