Fungicide "Quadris" - a quick death for fungal spores

fungicide quadris For the prevention and treatment of plants affected by fungal diseases, use the fungicide "Quadris". This contact drug does not lose its properties over a long period. In addition, its active ingredient (azoxystrobin), which contains up to 25% (250 g / l), even destroys the spores of pathogenic microorganisms. This product does not contain free phosphorus, metal or sulfur ions. For this reason, its components quickly decompose into oxygen, nitrogen and other useful elements. Moreover, the chemical does not accumulate in the fruit or in the soil.

Fungicide "Quadris": wide range of action

broad-spectrum drug

This drug belongs to the class of strobilurins, the main action of which is to block the sporulation of fungal organisms. Thanks to this property of the chemical, in just 1-2 seasons, the farmer will be able to eliminate foci of infection in his garden.

The fungicide is used for spraying crops both in the open field and indoors.

Instructions for using the drug "Kwardis" show that it is intended to combat:

  • powdery mildew;
  • silver scab;
  • anthracnose;
  • oidium;
  • peronosporosis;
  • alternaria;
  • rhizoctonia;
  • late blight;
  • downy mildew (mildew).

Over time, pathogens mutate and adapt to the action of the chemical. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in combination with other fungicides or alternate with them.

quadris vs oidiumThe poisonous essence is effective at a temperature of + 4 ... + 30˚С. The effect of the pesticide lasts for 3-4 weeks. Since it accumulates only in the leaves of the plant, it is completely safe for soil microorganisms.

Therefore, plantings are treated with a solution of the fungicide "Quadris":

  • grapes;
  • potatoes;
  • tomato;
  • cucumbers;
  • cabbage (to avoid rot during storage);
  • Luke;
  • hops;
  • peas;
  • sports lawns.

The grass on the lawn is sprayed not during the flowering period. Then the greens will bush better and become more elastic.

When azoxystrobin enters the plant, the substance immediately blocks the access of oxygen to the fungal spores. Due to the lack of air, the process of reproduction of microorganisms stops and their death occurs. This effect is observed in the 1st hour after treatment. Now it is important to learn how to conduct this event.

Instructions for the use of fungicide "Kwardis"

for which crops is Quadris suitableFirst, an aqueous solution is prepared. Each manufacturer indicates its own dosages, so you need to get acquainted with them individually. Typically, 6-8 ml of concentrate (1 package) is diluted in 5 liters of liquid. This is enough to process 1 are of potatoes, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage. In other cases, a proportion of 50 ml / 10 l is used. Yet these norms largely depend on the degree of landing damage.

Greenhouse crops are treated with 1 liter of working fluid per 10 m². For preparation, you need to dissolve 80 ml of concentrate in 10 liters of water.

packing quadrisTo prepare the working solution, the tank is filled ¼ with water and the chemical is added. Then thoroughly shake the suspension and add liquids to full volume. Each type of crop has its own processing technology.

Tomatoes and peppers

Quadris-treated tomatoesVs late blight, Alternaria and powdery mildew. Often, such a rate is used - 40 ml per 10 l, consumption - 6 l / 10 m². Planting processing is carried out in the ovary phase or after the formation of 3-4 flower brushes. Waiting time is 10 days.

Analogs of the drug "Kwardis" are "Consento", "Capital", "Strobi", "Folicul", "Prozaro" and other systemic fungicides.


drug consumption rateThis culture is most often affected by perenosperosis and powdery mildew. Spraying cucumbers is planned at the time of the appearance of the first 5 leaves, as well as after flowering. In 10 liters of liquid, 40 ml of the emulsion are diluted. An area of ​​10 m² is sprayed with 8 liters of the prepared solution.

The sprinkling procedure for cabbage is carried out once. This is done 14 days before the heads of cabbage are sent for storage.


grape quadrisSpraying is planned both before and after flowering. As a preventive measure, processing is carried out when a green berry appears, as well as 7 days before harvesting. The drug "Kwardis" for grapes is used to destroy:

  • mildew;
  • gray rot;
  • black spot;
  • oidium.

For 10 liters of water, 60-80 ml of concentrate is needed, with a flow rate of 1 l / m². The frequency of treatments is 2-3 times with an interval of 14-25 days.

But the first green onion is sprayed with a weak solution (0.1%). Consumption - 4 l / one hundred square meters.


quadris for potato processingAgriculture suffers from the defeat of the silvery scab, as well as rhizoctonis. To prepare the working solution, 0.3 l of the chemical is used, which is diluted in 10 l of water. Only the soil is treated before planting, since the action of the fungicide lasts for 60 days. 800 ml of suspension is consumed per 10 m².

The next year, the consumption of the aqueous solution is increased to 2 liters.

The second time the planting is sprayed a few days before harvest. For this, a weak 0.1% chemical concentrate is used. This will increase the keeping quality of root crops and protect them from rot.

Thanks to this application of the fungicide "Quadris", millions of gardeners have forgotten about all kinds of fungal diseases of vegetable crops. But to get an excellent result, it is important to follow the instructions for this drug exactly.

Fight against fungal plant diseases - video


