French Muscat pear Abbot Fetel - description of the variety, pros and cons

I would like to know when it ripens and how long the Abbot Fetel pear can be stored, a description of the variety. I tried it only twice, I liked it very much, it is sweet, with an original smell and taste. And I have never seen such long fruits in our gardens. I want to plant, but I do not know if it will grow like this in the Krasnodar Territory. How is it with winter hardiness, will it survive the winter, will it not freeze?

pear abbot fetel variety description Despite the popularity of resistant domestic varieties, gardeners often grow representatives of foreign selection of pears. One of them is the pear Abbot Fetel, the description of the variety of which was first provided to us by the famous scientist Simirenko. But even he could not establish exactly who became the parent of this brainchild of the French breeder. At the same time, even an ordinary person who has tasted fragrant and delicious pears at least once, it becomes clear that the variety has taken only the best. It differs from the usual round or slightly "long-necked" pears with its almost oval elongated fruits. At the same time, it is not inferior and even bypasses many in terms of taste. And the compact size of the tree itself makes it possible to grow it in small areas, although not everywhere. What is the peculiarity and why is the French variety popular?

Pear Abbot Fetel - variety description

pear tree abbot fetel

As already became clear, the homeland of the variety is France, with its warm climate. However, Abbot Fetel is distinguished by good adaptability and improved performance. The pear can bear fruit even in our middle lane, but it thrives best in the southern regions. Particular attention is paid to immunity to the main diseases of culture. The variety is extremely rare, but its winter hardiness is at an average level. Boundary temperature values ​​at 17 ° C frost. If it is colder, the tree may die, therefore it grows mainly in the south of our country.

The tree itself is attractive for its compact size. Its height does not exceed 4 m, and the pyramidal crown lends itself well to shaping pruning. Self-fertile, Abbot Fetel does not need pollinators. However, without them, the yield will be average.

To increase it, it is recommended to plant pears next to it:

Fruit yield and taste

pear fruit abbotThe variety belongs to autumn dining rooms, but is considered universal. Pears ripen in September, they have a very long "neck", smoothly turning into a slightly rounded bottom. The average weight is about 250 g, but there are fruits up to 400 g. The skin is yellow-green with a pink blush, during storage, when the fruits ripen, it turns yellow, and the blush "rusts". The white pulp is dense, but melts in the mouth, very juicy and slightly oily, with a slight sourness. The characteristic pear aroma is emphasized by the nutmeg note.

The crop is harvested two weeks before full ripening. This allows pears to be stored for up to 4 months in a cool place.

What made Abbot Fetel famous and does it have any drawbacks

harvest abbot fetelThe Frenchwoman has many advantages, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • immunity to disease;
  • drought resistance;
  • excellent taste and original aroma;
  • sufficiently large fruits;
  • good transportability;
  • long shelf life;
  • small tree height.

Among the disadvantages is the average winter hardiness, which limits the cultivation area of ​​the variety.Also, some gardeners are not suitable for the average yield. However, the last minus is easy to fix with pollinators.

Description and reviews of the pear Abbot Fetel


