A selection of photos of the most beautiful and unusual indoor plants

indoor plants in the interior In the collections of amateur florists today you can find flowers from all over the world. It is difficult to imagine how many names today include a complete list of such crops, and it is completely impossible to name the most beautiful indoor plants. Some people like species with luxurious inflorescences, others are nicer than foliage of unusual colors and shapes, and the window sills of others are lined with pots with the most unpretentious plants, which are said to be "planted and forgotten."

Speaking of "the most-most", each grower means his own personal circle of plants. And what if you try to tell about 15 indoor cultures that will surprise the majority, admiration, and perhaps a desire to get to know more about unusual home flowers, and not just their photos and names.

Photos and names of rare indoor plants of an unusual shape

Flowers are not always the main decoration of a plant. More recently, decorative deciduous crops with leaves of all shapes and colors of the rainbow have come into fashion. But it turns out that besides them, there are incredibly many truly unique plants in the pantries of nature.

Today, flower growers discover views that attract attention with an original form, which sometimes leads to thought: "Is this really an unusual houseplant or an invention of an abstract designer?"


Ornamental trachyandra leaves

In the first half of the 19th century, on the dry rocky plains of the South African coast, an extraordinary plant was discovered, which still amazes with its bizarre form. Related to the familiar aloe trachyandra is quite small. The length of the convoluted green leaves, resembling a plastic toy, does not exceed 25-30 cm, and the peduncle carrying star-shaped white or pinkish corollas rises 30-40 cm above the ground.

Trachyandra inflorescenceHaving gained fame thanks to photos, an exotic indoor flower with a name still unfamiliar to the general public is rarely found in private collections today. However, the unpretentiousness of a plant that takes root on the western or eastern windows, which needs moderate watering and is content with room temperature, speaks of good prospects for this living "miracle of nature."

Euphorbia tirucalli (Euphorbia tirucalli)

spurge tirucalliLovers of the exotic will not remain indifferent to this domestic exotic plant, the photo and name of which suggests that the culture comes from dry, hot places. At home, euphorbia tirucalli demonstrates a non-capricious disposition, grows in a soil mixture for succulents and with minimal care can reach a height of 2 meters.

A characteristic feature of the plant is fleshy shoots, practically devoid of leaves, painted in pink and orange tones on the tops. Milkweed flowers are very small, greenish, unobtrusive. Tiny lanceolate leaves are located at the tops of the branches and are painted in the same bright colors.

Bright shoots of rubber milkweedThe plant needs moderate watering, due to the lack of foliage, it tolerates exposure to the sun, and in the shade it regains its natural green color.

In winter, a dormant period is arranged for the milkweed, allowing it to rest at a temperature not higher than +15 ° C.

Euphorbia obesa (Euphorbia obesa)

fat spurgeAt first glance, the fat spurge resembles a cactus or a masterfully executed Japanese temari ball, embroidered with silvery-green threads. In fact, it is the closest relative of the previously described plant. The modified stem has the shape of a ribbed bluish ball with rows of small spines.The green or barely pink flowers of the plant are arranged in a crown at the top.

Hybrid plant Euphorbia obesa x BupleurifoliaGradually, the name of a rare indoor plant, shown in the photo, is becoming more and more famous both among connoisseurs of succulents and among ordinary flower growers. Today, they have at their disposal even more amazing than obese euphorbia, its interspecific hybrids, as well as various forms.


pachypodiumMany connoisseurs of indoor plants are familiar with the millet euphorbia, popularly called the crown of thorns. An unpretentious plant with medium-sized white, pink, red flowers on a thorny stem is very reminiscent of a spectacular pachypodium.

Euphorbia Mila or Euphorbia miliiTrue, in the latter species, the flowers cannot be called modest. Snow-white or less often yellow quivering flowers, like a crown, crown a rosette of hard leaves on a swollen stem covered with long thorns.

Unusual pachypodium stemThe plant of arid plains loves bright light throughout the year, in summer it needs regular abundant watering, and in winter it slows down development and rests. Like other succulents, the pachypodium is picky.

Care must be taken when leaving because of the sharp thorns and the poisonous, irritating koi juice.


Crassula umbellaraThe Tolstyankov family is famous for the extraordinary appearance of its plants. Crassula is an extensive genus, many of which have interested flower growers and have long been grown as decorative indoor plants.

Crassula columnarisJuicy, fleshy greens can store enough moisture for crassules to survive drought. Plants do without nutrient-rich soil, do not have a pronounced dormancy period, bloom, such as the popular money tree, rarely and at home propagate vegetatively.

Crassula capitella red pagodaAt the same time, they are unpretentious, content with minimal care, easily coexist with succulents and delight owners for a long time with bright shades and bizarre shapes.

Exotic house plants: photos and names

From time immemorial, man has been drawn to distant countries to unknown beauties and amazing discoveries. Today, you don't have to travel to the ends of the earth to become a natural scientist. Below we will talk about the names and photos of exotic indoor flowers, which will allow any florist to feel like a true adventurer, conqueror of the depths of the sea, a guest in a tribe of cannibalistic savages and even a participant in a landing on an alien unfriendly planet.

Stapelia variegata (Stapelia variegata)

Stapelia variegataStapelia does not belong to new or rare crops, but even those growers who are well acquainted with the plant do not always know about its unusual "zest". These are large variegated flowers of purple-golden or purple-gray color. Flattened corollas hold on to elongated recumbent cuttings and emit the same unpleasant meaty smell to attract pollinators.Stapelia gigantea

One of the most unusual indoor flowers called stapelia can also be known as orbei. This domestic species of Rhodes from South Africa is not capricious, easily tolerates moisture deficit, excess light and is afraid only of damage to the root system.

A close relative of the plant is also grown in room culture. This is a giant staple with flowers over 20 cm in diameter.


Rare houseplant pseudolithos

Listing exotic house plants, from the photo and the name, one cannot but dwell on the culture, which has recently begun to master indoor window sills. This pseudolithos is one of the most unusual succulents, more like a sea stone, overgrown with algae and corals.

Today, less than a dozen varieties of this plant have been discovered and studied, and all of them are extremely decorative and although it is not easy to grow them, they will become a bright star in any collection.

PseudolithosIn nature, pseudolithos live between stones on the South African dry plains, which explains the type of plants and their obvious adaptability to lack of moisture. Due to the lack of traditional pollinators, pseudolithos have learned to use flies. To attract these insects, blooming small purple-greenish flowers spread a specific smell of rotting meat around the area.

Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula)

Venus flytrap with open trapsAbove were the photos and names of exotic indoor flowers that attract insects for pollination. However, the Venus flytrap is much more cunning and ruthless. This amazing houseplant, like an alien from horror movies, reveals small but numerous and toothed traps in order to catch an unfortunate fly or spider alive. A midge falling into a tenacious trap makes the trap close, so that the flower could digest and assimilate the prey.

The plant will be interesting not only in cultivation, but also in observation. For well-being, the flower needs high humidity in the air and soil, as well as a bright place with a small transparent shadow.Ripening Venus Flytrap Fruit

In summer, the flycatcher grows at room temperature, but is afraid of a cold snap below 15 ° C. In winter, the pot is removed for the winter in the refrigerator.

The most beautiful indoor plants: photos and names

Flowering plants traditionally evoke general admiration, demonstrate the skill and diligence of a florist, decorate the interior and cheer up. Today, a lover of indoor plants has the right to choose among tens and hundreds of worthy and very bright species. However, there are rare indoor flowers, whose photos and titles not yet too well known or undeservedly forgotten.

Lantana camara

Bright inflorescences of lantanaLantana is a beautiful shrub plant native to Africa and South America comes from the Verbenov family. In indoor floriculture, culture is appreciated for its amazing multicolored inflorescences, combining corollas of yellow, orange, purple, crimson and other shades.

Flowering lantana indoor bushSmall tubular flowers, collected in dense caps, change color, so the type of shrub up to one and a half meters in height is constantly changing. At the same time, flowering lasts from May until autumn, the plant has bright, slightly rough, jagged foliage and branched shoots, forming a spreading wide crown. In a pot, lantana can be grown in the form of a shrub or, using a haircut, to form a small graceful tree.

In the middle lane, the indigenous inhabitant of the tropics does not winter and is grown only in the house, the pot can only be taken out into the garden for the summer, when there is no threat of frost and cold rain.


Flowering of hybrid abutilonThe name of the tree-like houseplant in the photo is abutilone or indoor maple. The genus, which is closely related to mallow, hibiscus and lavater, is interesting for flower growers for its duration and incredible splendor of flowering, during which a half-shrub or a small standard tree is covered with large bright bells.

A room flower with orange, like in the photo, flowers or corollas in white, scarlet, delicate apricot, crimson, yellow and purple tones will not leave indifferent the most picky esthete. Plants are easy to form, have a high growth rate, are undemanding and preserve decorativeness throughout the year.

Variegated form of abutilone Souvenir de BonnAbutilon was named home maple because of the characteristic five-toed leaves, which in some orts may not just be green, but with white, silver or golden edging, specks or whole light segments.

Lachenalia aloides (Lachenalia aloides)

Lachenalia aloides (Lachenalia aloides)The most beautiful indoor plants can be not only large shrubs, but also very modest species. A typical example is lashenalia, a bright bulbous plant blooming in winter.

Moisture-loving, suitable for distillation, the original plant grows well in well-lit places, loves coolness and already at a temperature of 8–12 ° C begins to develop and throws out a peduncle with a cluster of tubular flowers, painted in yellow, greenish, orange and purple tones.


Variegated calceolaria flowersSmall, luxuriantly blooming calceolaria bushes will make the windowsill no less bright, striking at first glance not only with an abundance of flowers, but also with their unique shape. The corollas resembling dolls' bags or shoes are painted in a variety of tones and crown the stems from 15 to 20 cm high.

Calceolaria x herbeohybrida Ladies PurseAt home, this plant is grown as a biennial and the crown must be shortened when the mass flowering ends. So that the flowers shown in the photo, the most beautiful indoor plants with the name calceolaria, remain bright and fresh longer, pots put away from direct sunlight, and the soil is regularly moistened.

Streptocarpus (Streptocarpus)

streptocarpusThe Gesneriev family generously endowed amateur flower growers with many decorative species, which today are deservedly considered the most beautiful indoor plants.

From Madagascar and the shores of South Africa arrived on Russian windowsills streptocarpus, able to compete on equal terms for the love of fans with the famous Saintpaulia and Gloxinia.

Bicolor corollas of streptocarpusVarietal streptocarpus bloom continuously for several months. They do not need a dormant period, they easily reproduce with the help of seeds, leaves and children. And in terms of their splendor, their bloom is not inferior to violets over a spectacular leaf rosette at the same time several dozen tubular flowers of the widest range from white to deep purple or burgundy can rise. The flower, which claims to be the most beautiful indoor plant, loves diffused light.

Rare ampel indoor flowers: names and photos

The home collection of a true floriculture enthusiast cannot be imagined without spectacular ampel pieces. Such species usually claim the title of the most beautiful indoor plants, and photos and names of such crops are always heard.


columbiaUnfortunately, this magnificent ampelous plant cannot be found in every home. And it's not about the complexity of care, but about the size of an adult specimen. The rare indoor flower shown in the photo with the name of the columbus grows to give thin one and a half meter shoots, densely covered with pointed foliage and bright red-yellow flowers. The fancy corollas are very reminiscent of Chinese goldfish, which is the reason for the emergence of the popular name of the flower "goldfish".

Columnea gloriosaIn culture, the small-leaved variety is more often found, although the glorious columnea, characterized by purple foliage, is in no way inferior to it in decorativeness. The plant loves partial shade and indirect sunlight, needs to maintain high humidity and take care of greenery.


Clerodendrum thomsoniaeOne of the most beautiful indoor plants can rightfully be recognized as gentle and at the same time luxurious. clerodendrum... In nature, numerous varieties of this tall climbing culture are found in the humid tropics of Africa, Asia and South America.

Clerodendrum UgandanPowerful perennials stand out for their vibrant greenery and lush bloom, and the flowers of each species are dissimilar, incredibly beautiful and often fragrant. The advantage of the plant is long and abundant flowering even when grown in a pot, as well as care available to everyone.

  1. Irina

    What kind of flower, tell me

    • Tanya M


  2. Gulya

    Good day! Please tell me the name of the flower. thank

  3. Tatyana

    I was told this is a perennial verbena, is it true?

    • Olga

      Almost all types of verbena are perennial, but they grow in the garden as an annual, because they cannot winter outdoors. Your flower really looks like a verbena, most likely, and judging by the shape of the leaves, this is a finely cut verbena.

    • Natalia

      Looks like clivia

  4. Tatyana

    What to do with it in winter?

    • Olga

      You don't need to do anything with it, just don't leave the pot outside. To prevent the verbena from freezing, it should winter indoors, preferably in a cool one. Watering at the same time is moderate, because verbena by its nature at this time is at rest. In the spring it can be planted or taken out with the pot to the garden, after cutting it off.

  5. Galina

    What kind of flower?

    • Olga

      Columnea has such original flowers. You shouldn't have tied it up "standing" - it's an ampelous flower. At first, while young, the branches grow upward, but with age, they fall under their own weight and this is very beautiful. Your strain is similar to the blood red columnea variety. The flower loves bright, but diffused light, frequent spraying, but moderate watering. It is not necessary to take it out into the street - a draft is unacceptable. In order for the flowering to be abundant, a cool wintering is desirable (not higher than 18 degrees Celsius).

  6. Alexandra

    I'm going to name this plant.

    • Natali

      Please add a photo of the whole plant.

    • Olga

      Aeschinanthus blooms gorgeous in your plant - a rather rare plant as a room culture. This ampelous flower looks beautiful in hanging pots. Loves soft diffused light (western or eastern windows) needs high humidity, but it is better to provide moderate watering. Cool wintering (but not less than 16 ° C heat) will only have a positive effect on flowering, bringing it closer. The bush can be formed by cutting off too long branches after flowering.

  7. Olga


  8. Vera

    I want to know the name of this flower and where you can get it.

  9. Helena

    Who can tell the name of the plant in the center without leaves? He has very small leaves. The plant disappears, and I don't know how to save it. I love him very much, help save.

  10. Helena

    Good day. My favorite flower is disappearing, but I don't know its name, I can't find it anywhere from a photo, and therefore I can't find anything about it on the Internet. Could you tell me what it is called and how can I save it? 2 months ago I sprayed it with a very weak solution of potassium permanganate. First, he dropped the leaves. And now twigs dry up very quickly. I transplanted it into fresh soil, previously kept it in the rooting solution for 5 hours. I cut off all dry twigs. I don't see any results yet. Help. In the photo there is a plant in the center without leaves.

    • Olga

      I have never seen such a miracle, unfortunately, until the name can not be found. Maybe some of the guests of the site grows this - share with us, please. And during the transplant, were his roots in order? Try treating it with some kind of fungicide. Just in case, take a stalk so as not to lose the plant at all, and root it.

    • Natali

      I would recommend that you help the plant. this will require fertilizer to grow the leaves. There are plenty of them in stores. Buy and use for watering and sprinkling over the leaves. now the plants are starting to wake up and grow.

  11. Helena

    Thank you very much for your concern. Unfortunately, the flower died. Even thick trunks have no juice. I think I managed to keep one cutting (out of 7 planted). I will try to grow again. Still, I would very much like to know the name. Suddenly someone comes across in the literature (or somewhere else), tell me, please.

    • Natali

      Look up the euphorbia plant Tirucalli on the Internet. Your plant is very similar to indoor plants. The article contains information about this plant, but the photos posted show other varieties of wonderful milkweed.

  12. Helena

    Thank you so much for finding it !!!! This is it!!! It's already easier on the soul.

  13. Helena

    THANK!!!!!!!!! Found it!


