One treatment will protect your crops all season - Cowboy herbicide, application

Is it possible to combine with the application of fertilizers the treatment of wheat with such a preparation as the herbicide Cowboy, its application is one-time or does it need to be repeated? It would be interesting to know after what time the first signs of action on weeds appear and when they completely die.

herbicide cowboy application Weeds, even in the early stages of development, have a more powerful growth force than cultivated crops. As a result, they drown them out, which significantly reduces yields. The cowboy herbicide will help to "clean up" the field from weeds, the use of which is absolutely safe for the crops grown. The drug effectively and in a short time destroys weeds, while it is absolutely harmless to the crops grown.

The composition and action of the herbicide

herbicide treatment Cowboy is a selective systemic herbicide and is available as an aqueous glycolic solution. It contains two active ingredients: dicamba and chlorsulfuron.

The herbicide is intended for post-emergence treatment of grain crops:

  • rye;
  • oats;
  • wheat (winter and spring);
  • millet;
  • barley.

When weeds get on the leaves, the drug is absorbed by them and distributed throughout the plant, accumulating at the points of growth. As a result, growth slows down, foliage begins to turn yellow or red. Weed plants, unable to feed and develop, die. The first symptoms of damage appear after 7-14 days, and death occurs 21-25 days after treatment.

The timing of herbicide exposure depends on weather conditions: the warmer and more humid, the faster it appears. Drought and cold snap inhibit the effect of the drug and postpone the effect of the lesion for a couple of weeks.

Cowboy herbicide - application

the result of herbicide treatmentThe drug is used to treat seedlings of grain crops after young weeds appear on them. Acceptable processing times:

  • from the beginning of development to tillering of cultivated crops;
  • autumn or spring treatment of early shoots of weeds in the tillering phase of cultivated plants.

You can also do a later treatment in the spring when the crops are stemming. The exception is breeding and seed crops.

The application rate of the herbicide is from 0.15 to 0.2 ha per 1 ha. One treatment is enough to eradicate weeds and protect crops. The preparation Cowboy has no aftereffect on them, does not kill microorganisms in the soil, and is also non-toxic to bees and birds, provided that the rules of use are observed. It can be applied simultaneously with other pesticides and fertilizers in liquid form.

Autumn application of herbicides on winter crops

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