Competent care of azalea at home is a guarantee of abundant flowering

Tell me how to care for an azalea? In winter, my husband gave me a flowering bush for my birthday. At first everything was fine, but after flowering it gradually began to wither. It seems that the flower does not really like the home atmosphere. Is it possible to grow an azalea at all indoors, and even get flowering annually?

azalea home Just imagine: a blizzard is walking outside the window, covering everything around with a white snow blanket, and on the windowsill is a lush bush, abundantly strewn with small flowers that look like roses. This unsurpassed azalea is the dream of almost every grower. Why a dream? But because this flower is very capricious and picky about the conditions of detention. Accustomed to the coolness and high humidity azalea at home literally "suffocates" from the excess heat and overdried apartment air heating batteries. However, this does not mean that the plant cannot be grown indoors. Of course, you will have to make a little effort to create a comfortable atmosphere for the flower, but the result is worth it.

How to care for an azalea so that it not only does not disappear, but annually pleases with its abundant and luxurious flowering? First of all, it is necessary to create for her such conditions of detention that would maximally correspond to her natural habitat, namely:

  • diffused lighting;
  • comfortable room temperature;
  • high humidity;
  • and find a suitable soil and pot.

In addition, you need to constantly carry out simple, but important procedures for the development and flowering of azaleas:

  • water regularly;
  • maintain air humidity;
  • periodically feed the flower;
  • to form a bush correctly.

Now let's dwell on each point in more detail.

On this topic:azalea home care after purchase!

Conditions for keeping azaleasazalea on the window

The flower has a special relationship to light: in need of it, however, the azalea cannot stand an excess of lighting. The best choice for a plant is a semi-shaded place or a windowsill with diffused lighting. In the summer, azalea feels good in garden, in the shade of trees with a liquid crown.

Attention should also be paid to the temperature regime, especially during the flowering period, which the culture has in the winter. If in the rest of the year the azalea is able to live at an air temperature of up to 22 degrees Celsius, then when the bush blooms, the maximum values ​​in the room where the pot stands should not exceed 14 degrees.

Since the root system of an azalea is superficial, a low flower should be chosen for a flower. Instead of transplanting, it is better to reload the bush, adding fresh soil, which should be acidic.

The nuances of azalea carespraying

Do not forget about the flower's love for moisture: it is necessary to water the bush often, acidifying the water with citric acid. It is impossible for the soil to dry out, and in no case should the soil be loosened so as not to damage the roots. From time to time it is helpful to use the immersion method instead of watering the pot. To maintain air humidity, the bush should be sprayed frequently. It will not hurt to install a container with water nearby.

In the spring-summer period, the plant needs feeding, but not more than 4 times a month. To do this, use special formulations for azaleas, which can be purchased at a flower shop.

the soilThe key to an abundant flowering of azaleas is regular pruning, since a dense bush will not give as many buds as a well-groomed one. For this, all last year's branches are annually shortened and those that are sick or thicken the crown are cut out. For early varieties, the procedure is carried out in March, for late ones - in the month of May. Also, from the end of spring, it is necessary to pinch the young growth, leaving no more than 5 leaves, and then at the end of summer flower buds will form on the tops.

Growing azaleas at home - video


