High-yielding pear Annushka - description of the variety from Russian breeders
Foreign hybrids of pears with increased winter hardiness are very popular with gardeners, because they can grow where other varieties die. However, there are such persistent varieties in Russian breeding, and not only among winter crops. One of them is the autumn pear Annushka, whose variety description includes all the advantages of her parents. The variety was developed by Russian scientists relatively recently and has been participating in the test only for about 18 years. However, this time was enough to make sure not only the unpretentiousness of the pear, but also its excellent taste. What will make Annushka happy and are there any disadvantages in her?
Pear Annushka - variety description
Like all pears, the variety prefers to grow in a well-lit place, and is picky about moisture. It gives the highest yields on fertile chernozems and light loams.
But the winter hardiness of the pear is good, which cannot be said about the immunity to diseases. Most often, the tree suffers from rust, spotting and powdery mildew, therefore it needs preventive treatments.
Ripening period and flavor profile
The variety belongs to the early autumn, but in the south, many consider it to be summer. The pear blooms in the first decade of May, and you can harvest the crop in mid-September. In warmer climates, pears are ready for harvest at the end of August. At the stage of removable maturity, the fruits are green, during storage they turn yellow. Pears can lie almost until the end of winter if they are stored in a cool and ventilated room.
The fruits are not very large, weighing no more than 140 g, oval in shape and slightly narrowed towards the top. Covered with a rough, dry skin, on which subcutaneous points clearly appear. The pulp is yellow-green in color, very firm and juicy. The taste is sweet, slightly oily, without hints of astringency and bitterness.
Annushka pear is grown mainly for fresh consumption, but it is a versatile dessert variety. It makes delicious jam and other preservation.
What is remarkable about Annushka's pear
The main advantages of the variety are:
- high productivity;
- sweet and juicy fruits for universal use;
- winter hardiness.
The disadvantages include the average resistance to diseases of the culture. And, despite its small size, the thickened crown makes it difficult to harvest and needs to be thinned periodically.