Hydrangea tree - varieties with photos, a selection for amateur gardeners

I would very much like to see what varieties the tree hydrangea has, varieties with a photo. So far I have only one white bush, but I plan to breed a lot of them. I have already prepared the plot, I have broken a whole large front garden specially for hydrangeas. And I want to plant, given the varietal characteristics. So that someone higher - to the background, small - in front.

hydrangea tree varieties with photo All hydrangeas will delight with gorgeous flowering, but most often in our climate you can find it tree-like. And the point is not at all that her inflorescences are more beautiful. Treelike hydrangea, varieties with photos that we will consider today, "took" the gardeners with their unpretentious character. It is not demanding on the ground, and it tolerates wintering better. Thanks to this, a flowering shrub can be grown even in the middle zone of our homeland.

Features of the view

species features

The flowering of the tree hydrangea is more modest than that of the rest of its species. Shield-shaped inflorescences do not exceed chic large buds panicle hydrangea... And they do not have such a diverse range of colors as large-leaved varieties. But they also bloom for a long time, until the very autumn, densely covering the bush with their bright hats. And the plant itself can live 40 years without making any special care requirements. It is especially easy with him in terms of haircuts - hydrangea forms flower buds on young shoots. Therefore, it is possible to cut and shape the shrub without fear, which will affect the quality of flowering.

The main advantage of the species is its increased resistance to low temperatures. Treelike hydrangeas can hibernate without shelter. And even if the shoots suffer from frost, they recover well and give many new branches. And since this species blooms at the current growth, then there is no special damage from freezing.

Hydrangea tree-like - varieties with photos

The main varietal range is presented in white-green-pink tones. Among them there are both real queens up to 3 m in height, and modest small bushes up to 1 m. As for the shape, all the shrubs have a spreading rounded crown.

Some of the best and most beautiful varieties of tree hydrangea can rightfully be considered:

  1. Annabelle. The height of the bush is 1.5 m with a width of 3 m, it is characterized by high growth rates. Light green leaves do not lose their decorative effect until autumn. Heavy inflorescences of corymbose shape, 25 cm in diameter. First, they are white, and turn green when wilted.hydrangea annabelle
  2. Pink Annabelle. It differs from the first in a more modest bush with a maximum width of 1.5 m. But it has larger pink inflorescences with a diameter of up to 30 cm. Plus, the shoots are strong, they can withstand a lot of buds even in the wind.hydrangea pink annabelle
  3. Hayes Starburst. Terry variety with white asterisk flowers, collected in loose inflorescences.hydrangea hayes starburst
  4. Candibelle Marshmello. Low-growing variety up to 80 cm high with almost the same crown diameter. Inflorescences are pink-salmon.hydrangea candibella marshmallows
  5. White House. In translation, the name sounds like "white dome" - its variety was received for a similar shape of inflorescences. The height of the bush is up to 1.2 m.hydrangea uyat house
  6. Lime Ricky. A compact bush no more than 1.2 m in height with convex light green inflorescences. As they fade, they brighten.hydrangea lime ricky
  7. Invincible Spirit with large dark pink flowers.hydrangea invincible spirit

As you can see, there is no blue color in the coloration of treelike hydrangeas. But for now, breeders are actively continuing to work on new varieties.

Hydrangea tree, varieties, planting and care


