DIY beautiful gift Christmas tree made of fabric

DIY Christmas tree made of fabric To decorate your home for the New Year holidays, it is not necessary to buy a live Christmas tree or order an artificial one. If desired and with a small investment, a Christmas tree made of fabric with your own hands can be sewn in just a few hours. Such a product can even be presented as a New Year's gift to your best friend or girlfriend.

DIY Christmas tree made of fabric with decorative elements

In addition to the craft, you can also add decorative knitted elements in the form of angels, stars and other Christmas tree decorations. In any case, each Christmas tree made will be interesting in its own way, because there are a lot of options for its implementation.original version of the craft

What can be a do-it-yourself Christmas tree made of fabric

wonderful Christmas tree made of fabricTo sew a Christmas tree yourself, you initially need to purchase and prepare materials.

In the process of work you will need:

  1. Suitable fabric. Moreover, it can be of any color. You can even take material of different colors and combine them correctly.use of fabrics of different quality
  2. Pattern. For convenience, it should be printed on a printer or drawn by hand on paper.tree made of fabric without a special pattern
  3. Buttons, ribbons, beads, and other accessories that can be useful as decoration.use of buttons and beads
  4. Filler (you can use synthetic winterizer, holofiber, foam rubber, cardboard or the remaining rags).Christmas trees with soft filler
  5. Chalk or pencil for drawing a pattern on the fabric.
  6. Convenient scissors, ruler.
  7. Glue gun.fastening parts with glue
  8. Needles and threads.

Christmas tree made of burlap and lace

small Christmas trees toys from burlap and laceIt has an attractive appearance and helps to create additional coziness and a festive atmosphere, a Christmas tree made of burlap and lace, made with your own hands. It does not take a lot of money and a lot of time to sew it.

do-it-yourself herringbone made of burlap and laceTo make a Christmas tree on a leg, you need two cardboard triangles of the same shape, and burlap triangles of the same size. First, the fabric must be glued to cardboard and decorated with lace, optional ribbons and beads.

After completing this stage, it is worthwhile to start making and attaching the legs.

Immediately, you need to attach the leg to the inside of one triangle with a glue gun, and only after that glue the halves together.

To make a cone-shaped herringbone, you need cardboard, glue, burlap, lace, ribbons and decorations. To prepare the cardboard base, you need to cut out a trapezoid shape and glue its sides with a pistol.

Glue burlap fabric on the base, and then proceed to decorate. You can use lace in various shades and shapes. Starting at the top edge, attach them in a circle. Beads and bows can be a great addition between these lines.

options for Christmas trees from burlap and laceTo decorate the leg with a wide ribbon, you need to tie the edges of the fabric.

You can also choose another, no less original option, and make a lush Christmas tree with your own hands. The master class will show the stages of work. You can add not only lace and burlap pieces to it, but also a piece of tulle.

First you need to prepare the case. A cone is made of cardboard, which is attached to the leg. You can use a stick or pencil as a leg.

Pre-prepared ribbons of the same width made of burlap and lace are attached to the body on one side. Making this step easier with a glue gun. To make the craft lush, you should make assemblies when gluing.

When all the fabric strips are glued, then the most pleasant thing follows - decoration.Here you can show your imagination and decorate the product to your liking. Beads and small ones will do. Christmas balls... You can attach ribbons to the top, or make a star out of cardboard.

Unusual burlap herringbone

stylish Christmas tree with your own hands from burlapHerringbone from burlap perfectly combines style and beauty. On the eve of the New Year holidays, you can make such a Christmas tree yourself without much effort. This work is within the power of not only an adult, but also a child.

simple burlap herringboneA Christmas tree in this design does not provide for the presence of a large number of decorations. It has an original appearance, as it is made by hand. Burlap can be taken in green, or you can give preference to the traditional version.step by step making a Christmas tree with your own hands from burlap

To prepare the leg, wrap it with burlap thread and secure the edges with a glue gun. From the fabric, prepare three segments in the form of a circle, in two of which there will be a cutout in the middle.

All parts are attached at the same distance from each other with glue. Burlap has a dense structure, and therefore the herringbone will retain its curvaceous shape throughout the holidays.option for making a Christmas tree from burlap

Photo instructions for making a Christmas tree:burlap preparationpasting the cone from the bottomneat fastening of burlap blanksthe tree is almost ready

Christmas tree made of tulle

fluffy herringbone from tulleTulle is very convenient to use, as it is easy to handle, and this material holds its shape perfectly. At home, every needlewoman can make Christmas trees from tulle with her own hands, photos of finished works can be viewed below.

The tulle is attached to any stick, pencil or cardboard cone with a glue gun. But first, you should prepare strips of material.

Tulle strips should be of different widths if a stick or pencil is taken as the basis.

Each strip on one side should be collected using a thread and a needle. Thus, it will turn out to give the Christmas tree a lush effect. After preparation, glue all the strips to the base of the Christmas tree in a circle, starting from the bottom. The widest piece of fabric should be taken.

When the craft is ready, you can glue rhinestones, broths and other decorations on it. Optionally, you can decorate the top with a craft in the form of a star or bow.

Christmas tree made of lace

miracle herringbone with their own hands made of laceA Christmas tree made of lace looks elegant, which you can make with your children with your own hands. For her crafts, you will need to prepare a cone-shaped body. It can be made from green cardboard.finished herringbone and cone patternpreparation of patternscone mount

The work is done with a glue gun. All elements are attached starting from the bottom. You can take lace strips in different colors. They will add uniqueness and grace to the tree.preparation of lace in two colors

You don't need a lot of decorations for such a product. In addition to flowers, the tree can be decorated with exquisite beads.making a Christmas tree from lace

Using one of the proposed options, you can create an excellent DIY Christmas tree made of fabric, which will create a festive mood for all family members and guests!

DIY fabric herringbone quickly and easily - video


