You need to know him by sight - talker mushroom, photo and description of edible and poisonous species

Tell me if the talker mushroom is edible, I would very much like to know the photo and description of this species. My wife went to get butter and brought a couple of strange mushrooms. Two gray and two orange, with lamellar caps with a depression in the center. We called the neighbors to determine the find, as I have not seen such before. Someone said they were talkers. Is there something you can?

mushroom talker photo and description Most of the mushrooms have so many varieties that even experienced lovers of "quiet hunting" can not identify everything. One of the most diverse gifts of nature is the talker mushroom, the photo and description of which is important to know. And not only to be able to distinguish between certain mushrooms, but to determine their edibility. Indeed, among the talkers there are also very dangerous, poisonous species. In no case should they be collected, cooked, or consumed, so as not to get acute food poisoning. And some of them are even fatal.

Talker mushroom - photo and description

what does the talker look like and where does it grow

Talkers belong to the ordinary family and are lamellar mushrooms. The color and shape of the caps differ from species to species, but they all have a small upper part. The diameter of the cap does not exceed 3-6 cm on average. The surface of the cap is smooth, mucus can be present only after rain and in small quantities. The edges of the caps are usually lighter than the center, which is depressed in most mushrooms. The plates on the back of the cap smoothly transition to a low stem of medium size. Its height does not exceed 7-8 cm, and the diameter of the leg in the largest species is only 3 cm.

Talkers belong to 4 categories of mushrooms in terms of nutritional value, and most of them are called conditionally edible. They mainly eat hats, boiling them twice, and the water must be drained. The legs are mostly dried on seasoning powder because they are fibrous.

Small beautiful talkers prefer to grow in groups (less often - singly) in coniferous forests and birch groves. You can also meet them in deciduous forests, but mainly where there are birches. Mass mushroom picking begins in early autumn.

What talkers can you eat

The edible species of these mushrooms are harvested while they are young, as the flesh of older mushrooms becomes tough. These include talkers:

  • bent with a funnel-shaped gray-yellow cap and a club-shaped leg;bent talker
  • gray (they are also smoky) with a flat brown-gray cap, white-gray stem and pulp with a light soap aroma;gray talker
  • goblet with a shiny cap with curled edges and a depression in the center, colored brownish;goblet talker
  • orange (they are false chanterelles or kokoshki) with a cap, orange and convex at a young age, which then becomes brownish and funnel-shaped;talker orange
  • clubfoot (they are also thick-legged) with a brown flat cap and a leg swollen in the lower part;clubfoot talker
  • funnel-shaped (they are funnel-shaped or funnels) with a strong depression in the center of the sinuous brownish cap;funnel talker
  • inverted from a brick color with a shiny hat and a wide funnel in the center (they have no special nutritional value, tasteless, but still edible);inverted talker
  • aniseed (they are also fragrant or fragrant) with a gray-green hat of a prostrate shape and a small depression in the center.anise talker

Talker mushroom - photo and description of poisonous species

Some types of mushrooms have a high content of muscarine, a dangerous poison, so they cannot be eaten so as not to get poisoned. These are such talkers as:

  • waxy with a wavy matte cap of light gray color;mushroom govorushka photo and description poisonous govorushka waxy
  • whitish (aka reddish-brown) with a concave thin white cap with a slight pink tint;whitish talker
  • bleached or whitish with a sinuous funnel-shaped cap in white with gray circles at the edges;whitewashed talker
  • reddish or cracking with a reddish-red cap, which cracks in older specimens.cracking talker

Waxy govorushka - mushroom more poisonous than fly agaric


