Spectacular but hardy blueberries: a description of 8 popular varieties

blueberries The mountain slopes of North America are covered with hundreds of shrubs of this plant. Inhabitant of highlands and swamps blueberry known for its exquisite taste and luxurious look. A dishonorable set of small (up to 1 cm) dark blue berries with a bluish bloom grows on a miniature tree. The sugary-sweet aftertaste from this delicacy remains in the memory for a long time, which prompts many tourists to come back here again and again.rich harvest of blueberries

This berry is known by such pseudonyms as gonobol, fool and vodnyanka. Blueberries received such bizarre nicknames thanks to the places where they grow and the plants that settle next to it.


hybrid blueberry fruitIt is possible to meet a branched shrub, reaching 1-3 m in height, most often in cool and humid climates. A rainy summer is a guarantee of a rich harvest for him. The temperate latitudes of Russia, Western Europe, the Caucasus, Siberia, the Urals and the Far East are home to the fool. Yet her native places are Canada and the USA. Scientists in Germany and Poland have learned how to cultivate and breed blueberry hybrids, photos of some of them are shown below.

wonderful waterhouseVodopyanka belongs to the unpretentious plants of the Heather family, therefore it feels great in acidic and depleted soils. Its main habitat is:

  • peat bogs;peat bogs
  • mixed forests (needles, pine and larch);
  • mossy slopes;
  • rocks;
  • thickets of dwarf pine;Pine forest
  • tundra.

Ledum most often grows next to blueberries. Due to the specific and intoxicating aroma that envelops the shrub, it received such unusual folk names.

You can also grow this wild berry in the country. However, you should first choose the best and suitable blueberry varieties for the Moscow region in order to get an excellent result. Here is some of them:

  1. Bluecrop and Bluegold. An excellent choice for this climate, because the berries are strong and dense in structure.blueberry variety Bluecrop
  2. Patriot. Bred specifically for these places.blueberry variety Patriot
  3. Duke. Came from North America, where climatic conditions are similar.blueberry variety Duke

Gardeners recommend not dwelling on one type, but planting several at once. If one of them disappears because of the weather, the others will remain. These varieties successfully tolerate a sharp drop in temperature. Even the color of the plant can withstand such anomalies (-7 ° C). Harvesting in this region is possible in the last days of August.

The berries should be picked carefully so as not to pluck the poisonous leaves of the wild rosemary. If this happens, you need to remove the fruits that come into contact with it from the basket, and then disinfect your hands.

Description and benefits

A common mistake many people make is that they confuse the dove with blueberries, therefore, it is important to know all the signs of its description. Outwardly, these close "relatives" are similar. However, the inside is completely different. Blueberries have a burgundy flesh, while a fool has a light green. At the same time, the fruits of the waterhouse are larger. It also does not stain clothes. Outwardly, common blueberries are distinguished by the following characteristics:

  1. Bush. Young stems are greenish in color, but eventually acquire a brown tint. They grow straight and very densely.blueberry bush
  2. Leaves. Hard with brightly marked veins on a light green background. They are slightly curved along the edges, and the length of each of them is about 3 cm. The inner side of the elliptical leaf has a bluish waxy coating.With the onset of cold weather, they acquire a bright red hue, and then fall off.
  3. Flowers. White, slightly pale pink, elongated bells with a scalloped edge. They grow in inflorescences of 2-3 flowers from one petiole. The short pedicel bends under the weight of the jug. The first shoots appear in May and adorn the majestic mountain slopes throughout June.blueberry blooms
  4. Fruit. They ripen by July, and they can be harvested until the end of September. The weight of the 1st fruit is about 3 g, and the diameter is up to 1-2 cm. It is often shaped like a ball. Although there are blueberry varieties with pear-shaped, elliptical and cylindrical berries.blueberry fruit Luxurious dark blue velvet color with bluish tint makes it a precious pearl of the swamps. The watery greenish pulp leaves behind a sweet, even cloying, sour taste.

blueberry fruitCollecting a water bottle is a whole art. The dense branches of the bush hold tiny berries captive. Therefore, you need to work hard to get yours. As a result, compote, jam, wine, juice, jam, puree and kvass can be prepared from the fruit. It is very useful to eat fresh berries. They are high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that:

  • improve vision;
  • increase hemoglobin;
  • lower blood glucose levels (with diabetes mellitus);blueberries for diabetes
  • prevent the formation of cancer cells;blueberries against cancer cells
  • promote the production of bile;
  • increase immunity;
  • relax the intestines;
  • develop appetite;
  • remove toxins from the body.

Such an impressive summary of this representative of the Vaccinium genus prompts many gardeners to grow berries in their backyards. For the first 3 years, the luxurious greenery of the bush only decorates the garden and only in the 4th year it gives a harvest, and will bear fruit for more than 90 years. What kind of blueberry to choose for your residence?


garden blueberryThe garden blueberry takes its origin from the northeastern territories of Canada and the USA. It is in this area that many swamps, coniferous and deciduous forests are concentrated, which are flooded with water most of the time. In such a humid climate, the shrubs reach more than 2-3 meters in height. Therefore, they serve as the middle tier for a densely growing forest.

Unlike other members of the Heather family, tall blueberries are not poisonous (without harmful esters and resins), so they can be planted near a house or garden. In addition, decoctions, teas, and also other medicinal drugs are prepared from leaves and shoots. The peculiarity of this type of drunk berry is:

  1. Erect stems are brown, not creeping on the ground. The branches are 1-4 cm thick.
  2. A fibrous root system that adheres to the surface of the soil. There are no suction hairs on the roots.
  3. The branches do not lean to the ground and cannot take root in the ground.
  4. The fruit is larger and tastes sweeter.
  5. Productivity from one bush (up to 8 years old) is more than 5 kg. The collection starts at 15 August.

garden blueberry harvestThe disadvantage of tall varieties is their instability to frost. But the Berkeley variety, on the contrary, withstands sudden changes in temperature, but deteriorates during transportation and long-term storage.pruning garden blueberries

Bushes with tall crops should be pruned frequently to maximize sapling growth. This should be done in the first half of the 3rd year. Weak, diseased and low growing stems should be cut, leaving a maximum of 5 shoots.


ripens blueberry BluecropIt can be grown both for personal use and for commercial purposes. The variety was bred by American breeders. More than 60% of all industrial lands in Western Europe are blueberry blueberries. This choice is due to the following cultural characteristics:

  1. Fruits do not ripen at the same time. The collection begins at the end of July and throughout August.
  2. It tolerates frost (-30 ° C, and -7 ° C during flowering) and drought without any problems. Withstands temperature fluctuations. Resistant to the invasion of pests and diseases.
  3. Shrub height from 1.6 to 2 m.
  4. Large berries (2 cm in diameter) have an elastic, dense structure.A distinctive feature is an unusually light bloom.
  5. During transportation, they do not crack or spread. Store well.
  6. Productivity from 5 to 10 kg per bush.
  7. A lush crown of wide large leaves will serve as a hedge for the garden. Relevant for early or late season.

high yield of Blukrop varietyThe natural habitat of this hybrid is the climate of Russia, Belarus, and also Ukraine. Mostly temperate latitudes, where mountains, swamps and forests are located.layering scheme

This culture can be propagated by the layering method. A long branch should be dug in a specially prepared hole 3 m from the bush and tied to the bar.


blueberry PatriotAnother variety that is frost-resistant and can easily withstand temperatures of -30 ° C. The shape of the Patriot blueberry fruit resembles an ellipse, flattened at the top and bottom. In comparison with their relatives, the fruits of the Patriot, when ripe, are red in color, and not light green. Ripe berries acquire a royal blue color with a bluish tinge. They are collected in rich bunches, so the primary crop should not be harvested mechanically. ripens variety PatriotThe benefits of Patriot culture include:

  1. The root system is resistant to phytophthoraas well as rotting.
  2. Able to self-pollinate. If the bushes are planted close together, this leads to cross-pollination.
  3. The first fruits are large, but the subsequent batches are slightly smaller.
  4. High productivity. Up to 7 kg per medium plant. The shrub reaches a height of 2 m.

unpretentious cultivarThis type of gonobol grows in very unfavorable, practically depleted soils, because it is able to adapt to harsh conditions. Withstands wet soils prone to flooding.

The shrub thickens very quickly, throwing out new branches. In this regard, it should be trimmed strenuously. Shoots are in dire need of thinning.


large berries of the Bonus varietyMillions fell in love with Bonus blueberries, a relatively young crop. Large berries (d = 30 mm) and high fertility of the spreading shrub are two reasons why seedlings are in such demand. For planting you should use:

  • rotted bark;rotted bark
  • fresh needles of coniferous trees;
  • spruce branches.spruce branches

An important place in the description of the Bonus blueberry variety should be given to the acidity of the soil. PH norm for the root system: 3 - 5.5. To achieve such indicators, orthophosphoric acid or ammonium salt of sulfuric acid is introduced into the soil six months before planting. The natural habitat of the Bonus species is dense thickets of coniferous and deciduous forests. By planting such luxury on your personal plot, you can get a great "bonus" at the end of summer.

Vinegar or citric acid wash nutrients out of the soil. Therefore, gardeners advise against using them to acidify the earth.


Duke blueberryFrom a business point of view, the American blueberry variety Duke is considered economically significant (see below for reasons). When stored, the berries acquire a rich tart taste. The beneficial characteristics of the Duke variety include:

  1. Frost resistance. Due to the dense structure of wood and buds, it can withstand temperatures below 34 ° C. However, excessive humidity and cold climates can reduce the plant's fertility.
  2. High self-fertility, because it is not pollinated by neighboring species.
  3. Suitable for long-term storage. It is excellently transported, because it has an elastic and durable skin.
  4. It blooms late and bears fruit early (from 15 July). So, spring frosts never destroy flowering.
  5. Needs regular pruning.

friendly ripening of fruitsThe fruits ripen quite amicably and quickly. You can collect them in several passes (2-3).

The fruits are very densely clinging to the stems. During the ripening period, under the weight of the berries, the branches can break, so they need to be tied up.


blueberry SunriseThis tall shrub is native to central Canada. However, in the northern territories of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, Sunrise blueberries can freeze slightly (-25 ° C). The tips of the branches and buds most often suffer from this.

The crown is expanding, but stretches up to 2 m.There are few shoots, so it does not need pruning. What is valuable is that the fruits do not mummify from the heat. On the edge of the bluish berry, there is a red edging in the form of a crown. It resembles the rays of the sun in the eastern sky, which corresponds to its name.


blueberry variety BluegoldThis compact (up to 120 cm in height) and medium-leaved lush bush is also grown for decorative landscaping. What's more, Bluegold blueberries have a sweet-sour taste that can be enjoyed in mid-summer. frost resistant varietyThe variety withstands severe winters (-34 ° C) and is suitable for the climate of the northern regions of Russia. However, it should be remembered that the fruits in the scorching sun:

  • dry up, turning into dried fruits;
  • become lethargic;
  • bushes have a spreading appearance.

a branch of Bluegold berriesThe hilum is very small and the fruit is medium in size with a light waxy coating. It is easy to grow because it does not need organic fertilizers, but rather mineral fertilizers.

The berries ripen quickly enough, so they can crumble. They need to be collected on time.

Pink Lemonade

blueberry grade Pink LemonadeFrom English this name is translated as pink lemonade. This is true since the small berries (5-7 mm) have a bright pink hue. The pulp is juicy with a sour taste. One bush can be harvested up to 5 kg. Since it grows in the southeastern United States, it feels confident in heat and drought. Moreover, for the cultivation of Pink Lemonade blueberries, compliance with soil acidity standards is not required. They adapt in the environment PH = 6 and higher. A powerful shrub reaches a height of 3 meters, but does not withstand temperatures below 24 ° C.

delicious blueberry dessertHowever, in order to grow these amazing varieties of Canadian and American blueberries, you need to know some of the peculiarities of planting and caring for the crop. Otherwise, burnt out money and spoiled nerves will become the only acquisition of a gardener.

How to choose a blueberry variety for your garden - video

  1. Anatoly

    The berries should be picked carefully so as not to pluck the poisonous leaves of the wild rosemary. If this happens, you need to remove the fruits that come into contact with it from the basket, and then disinfect your hands.
    Do not frighten people with wild rosemary, which is so poisonous, I have been brewing and drinking for 40 years. Didn't hear anyone get poisoned.


