Fungicide Topaz: instructions for using the product for various cultures
It is no secret that it is very difficult to fight fungal diseases and infections of cultivated plants without the use of special means. To save yourself from the problems of quality deterioration and loss of yield, experts and experienced gardeners recommend preventive plant treatments. The fungicide Topaz is used in this case, the instructions for the use of which will be discussed in detail within the framework of this publication.
The main characteristics
Topaz is a long-acting chemical preparation designed to combat fungal infections of berry, fruit and vegetable crops, grape vines, most varieties decorative deciduous plants and herbs. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on blocking by the active substance (penconazole) the functions of germination and penetration of fungal spores into plant tissues.
The effectiveness of Topaz in the fight against pathogens is due to:
- high rate of drug absorption by the plant;
- the absence of the effect of reducing the healing properties with temperature drops up to -10 ° C;
- high efficiency despite weather conditions.
In addition, Topaz pesticide effectively affects pathogenic microorganisms in minimal concentrations, can mix with other pesticides, which is especially important for self-creation of protective compounds a broad spectrum of action. Long-term studies of the drug's effect on apple trees showed a complete absence of the active substance in the fruits already on day 28 after processing.
Fungicide Topaz: instructions for use of the drug
Plant protection product Topaz is a fungicide approved for use in agriculture, subject to strict adherence to the safety rules and dosage specified by the manufacturer.
The drug is effective against the following diseases:
- powdery mildew;
- oidium;
- fruit rot;
- purple spot;
- gray rot;
- rust.
Topaz has a long-term effect on pathogenic microorganisms, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the number of pesticide treatments. Further consider how to use Topaz for plant diseases: instructions for use the drug in the personal household.
The drug is a concentrated liquid packaged in plastic containers with a capacity of 1 liter or ampoules with a volume of 2 ml. Plants are treated with a working solution, the concentration and consumption of which is calculated based on the phase of the disease and the degree of culture development.
To create a base solution, the concentrate is mixed with water in the required proportions. Rules for creating a stock solution. 1 liter of water is poured into a container with a volume of 10 liters, 1 ampoule of Topaz is added and mixed thoroughly. After complete dissolution of the drug, add water to the full volume (10 l).
It is important to understand that vegetables and indoor plants are treated with a pesticide only when the disease is visible.
Fruit trees and shrubs, in addition to direct treatment of a fungal infection, can undergo two preventive treatments, before and after flowering.
Topaz preparation for grapes
Used in cases of culture disease odium - fungal infection in which the fruits and leaf plate of the culture are covered with visible white bloom. Another manifestation of this disease is twisting and premature wilting of vine leaves.
Treatment is carried out by spraying the vine with a working solution 4 times at the first manifestations of the disease. Preventive treatments: 1 time immediately after swelling of the buds and 1 time after flowering. Stock solution concentration: 2 ml. preparation for 10 liters of water.
Topaz for gooseberry
Many novice gardeners are wondering when to process gooseberries with Topaz in order to avoid infectious diseases of the culture. Gooseberry refers to fruit shrubs that are susceptible to powdery mildew infection. Treatment should be started at the first manifestations of the disease. For the treatment of gooseberries, it is necessary to treat the leaves and shoots with a pesticide solution at a concentration of 2 ml of Topaz per 10 liters of water.
In order not to wait for signs of gooseberry disease, experts recommend preventive spraying before and after flowering. The total number of treatments should not exceed four.
Topaz from powdery mildew
Vegetables, berry crops suffer from this disease. shrubs and fruit trees. For the treatment of vegetable crops, it is necessary to carry out processing with a base solution with a concentration of 1.5 ml. concentrate per 10 liters of water. For the treatment of fruit trees and shrubs, no more than four sprays are carried out Topaz solution with a concentration of 3 ml per 10 liters of water.
Trees and shrubs before and after flowering are exposed to powdery mildew prevention. As a rule, 2 sprays are enough to prevent the spread of infection.
Topaz from fruit rot
Fruit rot is a consequence of the infection of fruit trees by spores of the fungus Monilia. A characteristic feature of this disease is the wilting of fruits, leaves and young shoots with the appearance of a white bloom on their surface.
Treatment of "fruit rot" is identical to the fight against powdery mildew: treatment of the affected areas with Topaz solution: 3 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water.
Preventive treatments are carried out two times: before bud break and after flowering.
Topaz for rust
The disease is most often affected by vegetable crops, indoor plants and flowers growing in greenhouses and outdoors. The infection manifests itself in the form of pastules, which cover the leaf plates.
In the advanced form of the disease, wilting of the foliage is observed, the pastules on which burst and the spores of the fungus are spread to neighboring areas. It is better to start fighting the infection at the first symptoms of the disease.
Treatment consists in treating the plants with a fungicide solution:
- For vegetable crops - 2 ml of concentrate per 10 liters of water.
- For indoor plants - 2 ml of the drug per 5 liters of water.
Generally to deal with rust fungus it is enough to carry out no more than three medicinal sprays.
Equipment security
The active substance of the fungicide Topaz poses a moderate danger to humans and pets, therefore, all work with the drug is recommended to be carried out in personal protective equipment.
When working with the drug, you should follow simple rules:
- Do not use a container after a pesticide solution for cooking food for humans and pets.
- Inhalation of vapors of the drug, as well as contact of the solution on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes and nose, is not allowed. When treating plants, use a respirator, goggles, gloves.
- Keep the concentrate out of reach of children and pets.
In case of symptoms of poisoning or allergic reactions, seek medical advice immediately.