Effective fungicides for indoor plants, drug names and a brief description

indoor plant fungicides names Almost all green spaces on the planet suffer from parasites and various diseases. Fungicides for indoor plants, the names and composition of which inspire confidence, are an effective help. Chemicals protect against infectious diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms. The active components paralyze their vital functions, bringing a dull plant back to life. indoor plant fungicides names

There are forms that kill parasites at the cellular level. Let's get acquainted with the features and names of fungicides for indoor plants, which are popular among lovers of home flora.

General characteristics and classification

fungicides for indoor plants names, classification

Fungicides contain a different set of active substances. Therefore, they are divided into two groups:

  • biological;
  • chemical.

biological productBiological preparations (contact) are often used to prevent disease. In some cases, they help correct the problem early in the infection. Substances contain spores of beneficial microorganisms. They are artificially launched onto a culture or substrate, where they actively reproduce. As a result, pathogenic fungi simply die.

It is necessary to treat the plant with contact fungicides 3-5 times every 15 days.

processing of indoor plantsFungicides of a chemical nature (systemic) consist of components that penetrate into the shoots and leaf plates. In addition, they are an excellent disinfectant for soil and seed. As a rule, systemic fungicides for indoor plants are diluted with clean water. And then, abundantly spray the culture. Active substances disrupt the work of biochemical systems inside shoots and foliage. After a short time, pathogenic fungi die.

The destruction mechanism consists of a number of processes:

  • respiratory failure of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • stopping the division of fungal spores;
  • creation of inhibitory substances;
  • inhibition of energy metabolism;
  • release of toxins.

preparation of working solutionAll flower antifungals are sold as powder, emulsion or tablet. Before use, it is advisable to read the instructions. Typically, fungicides are diluted with water and then poured into a spray bottle. The treatment is carried out according to the degree of the disease.

The interval between procedures is at least 10 days. Substances are also used to strengthen the immunity of weakened home crops.

Fungicides for indoor plants, the names of popular drugs

Fungicides for indoor plants, the names of popular drugsTo provide reliable protection for flowers on the windowsill, it is enough to purchase one substance. When choosing a fungicide, attention is paid to the symptoms of the disease and the presence of pathogenic fungi. They also carefully study the instructions of the drugs. Consider the most popular options that are sold in specialized stores.

Bordeaux mix

Fungicides for indoor plants, the names of popular drugs

Fungicidal drug from root rot, chlorosis and scab can be prepared at home. You will need 3 components:

  • copper sulfate (50);
  • calcium oxide (100 g);
  • clean water (2 l).

They are combined in a glass container. Mix well to get a homogeneous mass of bright blue color. Strain through several layers of gauze. Pour into a spray bottle and spray the affected shoots, leaves, topsoil. The therapeutic reaction lasts for 30 days.Such a fungicidal preparation is used to combat mildew on leaf plates in the form of powdery mildew and black spots.

It is advisable to use the drug on the day of preparation. Store in a sealed container for no more than 24 hours.


gamair drugThe bactericidal substance is created on the basis of the beneficial soil bacteria Bacillus subtilis. It comes in the form of tablets or powder capsules. Gamair in the package is stored for 1.5 years at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C away from children and pets.

Used to treat dangerous diseases:

The active components of hemair suppress the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms. The medicinal solution is prepared strictly according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer. For 2 liters of water at room temperature, 0.5 tablets are enough, which is pre-crushed. The solution is kept for 10-15 minutes. Mix well and use for spraying and watering diseased plants. For preventive measures, the dose is reduced by 2 times.

To increase the therapeutic effect, liquid laundry soap is added to the solution.

Potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganateThe most budgetary option for treating indoor plants is potassium permanganate. It successfully destroys pathogenic fungi on leaves, buds and branches. It also disinfects the substrate. They use fungicide from black leg, phytophthora, chlorosis, mosaic. And also with a lack of potassium and manganese in the leaf plates.

This is evidenced by the signs:

  • twisting;
  • pale color;
  • yellow tips.

The solution is prepared in the traditional way - diluted in water. For disinfection of cultures, the "medicine" is made in wine color. When transplanting into another pot, a pale pink shade will do. Infected plant elements are treated with a concentrated solution of a saturated purple color.

Green soap

green soapThe substance is a viscous green liquid. It contains natural oils, animal fats, potassium salts.

Fungicide successfully fights a number of infections:

  • powdery mildew;
  • bacteriosis;
  • late blight.

It is used to eliminate scale insects or aphids. To prepare the solution, you need 1 liter of water and 25 g of the drug. The components are thoroughly mixed, poured into a spray bottle and generously sprayed on the plants.



The biological fungicide is produced as a yellow-gray powder without aroma. He contains:

  • aerobic bacteria;
  • hay elements;
  • filler;
  • adhering agent;
  • stabilizer.

Baktofit is used for the prevention of bacteriosis, root rot, and fusarium. For 2 liters of water, 10 mg of powder is enough. The affected root system of indoor plants is soaked in the solution. Sick leaf plates and shoots are sprayed from a spray bottle. Baktofit is also used as an antifungal agent for soil. The solution prepared according to the instructions is poured over the substrate.


oxyhomeA contact-systemic fungicide containing oxadixyl and copper oxychloride is used to treat indoor plants. Active substances easily penetrate the leaf plates. Then they are transferred with juice to the rest of the culture.

Oxyhom is used to combat such ailments:

  • spotting;
  • cyclosporosis;
  • scab;
  • curliness.

The drug is released in the form of a white powder. It is bred in accordance with the accepted dosage: 6 g of oxychom per 1 liter of liquid. Infected indoor cultures are treated 2-3 times with an interval of 10 days. The action occurs 3 hours after spraying.

As the copper sinks to the bottom of the container, the solution must be shaken periodically.

Abiga Peak

fungicide abiga-peakFungicide is the most popular antiviral drug for plants. Due to the high concentration of copper oxychloride, it is actively used to treat a wide range of diseases of various crops. The drug is released in the form of a concentrated liquid or small soluble granules.The dose is prescribed strictly according to the instructions provided by the specialists.

For the treatment of indoor plants, the solution is prepared according to the scheme: 1 ml of fungicide for 2 liters of pure water.


biological preparation trichophyteThe biological product is produced in plastic bottles filled with a suspension. The active substance of trichophyte is the fungus Trihoderma lignorum, which feeds on pathogenic microorganisms. It is used for watering the substrate and spraying indoor plants affected by root or gray rot.

To create a medicinal solution, 25 g of trichophyte and 1 liter of water are required. The drug is not toxic, therefore it is actively used in home gardening.


discoreThe drug belongs to systemic fungicides. The active substance of discor is difenoconazole. It instantly suppresses the growth of pathogenic fungi that cause gray rot or spotting of crops. Fungicide is used at any time of the year, even during the period of bud formation.

Discor is available in ampoules of various sizes. The concentrate is diluted with water in accordance with the formula:

  • 1 ml for 5 liters of water (most infections);
  • 2 ml for 5 liters of water (gray rot);
  • 2.5 ml for 5 liters of water (bacterial spot).

If the problem persists, the spraying is repeated after 14 days. However, the solution is made to a weaker concentration (approximately 2 times).


vitarosThis contact-systemic drug is used mainly for preventive measures. It contains carboxin and thiram, which stimulate culture growth and protect against infections. Sell ​​Vitaros in small bottles with a capacity of 10 to 100 ml. The solution is prepared from the calculation: add 10 ml of the drug to 5 liters of water. Houseplants are treated with a spray bottle.

When treating black rot in orchids, the damaged elements must be carefully lubricated with Vitaros solution.


phytosporin-mAn environmentally friendly biological fungicide of a systemic nature contains the beneficial fungus Bacillum subtilis. Due to this, parasitic microorganisms stop multiplying. As a result, the houseplant gains strength and renews itself.

Fitosporin-M is produced in the form:

  • powder;
  • an aqueous solution;
  • paste.

Powdered fungicide contains the maximum amount of biomaterial. However, it is soaked for 2 hours before use. For preventive treatment, 0.5 teaspoon of powder is diluted in 2 liters of water. During treatment, the same dose is put in 1 liter of liquid. To irrigate the affected soil, a solution is prepared according to the scheme: 2 g of Fitosporin-M are poured into 1 liter of water.

A solution from a paste and an aqueous suspension is prepared in accordance with the generally accepted dosage: 10 drops of the drug for 1 glass of water.

The considered properties, scope and names of fungicides for indoor plants are a “drop in the sea” of the preparations produced today. There are many more. However, the knowledge gained allows you to choose the most suitable option.

In your first aid kit fungicides for indoor plants, names - video


