Photos and names of varieties of indoor violets (part 5)

Violets of different varieties Novice lovers of Saintpaulias are amazed at the richness of colors and sizes of varietal flowers. Meanwhile, experienced flower growers know that there are a great many varieties of violets, and, in addition to colors, plants differ in the shape of the corolla, the size and structure of the rosette. And we continue our acquaintance with just a small part of these unique indoor flowers, which we started in the previous four articles with photos and names.varieties of violets.

Violet Blue Blood

Violet Blue Blood

The violet Blue Blood obtained thanks to the breeding work of E. Korshunova belongs to the standard size Saintpaulias. The rosette of this astonishing variety consists of simple rounded leaves of rich green color.

The flowers, like many other varieties of Korshunova's selection, are very large. Their obvious advantage is a semi-double corolla wavy along the edge and an unusual blue shade of the background color. The petals are trimmed with a thin white border.

Violet Irish flirt

Violet Irish flirtStar-shaped, terry violet flowers Irish flirt, bred by S. Sorano, are miniature roses of unusual white-green color. The edges of the petals on the corollas are densely corrugated, which only adds to the resemblance of Saintpaulia to a noble garden flower. The green tint towards the edge of the petals becomes denser, forming a decorative wavy frill.

The variety belongs to the miniature variety of violets. Cap-shaped flowering, profuse. Flowers do not scatter and retain the appearance of a small, neat bouquet.

Violet Nautilus

Violet NautilusE. Korshunova often pleases flower growers with unusual varieties. Violet Nautilu is no exception.from, forcing without looking away to study the unique colors of the petals.

According to the author's description, semi-double flowers of this variety have the shape of a star, stand out with fancy scalloped petals. The color of the flowers is also not less remarkable, because it combines white, blue and deep blue tones. The border on the petals is white or greenish. The foliage has slightly wavy edges and a dense green color.

Violet Playful spectrum

Violet Playful spectrumThe Sorano selection owns many varieties, which are grown with pleasure by flower growers from different countries. The standard-sized violet Playful spectrum reveals simple or semi-double, large flowers with a wide white eye and pink-lavender petals. The rim is generously scattered with blue fantasy spots. The flower shape is a star. The foliage color is even, green.

Violet Playful spectrum in a slightly different colorUnder certain conditions, the Playful spectrum violet, even with vegetative propagation, is capable of producing offspring with flowers of a different color. Such plants are called sports or, as in this case, chimeras. In the violet variety shown in the photo, lilac stripes in the center of the petals are clearly visible, which is not inherent in the varietal plant.

Violet Lord of the Rings

Violet Lord of the Rings K. MorevThe popularity of Tolkien's famous novel is reflected in the names of the varieties of violets. For example, the violet Lord of the Rings created by K. Morev, in the photo, gives its owners huge light lilac flowers with a wide white eye in the center of the corolla. The light spot is bordered by a thin purple stripe. Isn't it a ring kept by a hobbit?

The flower shape is stellate, semi-double. The wavy purple edge of the petals is accentuated by a white or light green frill. The foliage of a standard outlet is light, rounded, quilted.

Violet The Lord of the Rings E. KorshunovaThe violet Lord of the Rings presented in the second photo belongs to the selection of E. Korshunova, who was also inspired by a fascinating story.True, her saintpaulia is completely different, with giant flowers up to 7 cm in diameter in the form of a regular double star. Corollas are painted in a deep blue color, which loses intensity towards the edges of the petals, becoming snow-white. the standard size rosette consists of quilted green foliage.

Violet Mellow yellow

Violet Mellow yellowAnother breeding work by Sorano resulted in the Mellow yellow violet with fromlight yellow flowers. Terry corollas are star-shaped, while yellow bright rays are clearly visible on the petals, going from the center of the flower to the corrugated edges. The outlet is standard, the foliage is light, simple in shape.

Violet Golden Dragon

Violet Golden DragonAnother yellow violet from S. Repkina pleases lovers of indoor plants with huge white double and semi-double flowers, the petals of which are decorated with yellow strokes and strokes. The Golden Dragon violet has medium green leaves and a powerful rosette.

Violet Sun God

Violet Sun GodIn the photo, the violet Sun God of S. Repkina's selection looks like the complete opposite of the previous variety. The color of terry large flowers of Saintpaulia is dense, wine-red with a burgundy tint. Volumetric corollas with wavy petals, edged with a thin white border. Medium-sized green foliage forms a standard outlet.

Violet Spanish dancer

Violet Spanish dancerThe variety presented by Sorano reveals semi-double or simple pansy-shaped flowers. At the same time, the violet Spanish dancer pleases not only with a beautiful shade of plum, but also with bright pink peas scattered over the surface of the petals. The wavy edge is outlined with a white border. The tops of the leaves are a rich green, while the back of the leaf plate stands out with a deep purple tone.

Violet Pearl of the Nile

Violet Pearl of the NileBreeder T. Height specializes in obtaining Saintpaulias of unusual appearance and shape. Her violet Pearl of the Nile forms a lot of ash-pink medium-sized flowers, which have a greenish brown outside and a silvery hue inside the corolla. Flowering is very long and abundant. As they dissolve, the corollas change color. The socket is standard, neat. The foliage is green in color, with prominent veins.

Violet Summer red

Violet Summer redThe variety E. Lebetskaya, called the violet Summer red, really conveys the brightness of this season. Semi-double flowers are very large, wavy along the edge. The attention is drawn to the rich crimson color of the corolla, accentuated by a delicate white border. Bouquet flowering. Leaves of a beautiful green tone and slightly elongated shape form an even standard rosette.

Violet Betelgeuse

Violet BetelgeuseThe brightness and originality of the violet Betelgeuse, bred by E. Lebetskaya, is possible only with the star after which the variety is named. The flowers are large, with a bizarrely curved wavy edge of numerous petals and cherry shades of corolla unusual for Saintpaulias. The leaves are dark, with purple tones in color.

Violet Pauline Viardot

Violet Pauline ViardotPolina Viardot variegated violet rosette from E. Lebetskaya is very compact and bright, which is emphasized by large semi-double or simple star-shaped flowers of an amazing wine tone. Completing the look is a thin white edging along the edge of the petal. The flowers retain their verticality, thanks to which the rosette leaves a feeling of solemnity and severity.

Violet Green Rose

Violet Green RoseBreeder E. Lebetskaya owns the violet variety Green Rose, pictured. The "highlight" of the plant is its densely corrugated double flowers, reminiscent of roses and miniature heads of cabbage. The background color is white, with carmine strokes visible on the petals. The edges are green, fringed. The foliage that makes up a standard rosette is wavy, light green in color.

Video about 350 varieties of violets in one apartment

  1. Rosette

    Please tell me the name of this violet

  2. Zamira

    Hello, can you please tell me the names of these violets.

    • Olga

      It is difficult to say for sure, it could be Winter Cherry or Red Lantern - both varieties have a characteristic white border along the edge of the petals.

  3. Zamira

    The name of this violet

    • Olga

      The color is similar to the Optimara variety, possibly Chagall.


    I would like to know the name.


    is it possible to identify the variety?

    • Olga

      Very blurry photo, it is not clear if this is one plant or two different ones. A bit like Ruffled Skies Violet 2, it has the same wavy leaves and flowers, but I'm not sure. There are so many varieties that only an experienced violet grower can understand them.

  6. Anonymous

    Tell me the name of the violet ...


