Photo with the names of varieties of uzambar violets (part 2)

Usambara violet or saintpaulia The uzambar violet or saintpaulia, which appeared on the territory of the USSR only in 1960, quickly gained incredible popularity among lovers of indoor plants. Over time, flower growers were no longer content violets with simple blue or purple flowers, and with passion they exchanged leaves and children of varieties that delighted with inflorescences of all kinds of shades and shapes.

Today, varietal uzambara violets are divided into many groups, worthy of consideration and study, according to the shape of the flowers, their color, type and size of the rosette. After all, only the names of the varieties of violets and their photos make the hearts of connoisseurs of living beauty beat faster.

Violet Black Pearl

Violet Black Pearl

The terry flowers of the Black Pearl violet obtained by the famous breeder E. Korshunova stand out both for their extraordinary size and a dense purple-violet color with a noble velvet sheen. A single flower at the stage of complete dissolution can reach 7 cm in diameter, while the plant forms an inflorescence-cap, consisting of 6-8 corollas. The standard size rosette consists of simple dark green leaves, against which the dense flower pom-poms look even more solemn.

Violet Wedding Bouquet

Violet Wedding BouquetPhoto of violets A wedding bouquet in full bloom causes an involuntary admiration for many amateur flower growers. Indeed, having seen a plant only once, you cannot give up the desire to see this miracle on your windowsill. The variety obtained by Konstantin Morev forms a rosette of standard sizes. The leaves are simple, pubescent, of a beautiful green hue. Flowers are semi-double or simple, extremely large. A bluish shadow at the base and a wide corrugated edge give the flowers a special airiness. The inflorescence leaves the feeling of a bouquet worthy of a bride.

Violet Isadora

Violet IsadoraThe standard-sized rosette of the violet Isadora variety, as in the photo, consists of even green oval-ovoid leaves. But the flowers of this variety of selection by E. Lebetskaya are surprising both in shape and color. Large, semi-double or simple flowers have a delicate pink tint, over which streaks of lilac or pink-violet are scattered. Abundant flowering, up to a dozen open corollas can simultaneously be in a compact dense cap.

Violet Goddess of Beauty

Violet Goddess of BeautyThe bright uzambar violet or saintpaulia of the selection of E. Korshunova rightfully bears such a big name. Huge, star-shaped flowers, thanks to the sparkling pink-raspberry color and wavy edges of the densely double corollas, look spectacular against the dark green foliage. Violet Goddess of Beauty will decorate any windowsill and will become the pride of a lover of indoor plants.

Violet Red River

Violet Red RiverAmpel Saintpaulia or Usambar violet of N. Andreeva's selection in abundance dissolves 3-centimeter semi-double flowers of an unusual red hue for culture. According to the author's description, the bloom of the Red River violet will be more intense and bright if the plant is in a well-lit place.

Closer to wilting, corollas acquire a lilac or crimson color. A characteristic feature of the variety is active growth and unusual color of foliage. On a green background, and especially along the edge of the leaf rosette, golden strokes are clearly visible.

Violet Buckeye Seductress

Violet Buckeye SeductressThe violet Buckeye Seductress of P. Hancock is a spectacular variegated plant of rather large size.It is loved by flower growers for its beautiful foliage and terry flowers of a surprisingly thick lavender shade. The edges of the petals are decorated with a wide white border, and a light green border is noticeable along the edge. The leaf blade in the center is dark green, the edges are creamy and white splashes.

Violet River Severka

Violet River SeverkaThe variegated Saintpaulia bred by Jan Zubo, like the violet Buckeye Seductress, has variegated foliage and a similar color of flowers, but the plants are absolutely different. The Rechka Severka variety is an ampelous variety that forms a standard rosette, consisting of beautiful golden-green foliage of a round-ovoid shape. The flowers are medium-sized, numerous, with a thin white edging of the petals and terry, which appears as the plant grows up.

Violet River Moscow

Violet River MoscowAnother variety, Yana Zubo, continues the theme of the rivers of Russia. Ampelous Uzambara violet or Saintpaulia The Moscow River is gentle and very decorative. Its bloom is abundant, making the airy pink flowers with a small raspberry dusting look the most advantageous. The leaves are light green with prominent streaks giving the impression of a quilt. The variety is characterized by fast growth and easy formation of a lush crown.

Violet Rosie Ruffles

Violet Rosie RufflesViolet Rosie Ruffles bred by D. Harrington belongs to the standard-sized rosette, consisting of pubescent green wavy leaves. The main advantage of the variety is its large, star-shaped flowers. The color of the flowers is a light shade of fuchsia. The edge is densely corrugated, lace.

Often, flower growers are faced with the fact that the children and the rooted tops of the rosettes do not retain the wavy edge of the petals inherent in the variety, and the decorative effect does not return as the Saintpaulia grows. But when you place Rosie Ruffles violet plants on a cool windowsill, you can get a bright green border on the flowers.

Violet Fairy

Violet FairyLarge-flowered violet Fairy selection T. Dadoyan attracts attention with incredible double flowers of a light pink or lilac shade, which turn into fancy pompons due to the densely corrugated edge. The petals are decorated with a crimson splash border. And thanks to the strong peduncles, the bright cap rises above the dark green rosette and is clearly visible.

Violet Georgia

Violet GeorgiaThe bright pink flowers of the Georgia violet, obtained by the breeder T. Dadoyan, amaze with both size and contrasting crimson dusting along the edge of the petals. The impression is complemented by a whimsical ruffled bright green border.

Saintpaulia is a standard-sized rosette consisting of simple-shaped pubescent green leaves.

Violet Lituanica

Violet LituanicaThe most delicate pink flowers of the Lituanica violet will not leave indifferent any lover of this indoor plant. The Butene selection forms a standard rosette of pointed medium-sized leaves of an even, green color.

Due to the elongated petals, the double flowers resemble dahlias in shape, and the more intense color of the tips of the petals gives unusual corollas. A very beautiful plant named Lituanica after the plane that took part in the 1933 flight from America to Kaunas. Lituanic violet bloom is abundant, but grows rather slowly as the rosette matures.

Violet Chateau Brion

Violet Chateau BrionThe large-flowered violet, bordered by spectacular flowers, Chateau Brion selection of Lebetskaya pleases with abundant flowering and a neat rosette. Dense double flowers of a rich wine shade are distinguished by a velvety shine and overflow. The border along the edge of numerous petals has a white or greenish color, and the petals are noticeably thickened towards the ends. The inflorescence is dense, maintaining an upright position due to strong pubescent peduncles. The leaves are elongated, with a slightly wavy edge.

Violet Bullfight

Violet BullfightViolet Bullfight from the breeder E. Korshunova is a bright decoration of the collection of both a novice who is fond of Saintpaulias and an expert on this culture.A rich shade of incredibly large, up to 8 cm in diameter, flowers of this variety and their unique, crimson color invariably attracts attention and distinguishes the plant from a number of no less worthy.

The flowers are semi-double, with a notch in the center of the corolla. With not very abundant flowering, due to the size of the flowers, there is no feeling of "predominance of foliage". At the same time on the violet bush Bullfight can be counted from 3 to 5 flowers, and the newly opened flowers are not inferior in size to the previous specimens. Under the weight of flowers and buds, peduncles can lie on light leaves with a pointed tip.

Violet Milky Way

Violet Milky WaySaintpaulia or the Usambara violet Milky Way, obtained by the enthusiast of this culture E. Arkhipov, can fully bear this name, because pink spots are scattered on its purple petals, like stars. Large simple or semi-double flowers look great on dark, monochromatic foliage. The varieties from the “heavenly” series, introduced by Arkhipov, are unique and have no analogues.

Violet Starfall

Violet StarfallLike the Milky Way variety, the Starfall violet is the fruit of the works of E. Arkhipov. In addition to contrasting fantasy spots, the petals of star-shaped semi-double flowers are decorated with a light border. The main color of the corolla is violet. The leaves are green, simple in shape.

Violet Pink Garland

Violet Pink GarlandAmong the names and photos of varieties of violets selected by E. Korshunova, not the last place is occupied by Saintpaulia Pink garland, which stands out with huge double flowers of a delicate pink hue. Corollas up to 7 cm in diameter open one after the other on the peduncles, forming real air caps over the green foliage. The edge of the petals stands out thanks to the subtle burgundy dusting.

Violet Sea Wolf

Violet Sea WolfE. Korshunova created many spectacular varieties of Saintpaulia or Uzambara violet, loved by flower growers. The huge violet flowers of the Sea Wolf are another example of noteworthy breeder work.

The clear, fresh blue shade of corollas with a diameter of up to 7 cm, combined with a semi-double shape and graceful wavy edges, make you tirelessly admire this plant. On the petals, a net pattern of a darker tone is noticeable. The rosette consists of medium to large dark green leaves. On the back of the leaf blades, there is a purple tint around the edge.

Video about the uzambar violet


