Low in calories, high in protein - hearty peas, benefits and harms to the body

Tell me, in what cases and who shouldn't eat peas, what are the benefits and harms for the body of these beans in general? I remember how as a child my mother literally drove us from the beds, when the first pods ripened there. They are so tasty, sweet, eat a couple dozen and you don't feel like having dinner. Mom scolded for this, and also said that you can't eat much of it, your stomach will hurt. It's true? I never got sick, only there was a feeling that he pouted, like a ball inside.

peas benefit and harm to the body

Pea porridge was once considered the food of the poor, who could not afford more refined food. But over time, peas appeared in many national cuisines and not only, the benefits and harms of which have been studied for years. In the course of research, scientists have discovered amazing facts. This legume culture not only quickly saturates the body, satisfying hunger for a long time and giving strength. Also, as a result of regular consumption of peas, improvements were noticed in the work of both individual organs and the whole organism as a whole. Moreover, peas began to be used in folk medicine, especially when sprouted.

Peas - benefits and harms to the body

pea composition

The main secret of pea-based foods that keeps us full is their high fiber and protein content. Thanks to these components, beans can be safely called a source of protein that gives the body energy. Moreover, peas are also low-calorie, no more than 80 kcal per 100 g of product. And if you freeze it before use, then the calorie content is further reduced and becomes 2 times less. So even with the regular use of pea porridge and other dishes, the weight will stand still.

In addition to protein, pea beans are also rich in other useful substances. Of the vitamins, most of all are vitamins C and PP, and of the minerals - potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium.

The most useful is fresh peas, dry beans lose some vitamins, but they contain more dietary fiber. Canned peas are not particularly beneficial.

What happens to the body when consuming peas

useful properties of peasBy including peas in your diet, especially green beans, you can significantly improve your well-being and improve the functioning of some organs:

  • remove toxins, toxins and salts, normalize kidney function and get rid of edema;
  • increase hemoglobin;
  • improve the work of the heart and the state of blood vessels;
  • lower cholesterol;
  • relieve eye fatigue, slightly improve vision, prevent cataracts;
  • get rid of psoriasis, acne and other skin problems;
  • normalize the digestive tract, relieve heartburn and spasms;
  • replenish folic acid reserves and slow down skin aging;
  • quickly gain muscle mass.

What are the contraindications for peas

peas benefits and harms to the body contraindicationsDespite the huge benefit and a positive effect on our body, beans should be eaten carefully and in moderation, especially fresh ones. The phytic acid contained in them prevents the absorption of iron and calcium by the body. And lectins contribute to flatulence and bloating.

In addition, you can not eat their pea dishes in the presence of certain diseases, especially in the acute stage, namely:

  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • jade;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • gout.

Useful properties of peas


