When and how mustard is used against wireworm

mustard versus wireworm When mustard is used against wireworms, in addition to killing the larvae, the earth is also enriched and rests. In order to carry out the fight correctly, one should know when and at what time to carry out the fight using this method.

When mustard is used against wireworm

You can use mustard against wireworm in winter, when no crop is planted on the site. This method will undoubtedly please those who are forced to allocate the same piece of land annually for planting potatoes. Since such conditions are very favorable for the spread and increase in the number of wireworms on the site, it is recommended to cultivate the land in winter, which will reduce the number of this pest on the site.

How to use mustard

For one hundred square meters of land, you need to use about half a kilogram of mustard in the form of powder or grains. Thus, for a planting size of 12 acres, you can use about 6 kg of mustard. When calculating the required amount of mustard, it is not necessary to adhere to clear data. You can get by with less and more mustard. The data obtained during the calculation can be rounded.

In order for the fight against the wireworm to bring the expected result, you need to carry out the following series of procedures:

  1. After growing potatoes and removing them from the ground, the soil must be dug up, or plowed.
  2. Weeds also all are removed from the site.
  3. Mustard is randomly scattered over the soil by hand, evenly so that all areas of the field are filled.
  4. After filling with mustard, the soil remains open. Such processing should be carried out after digging up the potatoes, in early September.
  5. Before frosts, in the middle or late autumn, the land must be plowed. It is impossible to wait for frosts - it will be almost impossible to dig up frozen ground, especially if the method of digging the ground manually is used (with small amounts of land).

If, when adding mustard to the ground, its amount turned out to be insufficient for the desired plot of land, the rate of application of the substance can be increased. Depending on the density of the introduction of mustard into the soil, its consumption will be determined. This method will bring efficiency to the ground during the next year of operation.


