Herbicides for potatoes: what preparations are used to treat plots after germination

Well maintained potato field The potato is a wide-row crop. From the moment of embedding the tubers to the first shoots, it usually takes from 10 to 25 days, depending on the variety. It is this factor that affects the fact that potatoes are very low-resistant to weed aggression. If the herbicide for potatoes, after germination, was not used, then the yield may decrease by 75-80%. In addition, weeds are carriers of diseases that can destroy the entire potato plantation.

What is the effect of herbicidal treatment?

Weed control

The idea of ​​using products that can control weeds has a grain of salt. Mechanical processing does not exclude the possibility of infectious infection when injuring the green parts of the potato bush. In addition, cutting off the top of the weed, you do not get a complete guarantee of its destruction. Many weeds begin to grow with even greater vigor.

It is important to choose the right herbicide correctly, familiarize yourself with the terms of its use and think over which mixture for spraying it can enter as an integral component.

Before applying the herbicide in practice, you must make sure that the following conditions for successful treatment are met:

  • The earth mound left in the form of a dump after weeding must certainly settle;
  • When planting tubers in the ground, they must be at a depth of at least ten centimeters. Otherwise, the active substance can get into the zone of potato steams;
  • The structure of the cultivated soil should be fine crumbly, which will help the herbicides to be evenly distributed throughout its thickness;
  • The moisture content of the soil should be within 80%, only in this case the substance will manifest itself with all its effectiveness.

Treatment of maps of the field with herbicides The way in which the herbicide will be applied, as well as its choice, depends on the growing season of the potato and on the range of weed agents that need to be eradicated. Preparations that can be used to treat plantations in the early post-emergence period are excellent for weeds on potatoes. They are designed to control weeds and dicotyledonous plants.

On the agricultural market, new generation herbicides are widely represented, these are preparations for soil exposure, in which prosulfocarb is the main active substance. It is part of early-emerging treatments and inhibits the growth of many annual weeds. How to get rid of birch trees in potato gardens? How to withdraw from beds grasping bedstraw grass and black nightshade? Everything is very simple - it is enough to use the herbicide at the moment when the weeds form their first shoots.

The benefits of herbicidal treatment

Weeding potatoes by handEvery summer resident knows that the regular use of herbicides on potato plantations gives good results and is effective against a huge range of weeds. But even in this case, it could not do without exceptions. The hardest thing to deal with is the bindweed, which not only interferes with the full growth of tubers, but also oppresses the aerial part of the bush, braiding it with its vines. In our region, this problem is especially relevant, and many potato plantings require regular weeding because of this.

Titus drug"Titus" is a high-quality herbicide, the main purpose of which is annual and perennial grasses.But besides them, he successfully eliminates the problem of climbing perennials, namely, thickets of field birch. This drug can be used both alone and in combination with substances from the metribuzin group. When spraying crop plants, the chemical does no harm to them, acting exclusively on weeds. Once in the soil layer, it quickly decomposes and loses its properties. Plots can be processed even in cloudy weather, the activity does not decrease even if it rains 30 minutes after application.

Herbicide "Titus" on potato beds is very effective due to its active ingredient - rimsulfuron. Supplied to the market in the form of water-soluble granules. In addition to potatoes, it is also used for processing plots with tomatoes and corn fields. It is classified as a post-emergence herbicide with selective effects.

Absorption occurs through the leaf surface, after which the plant's ability to divide is blocked. The practical growth of the weed stops immediately, and the death itself can be observed within five days from the moment of spraying. It does not harm the environment, therefore it is absolutely safe.

Before removing bindweed in a potato field, you should carefully read the instructions attached to the herbicide.

Among the advantages of the drug, one can note the fact that its use will fully replace the treatment with pre-emergence and pre-sowing agents. Weeds are destroyed after one spray; re-application is often unnecessary. The half-life for which the drug is biodegradable in the soil is ten days.

Weed Lapis Lazuli«Lapis lazuli»For potato fields they are used no less often than other preparations of this spectrum of action. Its action can be characterized as systemic, the so-called - insurance composition. It is a selective soil herbicide, in other words, a selective soil preparation. It is used both as a pre-emergence and post-emergence agent. Patented and manufactured in Russia, it is produced in the form of a wettable powder, packed in a polyethylene container for small packaging. The indisputable advantage of "Lazurit" is the period of its active influence on weeds.

After a one-time treatment, annoying plants will no longer appear on the treated area during this season. It spurs both the death of already adult weeds and the death of sprouted stumps. The required dose is determined based on the degree of spread of weeds, the condition of the cultivated soil and the size of the land plot. The main active ingredient is metribuzin, which can eliminate cereals, dicotyledonous annuals within two weeks. In difficult cases, it may be necessary to re-process, which is carried out a month after the first in dry and hot weather, and after two weeks - with high humidity and rain.

Weed control with herbicides - video

  1. Albina Andreevna Knyazeva

    The use of herbicides on potato plantations of summer residents without crop rotation is fraught with consequences. That is why, of all the drugs listed in the article, Lazurite is recommended for use in private households. At the same time, its use is possible only after planting and for shoots not exceeding 5 cm. In the article, however, it is written about the use one month after the first application, which is unacceptable.
    Preparations with active ingredients prosulfocarb and rimsulfuron are allowed only in agricultural complexes under the supervision of specialists.
    To destroy perennial weeds in the country, the drug Tornado, Roundup and others, with the active substance glyphosate, is allowed. They can be used for carpet cultivation of weeds or selectively perennial weeds in a potato field. Their operating principle is systemic.They decompose in the soil, do not come into contact with potatoes. Unfortunately, the article does not mention these systemic drugs.

  2. Gregory

    What herbicide can be used to treat potatoes next to the frame.

  3. Alyona

    Good day!
    Can you please tell a novice gardener-gardener, is it possible to use Lazurit to treat weeds in the garden? Will it be harmful to bushes and trees? What vegetables in the beds can die from being hit by "Lazurite"? If you treat the soil with Lazurit, then when will it be possible to plant vegetable seedlings there (for example, corn, cabbage, watermelons, melons, zucchini)? Thank you all in advance for your answers.

    • Natali

      Lapis lazuli is used to control weeds in potato and tomato plantings. The drug remains in the soil for a long time after treatment. The drug acts on annual plants. In both potatoes and tomatoes, the root system sits deep in the soil. Before sowing the crops you named, it is better to use Hurricane or similar means. When working in the garden, it is necessary to create a protective barrier around shrubs and flowers. Ingestion of drugs can lead to the death of the plant. Everything is related to the process of photosynthesis.

      • Alyona

        Natali, thanks!

  4. Anna

    tell me if the carrot will die if titus got on it?

    • Natali

      Probably yes. It is a herbicide for use on plantings of corn, potatoes, tomatoes.

  5. rahimbai

    Hello title price where can I buy

    • Natali

      You can buy the drug at garden centers selling seeds and plant care products. A bottle with a capacity of 5 liters costs about 16,000 rubles, and a liter capacity is more than 3,000 rubles. You can also buy pesticides from online stores selling pesticides.

  6. Yulia

    Hello, tell me, can onions die due to the fact that last year the soil on which they were planted was treated with lapis lazuli for potatoes?

    • Natali

      Each drug has its own duration. If the treatment was last year, then this cannot be the reason for the death of the onion. Most likely, the onion is affected by some kind of disease or pests.

  7. Olga

    If spraying weeds with large tops of potatoes will it somehow affect the crop?


