How useful is buckwheat with milk for our health
Such a simple dish as buckwheat with milk does not require special expenses - time and money. Needless to say, even those on a diet appreciate it, since the calorie content of porridge is low. In addition, the dish has many other positive aspects, including its vitamin and mineral composition.
Useful properties of buckwheat with milk
Buckwheat contains a large number of nutrients:
- iron;
- B vitamins;
- vitamins E, PP;
- minerals (zinc, iodine, calcium, potassium, fluorine, phosphorus);
- organic acids (oxalic, maleic, citric, malic, minolenic);
- carbohydrates (over 60%).
The large amount of carbohydrates in buckwheat should not scare consumers, as they are easily digestible.
The effect of cereals on the body:
- Iron helps to increase and regulate hemoglobin levels.
- Krupa helps to calm down, put in order your nervous system, get rid of apathy, insomnia and depression.
- Normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, due to the potassium contained in it.
- It helps to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, toxins, improves the functioning of the liver and the digestive system as a whole.
Regular consumption of buckwheat is considered prevention of diseases:
- arthrosis;
- thrombophlebitis;
- rheumatism;
- pressure surges;
- vascular diseases.
Milk also has a complex of vitamins and minerals. Its main “wealth” is calcium, which is found in excess. Its amount varies depending on the type of milk, as well as on other parameters. So in a cow it can contain from 100 to 140 mg%.
In addition, milk contains such useful components as:
- magnesium;
- potassium;
- sodium;
- vitamins of group B, D, A;
- lactose and others.
Milk is useful for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, strong musculoskeletal skeleton, and neuro-endocrine system.
Another question that interests many: how many calories are in buckwheat with milk? The calorie content depends on the milk and cereals itself and varies from 90 to 120 kcal / 100 g. It is best to calculate yourself by summing the dry product and milk before cooking.
The hidden harm of buckwheat with milk
So what is the harm, many will ask? Indeed, in both components of this dish there are so many useful substances, how can it harm. The thing is that the main components of buckwheat and milk - iron and calcium, respectively, are mutually exclusive substances. That is, when using one of them, the second is absorbed poorly or not at all. In addition, this joint use can lead to various disorders in the digestive system: diarrhea, indigestion and other problems.
Therefore, nutritionists, although they approve of these two products, but separately or if not often used together. They consider the best option to separately boil the cereal and pour it hot with cold milk. Then all the useful components will be saved to the maximum.
Cooking methods
On the Internet, you can find many different recipes for buckwheat with milk. It is worth considering the main, most popular and delicious ones.
Buckwheat milk recipe
The easiest and fastest way is to boil the cereal in milk. To do this, a pre-prepared kernel is poured into a small pan, after which it is washed with running water and poured with milk in a ratio of 1: 3. Put on the stove. After it boils, reduce heat, cover and cook until tender.
Buckwheat in milk in a slow cooker
You can quickly cook your favorite dish using such a modern gadget as multicooker... For this, the prepared cereal is poured into a bowl, water and milk are poured there in a ratio of 1: 1: 2, respectively. Install the “Steam cooking” or “Porridge” program.
A useful way to cook buckwheat with milk
As mentioned above, it is most beneficial to prepare the dish separately. To do this, pour the prepared kernel into a saucepan and pour cold water. Cook until tender - so that the grains are separated from each other, while they are soft. Then pour milk at room temperature.
Buckwheat can be prepared in another way - by steaming it with boiling water for 3-5 hours until soft. So the cereal will retain the most useful properties.
Buckwheat milk soup
Milk soup with buckwheat is no less popular dish. To do this, boil buckwheat in water until half cooked. Pour in diluted milk in a 1: 5 ratio. Cook until the cereals are ready.
The subtleties of cooking a delicious dish
Although the dish is easy to prepare, it has several nuances. So, how to properly cook buckwheat in milk:
- It is better to choose buckwheat in a kernel, not flakes. They have more useful properties. Although the latter are cooked more quickly, the time is reduced by 2 times, and the dish also turns out to be more viscous and boiling.
- When cooking buckwheat, you need to carefully monitor the time. Cooked cereals are more delicate in taste, but have fewer useful components in the composition, since prolonged heat treatment is harmful to them. And with insufficient cooking, the kernel will turn out to be too tough.
- The calorie content of buckwheat with milk is not high and is about 90-120 kcal / 100 g. To reduce it, you need to choose skim milk.
- In order to avoid burning the food, you need to use dishes with increased thermal conductivity. These are cast iron pans or thick / double bottom.
- The dish can be seasoned with butter, honey, nuts, sugar, salt, fruits and berries. For young lovers of milk buckwheat, apples and bananas are preferable.
Buckwheat with milk is a delicious dish that should not be consumed too often.
Nutritionists do not recommend using it for those who have digestive problems, as the condition may worsen. Occasionally, however, you can pamper yourself.