Where the meadowsweet grows - we are looking for a beautiful and healing herb

Tell me where the meadowsweet grows? In my declining years, I began to suffer from rheumatism, but I try not to drink pills, only if it's very bad. And so they save with folk medicine. I learned about meadowsweet and its ability to relieve joint pain from a friend. She said that she makes an ointment from the roots of the plant, and it helps a lot. I have a lot of herbs at home, most of them I collect myself. Maybe this one can be found.

where the meadowsweet grows In ornamental gardening, spreading meadowsweet bushes with lush panicles of fragrant inflorescences occupy an important place and are known to many. But the question of where the meadowsweet grows and what it is, not everyone can answer. In fact, this is one and the same plant, but taking into account the varietal characteristics. He has other names, but most often on the territory of our homeland there is a meadowsweet or meadowsweet. This is an amazing and unique plant. In addition to its elegant appearance, it has tremendous healing power. Even in ancient times, when there were no pharmacies, no medicines, many diseases were treated with tinctures of meadowsweet.

The culture is also popularly known as Ivanov's flower, larkspur or steppe birch.

What a meadowsweet looks like

meadowsweet bush

The herb belongs to the pink family and looks more like a bush in its appearance. It is a fairly tall perennial with erect stems and a developed root system. The height of an adult bush can exceed 1.5 m, and in the wild, the meadowsweet forms whole impassable thickets. It has beautiful feathery leaves of a dark green color, similar in shape to elm leaves. The inner side of the leaf blade is covered with delicate light pubescence.

By summer, lush paniculate inflorescences bloom on the tops of the shoots. They consist of small, but very fragrant, white or pale pink flowers. During flowering, an indescribable sweet honey smell stands over the place of growth, through which you can find meadowsweet.

Do you know what is the connection between meadowsweet and the popular drug Aspirin? Once the plant was called spirea, and it contains salicyl. It was from meadowsweet that aspirin was made, and its name translates as "made from spirea."

Where does the meadowsweet grow

meadowsweet by the lakeTo find meadowsweet in the wild, you should go to any body of water or wet place. This is a very moisture-loving plant, it prefers well-moist soils and thrives on the banks of rivers and lakes. Comfortable for meadowsweet and in moist deciduous forests, especially at the bottom of ravines.

Why is Ivanov color useful?

medicinal properties of meadowsweetAll parts of the plant are healing, but each has the maximum healing effect in certain cases. So, inflorescences best of all give a diaphoretic effect, the leaves are used for insomnia and a runny nose. And for cramps, bleeding or ulcers, meadowsweet root will help.

Tinctures, decoctions and ointments based on meadowsweet have curative action, namely:

  • relieve pain syndrome in diseases of the stomach, especially with an ulcer;
  • improve digestion;
  • eliminate diarrhea;
  • reduce inflammation in the joints and soothe chronic pain in them;
  • relieve fever with a cold with high fever;
  • treat burns and other skin lesions;
  • stop bleeding;
  • contribute to the recovery of the body after a stroke;
  • slow down the aging process.

The meadowsweet is also appreciated in cosmetology: the herb is part of many hair and skin care products. And he also found his application in cooking. Fragrant inflorescences are added to the raw materials for making beer. Young stems and roots of the plant are put in first courses as a spice.

Meadowsweet in the wild - video


