Physalis and its beneficial properties with a photo
Physalis is an amazing plant that is not very common in our summer cottages. But even those few people who plant it have no idea what useful properties this culture contains.
Physalis is a familiar stranger
Physalis belongs to the nightshade family, i.e. he is a close relative of tomatoes and eggplants. Physalis genus includes about 90 species. According to their consumer properties, two groups are distinguished:
- physalis Strawberry, Berry or South American - its fruits weigh from 3 to 8 g, in a state of absolute ripeness they taste like pineapple;
- physalis vegetable or Peruvian gooseberry - the plant can form from 100 to 150 fruits on one bush. They are larger, reaching 150 g in mass. It is better to use canned form.
Ornamental physalis is also distinguished - it cannot be eaten, because it contains poisonous substances. But he can serve as a wonderful decoration for the interior of the apartment.
Physalis was brought to Russia from an American expedition at the beginning of the 19th century, but did not immediately find wide distribution. In the 30s of the XX century, its sown area was already almost 5,000 hectares, most of which were in the Far East
The plant has a dichotomous division. Those. the physalis branch is divided into two, each of which, in turn, forks again. In the sinuses of such divisions, a fruit is tied, which is in a case, resembling a flashlight in its structure.
Emerald berry, Jewish cherry, sleepy stupor, purse - these are the names the Russian people christened physalis, appreciating its beneficial properties
The plant is a healer on your table
Physalis is able not only to please the eye with its covers - flashlights, but also to surprise with what useful properties it contains. For medicinal purposes, juice, fruits, and roots are used, which are harvested in the fall.
Physalis has revealed itself so far only in folk medicine. It should be used with caution by pregnant women and people with gastrointestinal diseases.
This unique plant has great potential.
Vitamin cocktail
- physalis contains huge reserves of vitamin C. The use of its fruits improves the state of immunity and accelerates the recovery from infectious diseases, creates conditions for the absorption of iron by the body;
- vitamin PP (better known as niacin) regulates blood cholesterol levels;
- Physalis fruits contain B vitamins, which are necessary for the balanced functioning of the nervous system. They stimulate brain activity, relieve chronic fatigue syndrome. participate in the formation of energy inside the cell of the body;
- Vitamin E, contained in plant fruits, prevents the aging of body cells. It thins the blood, participates in the oxygenation of the muscles. Has a beneficial effect on the reproductive function of people;
- the yellow color of the berry indicates the beta-carotene contained in the plant, the precursor of vitamin A. Regular use of physalis has a beneficial effect on the restoration and maintenance of the function of vision, plays an antioxidant role;
Macro and microelements
- potassium contained in the plant (230 - 240 mg) is a sodium antagonist that retains water in human cells and causes edema.The use of physalis for people suffering from kidney disease will benefit;
- the calcium contained in the fruits of the plant is beneficial for the skeletal system. Physalis helps to strengthen nails, hair and teeth;
- sodium, magnesium and potassium are responsible for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. By introducing physalis into your diet, you can improve blood circulation, cleanse blood vessels, increase the level of hemoglobin;
- the berries of this culture make up for the deficiency of manganese and iron, which manifests itself in menstrual bleeding;
The endless benefits of physalis
- an important feature of physalis is its high pectin content. With the help of this substance, toxins are adsorbed and excreted from the body, intestinal motility improves;
- physalis is indicated for use by diabetics, because does not cause an increase in blood sugar levels;
- the fruit of the plant helps cleanse the liver. And today it is relevant for many people;
For a long time, physalis in France was considered only an ornamental plant. And it was used in an allegorical form. A pregnant woman presented a flower to her husband, thereby showing that soon they will be replenished in the family
- a positive experience of using physalis for the occurrence of a long-awaited pregnancy was obtained;
- the lycopene contained in the plant can prevent prostate cancer in men;
- has a diuretic effect;
- physalis will help with skin diseases;
- heals the organs of the respiratory system. A decoction from the roots of the plant will relieve cough and serve as a pain reliever;
Physalis is resistant to such a formidable disease as late blight. Colorado potato beetle does not eat it
Some helpful tips
Do not forget that during heat treatment physalis loses many useful properties. Therefore, it is better to use it dried or fresh.
Physalis ointment
The fruits of the plant are dried and burned. The resulting ash is mixed with vegetable or butter. Rubbing such an ointment into the joints can relieve the symptoms of rheumatism.
Remedy for constipation
Consuming 10 pieces of medium-sized physalis per day, you can significantly improve intestinal motility.
Physalis leaves and sheaths tea
Pour boiling water over a small amount of cases and leaves, let it brew. Drink like tea between meals. The use of such an infusion is useful for people suffering from hypertension.
Physalis in cooking
Berry physalis is best consumed fresh, because the body receives a larger supply of nutrients. And it can be used as a decoration for cakes, for making desserts: preserves, jams, marmalades.
Vegetable physalis is good as an addition to soups, salads, vegetable stews. It is used in conservation: both as an independent product and as an additive to tomatoes and cucumbers.
On the surface of the physalis fruit there is a sticky substance - fizalin. It must be washed off with warm water before use.
I didn't even know about such useful properties of physalis! So far I have tried only jam from it! I will definitely try to use it in a different form.