A photo with a description will help in choosing a pear of the Forest Beauty variety

pear varieties Forest Beauty At the beginning of the 19th century, the Belgian Chatillon discovered the Forest Beauty pear in the forest. Description, photos show that this fruit is one of the most beautiful and delicious among its kind. But the main advantage of such a creation is that the pear is not obtained by the selection method.

The variety is extremely durable. There is a rumor that some trees can bear fruit for up to 100 years.


forest beauty blooms

The tree is medium in size and not too dense with a pyramidal crown. At the 5th year, the fruits begin to ripen after planting. They are shaped like an egg. The color depends on the area: green, yellowish, red. The sweet and sour pulp is overly juicy.

large fruit of the Forest BeautyBefore you is a perishable pear Forest Beauty. How to store such a fruit? Firstly, it is advisable to pick it slightly underripe at the end of summer. The fruits do not tolerate sudden changes in temperature after breaking, so the optimum fluctuation in degrees should be -1 - 0. Secondly, the humidity in the storage should not exceed 90%. The storage time depends on the stage at which the pear was removed from the tree. If ripe, then not for long, but the pulp of such a vitamin is sweet and juicy. A plucked pear 3 days before ripening has a longer shelf life, but its taste is not so rich and sweet after ripening in a lying position. Insufficiently cooled storages allow saving fruits for 1-1.5 months, and cold storage for up to 2 months.

ripe pearThe characteristics of the Forest Beauty pear variety can be better learned by reading the pros and cons. Positive traits:

  • frost resistance;
  • drought resistance;
  • high productivity.


  • pliable to scab;
  • overripe quickly.

Planting and leaving

planting Forest Beauty from the nurseryThe Forest Beauty Pear, planting and caring for which is mandatory and important, will thank the gardener with abundant harvests. To obtain a large volume of harvest, fertile soil is needed, however, the tree also gives a good result on clay compositions. A self-fertile pear requires pollinators, which can be Josephine Mechelnaya, Limonka, Williams.

Landing occurs in early May and October. A few days before this event, you need to prepare holes in the ground, which are 80 cm wide and 1 m deep.

Next, you need to combine the ground with superphosphate, 2 buckets of humus, potassium sulfate. Hold the roots of the seedling in water for 4 hours, and then place them on fertilized soil. Sprinkle with earth, at the same time placing a stake to attach the thin stem of the seedling. Finally cover with earth and water. For reliability, cover the ground around the future tree with humus or peat.

fertilizationPear variety Lesnaya Krasavitsa in the first year of life does not need fertilizers. From the second year of growth, the tree needs to be fed with mineral supplements. 50 g of ammonium nitrate is consumed per 1 sq. meter. 50 g of superphosphate in granules, 25 g of potassium sulfate will go to the same area. These fertilizers should be applied in the fall. Concerning organic additives, then they are made every 3 years.

The main disadvantage of such a beauty is the scab, which must be dealt with. To do this, before flowering, as soon as the buds begin to swell, the trees are covered with copper chloride 0.5% solution.


Forest Beauty treeThe description and photo of the Forest Beauty pear clearly demonstrate that in order to obtain a high yield, a pruning procedure is necessary.

crown formation schemeTo adjust the growth of a tree in 1 year, you need to form the lower tier of the crown.In the second year, continue the formation, shortening the main branches by 1/3. In the third year, lay the upper tier of the crown using two branches. The final stage of 4 years is known for the laying of the upper tier of the third branch. The crown creation is over.

All cuts must be processed with garden varnish, which is made from rosin, beeswax and lard. The ratio of the components provided will be 4: 2: 1. To make the mixture, lard must be melted in a water bath, and the rosin must be chopped. Mix the ingredients and cook for half an hour over low heat. This pitch is necessary to prevent pests from eating the secreted juice on the cuts.


Scab. 1 ampoule of Skor, diluted in 10 liters of water, will help with such a disease. The drug is applied in the spring, as soon as the leaves begin to bloom on the Forest Beauty pear. Description, photos of diseases of this variety introduce us to another type of ailment - fruit rot. To get rid of it will help 40 g "Homa", diluted in 10 liters. In the spring, sprinkle the whole tree with such a mixture. The same drug can get rid of cytosporosis. If your pears have turned black, and the shoots have dried up, you should know - this is a bacterial burn. 3 tbsp can help in this case. spoons of copper sulfate, soluble in 10 liters of water.

Taking care of the tree, you will receive delicious fruits from your Beauty of the Forest.

Pear Forest beauty in the garden - video


