Walnut in Belarus - cultivation and popular types

Tell us how walnuts grow in Belarus, what types of cultivation are more common? Recently I moved to this country due to marriage, now I am settling in, the garden has already been planted, and it’s turn to the garden. The lot that my husband and I bought has a lot of space allocated for it. I have already planted fruit and berry crops, but still almost half of the garden remains empty. I decided to borrow her nuts - my parents had two huge trees in the country. Their fruits were enough for us to eat and to carry out for sale. What are the best nuts to plant in Belarus?

walnuts in Belarus cultivation The climate of Belarus is by no means southern: winters here are quite cold and prolonged, and summer ends quickly. But this does not stop local gardeners who successfully plant and harvest from all crops, including nuts. Walnuts in Belarus, the cultivation of which has not yet been particularly put on an industrial level, even has its own selection. Local varieties are happily planted in private plots. They are characterized by increased winter hardiness, while they have a thin shell. You can propagate Belarusian nuts yourself by planting fruits.

What nuts grow

walnut memory of minov of Belarusian selection

Common nuts are most often found in Belarus. And although they are not distinguished by early maturity, over the years the trees turn into real giants. Their height can exceed 12 m, and the crown diameter is more than 20 m. In addition, the yield of common varieties also increases with age. Trees live for a very long time, several hundred years.

Large-fruited and early-fruiting forms are less common, but more and more of them are planted every year. In the first, the fruits are large, and the nuts of the second type give a harvest already at the 4th year of life. Therefore, their popularity is only growing.

Belarusian breeders themselves do not bypass the work with this crop. And outside the country, their offspring have already become known - such varieties of nuts:

  • Memory of Minov;
  • Pinsky;
  • Samokhvalovichsky 1 and 2.

These varieties have increased frost resistance and resistance to brown spot. Fruiting occurs from 5-8 years, but the shell is thin and the kernel is easily removed.

Walnut in Belarus - growing and planting seedlings

planting a nut seedlingSaplings it is better to plant in open ground in Belarus in spring, so that they have time to get stronger before winter. The landing site should be well lit. Nuts have the ability to adapt to almost any soil, but this only applies to adult specimens. Young trees need to provide nutritious soil for the first years.

It is recommended to prepare a planting pit with a minimum size of 60x60 cm in autumn, filling it with an equal amount:

  • humus;
  • fertile land
  • peat.

Having mixed these components, superphosphate, calcium chloride, ash and dolomite flour are additionally added. Such a nutritious soil mixture is enough for nuts for 5 years while they grow the root system. And the specified planting depth will protect the roots from drying out in summer and freezing in winter.

Growing nuts in Belarus


