Photo with the names of varieties of uzambar violets (part 1)

Interior decoration - uzambara violet The history of one of the most popular indoor plants began in 1892, when Walter von Saint-Paul was making a usual walk through the picturesque surroundings of the district entrusted to him by the German government in East Africa.

As the son of a prominent dendrologist, the commandant himself had a genuine interest in the unusual flora of the exotic region. Small pubescent rosettes with dense oval leaves and single purple flowers that grew between the stones attracted the attention of the baron.

Violet in the wild

Therefore, having collected small seeds of an unknown culture, he sent them to his homeland. The very next year, the first shoots were obtained, the plant was described and named in honor of the discoverer.

Today, photos of uzambar violets or saintpaulias are easily recognizable by all lovers of indoor floriculture. It is difficult to imagine that the plant, first presented at the exhibition a little over a hundred years ago, was already recognized as the most popular in the United States in 1927, although by that time cultivars violets could be counted on the fingers.

Thanks to tireless selection work, more than thirty thousand varieties of violets have been obtained to date, whose names and photos excite the imagination of fans of this culture.

Violet Blue Mist

Violet Blue MistShining, light violet flowers of Blue Mist selection by K. Moreva have a star-shaped shape, sky-blue color and an amazing wavy edge, which gives Saintpaulia airiness and freshness. Corollas are very large, densely double. The petals are decorated with a wide white border. Standard size socket. The foliage is light green, ovoid with a wavy edge and a notch in the center of the leaf plate. Violet bloom Blue Mist is massive, and the plant will become the center of any collection.

Violet Frosty cherry

Violet Frosty cherryCatchy cherry blossoms with a white border and a corolla center are striking in both their bright color and size. Variety violets Frosty cherry, in the photo, can be considered one of the best in the author's collection of K. Morev. The plant will become a magnificent decoration on the windowsill and the beginner grower and culture connoisseur. The rosette, consisting of simple pointed leaves, is of standard size. Flowering is profuse and long lasting. You can recognize the aging of a flower by its darkening petals.

Violet Lunar Lily white

Violet Lunar Lily whiteViolet Lunar Lily white is one of the most extraordinary varieties offered to flower growers. Thanks to the snow-white color and the spider-like shape of the graceful flowers, Saintpaulia will not go unnoticed. Peduncles are strong, not prone to lodging. The compact rosette consists of oblong oval leaves of rich green color.

Violet Duchess

Violet DuchessIn the photo, the violet Duchess from S. Repkina. This variety of Saintpaulia is well known to flower growers of the CIS countries, since, like other "offspring" of this breeder, it invariably pleases with its beautiful flowering and complaisant disposition. The flowers of the violet Duchess are huge, semi- or double, with a wavy patterned edge. Plum-colored spots in the center of the petals give the flowers decorativeness. The variety stands out for its powerful rosette and beautiful dark green foliage with noticeable veins, giving the leaf plates a quilted look.

Violet Duchess LuxViolet Duchess Lux, obtained from a parent plant close in appearance, also has noticeable differences.Moreover, both varieties have beautiful large flowers, delighting with the number of petals and shape. In Duchess Lux, a green fringed border is clearly visible along the edge of the petals. The leaves of this variety are lighter and have nice wavy edges.

Violet Blue Blood

Violet Blue BloodThe embodiment of pure blue color and graceful form. Violet from the famous breeder E. Korshunova, bearing the name Blue Blood, is worthy of attention of all growers due to the huge semi-double flowers of a star-shaped shape. A photo of an uzambara violet cannot convey the appearance of sparkling petals. And on a compact rosette consisting of green leaves, corollas with a blue drop in the center and a thin white border look even more luxurious.

Violet YAN Minuet

Violet YAN MinuetBright caps of simple or semi-double flowers, as in the photo, violets YAN Minuet of Puminov's selection are brought to their owners regularly and willingly. The corollas of this spectacular variety are colored in a light pink base tone, while the edges are generously sprayed with a thicker and more juicy shade. The edges are intricately corrugated, which gives the flowers an airy pompom shape. The rosette is small, uniform green.

Violet Summer Twilight

Violet Summer TwilightViolets in the photo Summer twilight of Konstantin Morev's selection. The variety pleases not only with large semi-double flowers with a lilac-purple background color and an elegant white edging of petals, but also with variegated foliage. The socket is standard size, round, flat. The foliage is somewhat concave, with a wavy edge.

Violet Bullfight

Violet BullfightThe violet Bullfight shown in the photo is the fruit of the selection work of E. Korshunova. Like many other varieties of the author, Bullfight stands out with giant flowers, reaching 8 cm in diameter. The corolla is double or semi-double, star-shaped. Coloring is the main attraction! It is difficult to achieve such a thick elegant shade of burgundy on Saintpaulias, but Korshunova succeeded! The leaves of this uzambara violet, as in the photo, are light, pointed at the tips.

Violet Angelica

Violet AngelicaViolet Angelica of Pugachev's selection - these are voluminous double flowers, painted in light pink color, bright green foliage and abundant flowering. And yet, the main highlight of the variety is the double edging of the petals. Closer to the center of the rim, there is a streak of lilac splashes, and the corrugated edge has a pure white tint.

Violet Amadeus

Violet AmadeusAnother variety from S. Repkina, the violet Amadeus gives flower growers extremely large, velvety flowers. Corollas can be semi- and densely double, while expressive oblong petals are decorated with a white border, contrasting with the red-crimson color of the flowers. Pointed, simple foliage forms a standard rosette. As the dissolution proceeds, the color of the petals becomes richer.

Violet Ice Rose

Violet Ice RoseThe Uzambar violet Ice Rose, selected by S. Repkina, shown in the photo, is distinguished by the size and color of double flowers, resembling noble roses in shape. On a white background of petals, raspberry-pink strokes of different intensities look very impressive. The edge of the densely wavy petals is decorated with a yellow-green fringe. The foliage is light green with a wavy scalloped edge.

Violet Blue Dragon

Violet Blue DragonA large violet Blue Dragon of P. Sorano selection during flowering gives growers large flowers of a light blue hue. The shape of the corolla is star-shaped, the petals are wavy, with lilac or crimson frills. The Blue Dragon violet has a characteristic powerful, flat rosette of dark green foliage with a purple or purple tint on the back.

Violet Winter smiles

Violet Winter smilesThe graceful variety of violets Zima smiles belongs to the most famous and oldest breeder of Russia B. Makuni. Compact plants generously endow the lover of this culture with semi-double or double flowers up to 5.5 cm in diameter. The color of the petals is complex, harmonious. A light pink background against which the crimson tints stand out. The fringed edge, reminiscent of frost sparkling at dawn, has a delicate yellow-green tone.When kept in a hot room, the border is lighter to white. The flat rosette of the uzambara violet, as in the photo, consists of green rounded leaves, sometimes with an olive tint. The edges of the foliage are serrated, the leaf plate is embossed, quilted.

Violets of Nadezhda Goncharova - video

  1. Alexander

    Since when did Amadeus become a selection of Repkina?

  2. boris

    In the summer outside the city I saw Saintpaulia with greens! flowers with a white border. Tore off the sheet. I don't know what sort it is. They take root and grow very slowly, but they are not afraid of cold weather or drafts. Conditionally named this variety "sea foam"


