Planting blueberries - features of growing and care

planting blueberries Planting blueberries requires careful study. With proper cultivation and care, the berry will delight with abundant fruits. It has an interesting sweet and sour taste. In addition, blueberries have beneficial properties. It contains many vitamins and minerals. You can grow it without difficulty in your summer cottages.

Description of blueberries

heather plant

Blueberries belong to the Heather family and are often referred to as a relative of blueberries. Its berries are bluish and round in shape. It has a sweet and sour taste. It may vary depending on the variety. Blueberry fruits are good for the body, they slow down aging, improve the nervous system and help normalize digestion. This is what attracts many gardeners.

Blueberry got its name due to the color of the fruit and bluish leaves, which are found in certain varieties.

high-yielding shrubBlueberries grow as shrubs, which can be small - up to 100 cm and about 200 cm high, depending on the variety. The berries themselves have a high keeping quality. Once harvested, they can be refrigerated for up to 1 month. You can not be afraid to transport them; during transportation they will not choke or deteriorate.

Planting blueberries - site selection and soil preparation

choosing a planting site for blueberriesIn order for blueberries to bear fruit, you need to choose well-lit areas for them. In this case, the shrubs will need protection from gusts of wind. If possible, choose a location that has been fallow for several years. It is advisable that no other shrubs grow on it before, since blueberries do not like this. You can plant it on higher ground, but not in a lowland.

planting blueberries site selectionWhen choosing a suitable soil, it should be borne in mind that it must have a high acidity. Peat-loamy and peat-sandy places are ideal. If there are no such on the site, then the soil can be compiled independently. For this, sawdust, sand, high peat and needles. To oxidize the resulting composition, you need to pour 50 grams of sulfur into it.

Such a soil mixture will be an ideal medium for berries and blueberry planting will be successful. When used, blueberries will grow well. It is important to remember that stagnant moisture can destroy shrubs, so there should be no groundwater nearby.

Selection of seedlings

selection of blueberry seedlingsWhen choosing seedlings for planting at home, it is important to pay special attention to the type and variety of berries. It is important that they are well suited to the climatic conditions of the region. In places with cold climates, you can use undersized seedlings. There are varieties that tolerate cold well and have a late ripening period. In warm areas with a long summer period, you can choose almost any variety with an early ripening. Planting blueberries can be done correctly, but the wrong variety will reduce all efforts to zero.

When choosing seedlings, it is important to consider blueberry varieties, which are divided into several groups:

  1. Low-growing varieties tolerate winter well, have narrow leaves and give a good harvest.
  2. Northern tall varieties are particularly resistant to frost. Possess late ripening. Selectively obtained using the genetic material of common blueberries.
  3. Southern tall varieties - are hybrids of several species of blueberries that grow in the south.They are highly resistant to drought.
  4. Semi-tall varieties are frost-resistant and can withstand temperatures up to -40 degrees, so they are suitable for northern regions.
  5. The rabbit's eye is a special group of rod-shaped blueberry varieties. Its seedlings adapt well to both hot climates and poor soil. They are suitable for growing in temperate climates.

nursery blueberry seedlingIn each group of varieties, a large number of blueberry species are distinguished, which can be planted on your site. Each of them has its own characteristics of growth, which must be taken into account when planting blueberries.

Popular blueberry varieties

the best blueberry varieties for summer cottagesWhen choosing the right blueberry varieties, it is necessary to consider not only their climatic characteristics. It is important to know how they are not whimsical in care, how quickly they take root and bear fruit.

The most popular types of this berry include:

  1. Bluegold is an early variety with branchy branches that will need to be pruned. Its fruits fully ripen in July. From one bush, you can collect about 4 - 5 kg of berries. This variety is suitable for northern regions, as it is able to withstand severe frosts. Blueberry variety Bluegold
  2. Bluecrop is another early cultivar that grows primarily in the south. The bush reaches a height of 1.5 - 2 m. From it, you can collect up to 9 kg of berries, which are characterized by large sizes with a diameter of more than 20 mm. blueberry Bluecrop
  3. Blurei is a high-yielding variety. Up to 12 kg of berries can be harvested from one bush. Its only drawback is that, due to its high productivity, the bush can quickly deplete and dry out. blueberry Blurey
  4. Jersey is, on the contrary, an unpretentious kind of blueberry in care. It will grow well in southern environments and even sandy soil. The bush will begin to bear fruit from mid-August to September.blueberry jersey
  5. Patriot is a mid-season variety with bushes up to 150 cm high. It has large fruits with a pale color. Depending on the region of planting, the berries will ripen in July and August. It is resistant to frost and disease.grade Patriot
  6. Chippewa is a medium-sized and early-maturing variety. The fruits are sweet and medium in size. The bush is frost resistant.Chippewa variety
  7. Duke is a tall variety that gives early fruits and a high yield. The berries are large and will not become smaller over the years. This species is resistant to frost, but needs more pruning.Duke grade
  8. Sunrise is a medium-high species with spreading bushes. It will not need pruning due to its weak shoot formation. The fruits are dense and slightly flattened.Sunrise grade

You can choose several varieties for your site with different ripening times. In this case, you can enjoy sweet and sour berries for a longer time.

Planting blueberries - rules and features

planting blueberries rules and featuresAfter a suitable variety is selected and the bushes are purchased, you can proceed to planting blueberries. This can be done both in spring and autumn. In the area for one seedling, a 60 x 60 cm hole should be dug with a depth of about 50 cm.

distance between landing holesWhen planting several bushes between them, you need to leave a distance of 0.5 m to 1.2 m, depending on the variety. It should be borne in mind that tall species need to leave more space, and undersized species, a minimum value is enough. If you plan to plant several rows, then a distance of 3 - 3.5 m should be left between them. Observing this rule, the berries will give more yield, it will be convenient to pick them.

drainage layingAfter the pit is ready, drainage needs to be prepared in it. It should be at least 15 cm. This is especially important when the soil is clayey. Blueberries do not like high humidity, so the water should not stay at the roots. Part of the prepared acidic soil should be poured on top.blueberry planting schemepour water over the seedling

The seedlings are usually sold in soil pots. However, it must be borne in mind that it will not work to transfer them from the container into the prepared hole. They have very fragile roots that will not be able to unfold in dense ground.That is why the pot with the seedling must be placed in a container of water for 15 to 20 minutes. After that, the bush must be carefully pulled out of the container and all the ground in which it was previously planted must be removed from it.

transshipment of seedlingsThe plant needs to straighten the roots and place it in the prepared hole. The roots should be directed in different directions. From above they need to be covered with the rest of the prepared soil, consisting of sawdust, peat, needles and other elements. planting blueberriesAt the trunk, the earth must be pressed tightly. After planting blueberries, the bushes must be watered.

Planting blueberries and further care

blueberry carePlanting blueberries is not enough to get a good harvest and tasty berries. It must be properly cared for. To do this, loosening the soil should be carried out, weeding, feeding, pruning and shelter for the winter, if necessary.

Loosening and weeding of blueberries

loosening and weedingBlueberry bushes need regular loosening, which is carried out superficially. It should be borne in mind that her roots are at a depth of 20 cm. This technique will allow the soil to breathe well, thanks to which the plant will grow and develop better. It is advisable to carry out loosening before watering.

Weeding is considered to be an integral part of the maintenance procedure. It is also necessary for the full development of the planting. Weeds need to be removed as soon as they appear, trying to be careful near the bush.

Watering rules

irrigation systemBlueberries are moisture-loving plants, but they do not like stagnant water. After planting, it needs to be watered abundantly twice a week. It will be enough for 5 - 7 liters for each bush. After the plant takes root well, you can water it less often.

mulching blueberry bushIt is necessary to ensure that the ground under the bush is always moist, but at the same time water does not linger in it much. Particular attention should be paid to watering in July and August. At this time, the berries ripen and bear fruit. In addition, during this period, buds are laid on the bush for the next year. Without enough water, yields will be much lower.

In very hot weather, blueberries can not only be watered under the bush, but also sprayed on top. This will help prevent the plant from overheating. It is recommended to do this in the early morning or evening.

Mature bushes can be watered once a week. In this case, the irrigation rate will be about 10 liters. If possible, you can organize drip irrigation. During spring growth, it can be combined with top dressing.

Top dressing

feedingPeriodically, blueberry bushes need to be fed. Organic fertilizers are not suitable for this. Better to use mineral formulations. The first feeding with them should be done in early spring. At this time, sap flow begins and the buds swell, so the plant will need additional nutrition.

As a mineral supplement, potassium and ammonium sulfate, superphosphate, magnesium sulfate and zinc sulfate are suitable. Feeding with ammonium sulfate can be done in May, and then in July. After that, there is no need to fertilize blueberries with nitrogen. The only thing is that in the summer and autumn, you can use phosphorus-containing fertilizers in the form of superphosphate. When watering, 100 grams of the composition must be added to each plant. Magnesium sulfate should be added once a season.

Shelter for the winter

using sawdust to shelter blueberriesIn cold areas, it is imperative to make a blueberry shelter for the winter. However, everything will depend not only on the region of growth, but also on the variety of berries. Many tall varieties are winter hardy. They can withstand temperatures below 30 degrees and do not require shelter.

sheltering blueberry foliageThere are also varieties that are not able to survive in regions with sudden temperature changes and severe frosts. In order to protect them from death, the bushes need to be covered with non-woven materials. Before that, they should be tied or bent to the ground. This will help preserve the ground part of the plant. Such a shelter is required for young bushes.In spring, they can be opened without fear of small frosts of about -7 degrees.cover young blueberry bushes

How to determine what blueberries are missing

planting blueberries and proper careDespite frequent watering and good care, blueberries may not take root well or disappear. This indicates a lack of any substances.

By external signs, you can determine which ones:

  1. If the leaves have acquired a yellowish color and the plant grows poorly, then it lacks nitrogen.
  2. When the leaves are deformed, calcium is required.
  3. If spots or blackening appear on the leaves, then you need to feed it with potassium.
  4. With reddening of the edges of the foliage, one can judge the lack of magnesium.
  5. If the leaves begin to acquire a white or white-yellow color, the plant lacks sulfur and needs to increase the acidity of the soil.
  6. The presence of green veins on the leaves and their yellowing indicates a lack of iron.

To replenish the lack of minerals, you need to apply fertilizer under the bush, which it lacks. You can also use complex fertilizers that contain several minerals.

Blueberry diseases

blueberry diseasesAll blueberry varieties can be susceptible to some kind of disease. It is better to deal with them at the initial stage at the first signs of appearance. There are several main types of diseases.

Stem cancer. A symptom of the disease is the appearance of red spots on the stem and leaves. If such symptoms appear, the plant must be immediately destroyed so that the disease does not spread to other bushes. For prevention, it is necessary to treat the plant with Bordeaux liquid in early spring and autumn.

Fungal diseases, which include:

  • Phomopsis - drying of branches;
  • Gray rot;
  • White spot;
  • Double spotting;
  • Fetal monoliosis;
  • Physalsporosis.

Most often, these diseases appear when water stagnates at the roots. This can arise for several reasons. First of all, they include improper excessive watering. In addition, poor soil permeability can have a big impact. So that the plant does not die, it is necessary to urgently stop watering and fix the problem. Affected shrubs must be treated with Topaz or another similar preparation. As a preventive measure, the plant can be sprayed with Bordeaux liquid in early spring.

Mycoplasma and viral diseases that do not respond to treatment. These include:

  • dwarfism;
  • necrotic and red annular spotting;
  • filamentous branches.

When such diseases appear, the affected plant should be immediately dug up and destroyed. Otherwise, the disease can be transmitted to other shoots. To avoid the spread of any disease, planted blueberry bushes should be inspected periodically. Particular attention should be paid to young seedlings. They are most susceptible to external influences.

Pruning rules

pruning blueberriesMany blueberry varieties need pruning. It should be carried out in early spring before the onset of sap flow. You need to prune from the second year after planting. If the shoots are still very small, then it can be carried out at 3 - 4 years of age.

The first pruning serves to form a bush. You need to leave from 5 to 8 strong shoots. The rest should be carefully trimmed. In this case, the bush will begin to grow in different directions. Large shrubs that are over 6 years old need anti-aging pruning.pruning an adult bush To do this, it is necessary to periodically remove old shoots that are older than 4 - 5 years. You also need to remove sick, damaged and dry branches. This will keep yields high.blueberry bush before and after pruning

Features of harvesting

first blueberry harvestBlueberries can ripen at different times. Everything depends on the selected variety. Usually most of the early maturing varieties can be harvested by mid-July. There are also earlier varieties that grow in the southern regions. Mid-season blueberry species will ripen in early August. Late-ripening varieties can be harvested in September.

In most varieties, the berries will not ripen at the same time.Their collection can take several weeks. Blueberries can be considered ripe when the berries are easily detached from the brush.

Reproduction methods

blueberry breeding

Blueberries can be easily propagated if desired. You just need to choose the most suitable method for this. There are several possible options:

  1. Seed propagation is a long and difficult process. To obtain seeds, large and well-ripened fruits are selected. They need to be dried in the sun and then sown in a shallow trench. They will gradually grow and develop. Only after 1 - 2 years they can be transplanted to a permanent place of growth.seed propagation
  2. Propagation by cuttings is a faster and more reliable planting method. Harvesting cuttings should be done in the spring before the onset of sap flow or in late autumn. To do this, you need to choose a thick shoot with a length of 8 - 15 cm. Cut cuttings must be removed to a dark place with a temperature of 1 - 5 degrees for four weeks. After that, they should be planted in the soil at a slight slope. On top of them you need to sprinkle a layer of peat with sand. Within two years, the cuttings will develop and become strong seedlings, which can later be planted in another place.propagation by green cuttings
  3. Reproduction by layering - should be done in spring or summer. To do this, the branch of the plant should be bent to the ground and partially sprinkled with soil. In this case, her own root system will begin to form. The next year, the seedling can be transplanted from the main plant to a new location.reproduction by layering
  4. Reproduction by dividing the bush is an easier and faster way. Large overgrown bushes are suitable for him. You need to dig out a part of the bush and divide it into several divisions. It is important that each of them has its own root. Immediately after this, the plant can be planted in a permanent place.

Having chosen the most convenient way of breeding blueberries, you can plant your own plot for it. It is important to bear in mind that it may take several years for the fruit to bear fruit and appear. The better the care of the plant, the faster it will begin to bear fruit.

Pests and the fight against them

blueberry pestsThe biggest harm they do to blueberries birds... They begin to peck at the berries as soon as they ripen. To avoid this, you should carefully pull a metal mesh with small cells over the bush.

Insects can cause considerable harm to the shrub. They eat up foliage and flowers, which has a negative effect on productivity. Such harmful insects include leafworms, aphids, pine silkworm caterpillars and scale insects. Some beetle larvae are capable of eating up plant roots.

To protect blueberries from pests, you can use special products such as Karbofos or Actellic. They need to spray all shrubs in early spring or after harvest. Large pests can be harvested by hand.

Mistakes when growing blueberries

Planting blueberries may not always lead to the desired result. Despite all the efforts and care, blueberries may not take root and die due to the inexperience of gardeners. At the same time, many make gross mistakes, which lead to disastrous consequences.

Such violations include:

  1. Neglecting acidic soil preparation. Roots will not develop without feeding the desired environment.
  2. Planting plants in low-lying areas with high humidity. Many people believe that the berry will grow like wild blueberries in swamp conditions. However, garden varieties are not suitable for this.
  3. Desolation of blueberry bushes in summer. She needs care all the time.
  4. Neglect of mineral fertilizers.
  5. Wrong formation of bushes. Weak growth inside the plants must be removed.

Thus, with careful care and proper planting of blueberries, you can grow a large and tasty berry on your site. You just need to choose a variety that suits the climate of the region and plant it, following all the recommendations. Most often, blueberries are unpretentious and yield a good harvest.

Planting blueberries without mistakes - video

Planting garden blueberries and the intricacies of growing in Siberia - video

  1. Helena

    Is it possible to plant one blueberry bush or do these plants require pollination and must there be another blueberry bush growing nearby? Will there be a single crop?

    • Olga

      Of course, it will bear fruit, but it will not please you with an abundance of berries. To increase yields, you need to plant at least two varieties side by side.


