Step-by-step instructions for forming a room grenade
It is now possible to meet a pomegranate on the windowsill quite often: a beautiful decorative view with a lush crown of small green leaves, gorgeous flowering and even fruiting make this plant a favorite among domestic exotic crops. Another advantage of the pomegranate is that it lends itself very well to forming and easily tolerates pruning, so that the bushes can be given a compact and beautiful shape. Today we will tell you how to do it correctly and what you should pay attention to. So, let's begin.
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Stage one: the formation of a pigtail-shaped stem from young seedlings
We remove the rest of the seedlings from this dish. They can be given to neighbors or grown separately for new copies.
Stage two: we clean the stem from lateral formations
It will take about six months for the branches to take the shape of a pigtail and have time to well woody. During this time, the plant matures and forms lateral shoots. Since we will form the pomegranate on a pigtail-shaped stem with a spherical crown in the upper part of the tree, all these branches should be removed at the bottom of the stem (where the trunks are intertwined), namely:
- cut off first secateurs the lowest branches, making a cut into a ring, near the trunk itself (this way it will overgrow faster and be invisible);
- then with the help of a new blade we trim the places where the hemp turned out;
- remove all old leaves and debris from the cleaned braid-trunk;
- we leave skeletal branches in the upper part to form the crown;
- grease all the cuts with garden pitch.
How to cut a ring with a pruner so as not to leave stumps? To do this, you need to cut on the left side of the pomegranate, placing the pruner with the sharpened narrow part to the trunk, and turning the pot around it.
Don't rush to cut the side branches too early. Of course, it is much more convenient to do this when they are still small and have not overgrown with branches themselves, but during these six months the shoots feed the main trunk. Without them, he would not have grown so fat.
Stage three: crown formation
There are two ways to form a pomegranate crown:
- Mechanical... We bend the branches, set them in the desired position and fix them with strings. You can also wrap them with thin wire.
- Natural... During the season, the seedling itself is very actively growing shoots on the side that faces the sun. In order for the plant to form a lush crown on both sides, in the next season (winter) the pot must be placed so that the thinner side of the crown is in the sun. By the middle of summer, it will also become lush and the entire upper part of the pomegranate will even out.
In general, pomegranate lends itself very well to pruning and even from one plant you can get a compact tree. Just wait until its trunk is woody (about a year) and cut the growth point.It will begin to actively branch, and to keep the crown even, once during the season (but not more often!) Turn the flowerpot towards the sun. Also pruning shears can trim the contour of the crown in the spring, giving it the desired shape.