Planting and growing the perfect Duchess pear

pear grade Duchess Duchess pear is easy to grow with sweet fruits as a result. It gives an excellent harvest, both on single household plots and on large-scale plantations. In 1796, the Englishman Wheeler introduced this amazing fruit to everyone. Today, summer and winter Duchess are known, which have some distinctive features.

Characteristics of the Summer Duchess variety

grade Summer Duchess

Pear Duchess Summer is absolutely not picky in the choice of soil. However, self-fertile, it needs additional pollination with such varieties as Pass Crassan, Olivier de Ser, Kappa Favorite, Forest Beauty, Bere Ardanpon.

Late flowering is quite long. Medium-sized inflorescences are not subject to deterioration in case of sudden changes in temperature. Fruits are slightly oblong pear-shaped, weighing up to 200 grams. The taste of such a gift of nature is too sweet and reminiscent of nutmeg. Pear begins to bear fruit 5 years after planting. The crop is often harvested in mid-August, which can be stored for about two weeks.

This type of fruit can be sold without fear of spoilage, since it tolerates transportation well, and at cold temperatures it can be stored for up to 1.5 months.

The Duchess pear variety has a number of advantages:

  • not susceptibility to scab;
  • tree growth on any soil;
  • resistance to any environmental conditions;
  • shelf life 2 weeks after failure;
  • huge fruits.

Any pear species is endowed with disadvantages, including those presented:

  • susceptibility to eating aphids and carnival;
  • self-infertility.

Characteristics of the Winter Duchess variety

grade Winter DuchessThe appearance of the fruit is almost a copy of the summer version of Duchess. The main distinguishing feature is the ripening period. The description of the Duchess pear variety must be studied in order to recognize it among other relatives. The winter view gives a volumetric yield if it grows on fertile and fertilized soil. The tree begins to bear fruit 6-7 years after planting. His delicious piece can be picked in October. One tree can produce up to 100 kg. Just like the summer brother, Winter Duchesse requires pollinators: Olivier de Ser, Bere Ardanpon, Williams.

When ripe, the fruit reaches up to 600 grams. The yellow shade of the smooth peel has a bright large crimson on one side. The pulp has a certain sourness combined with rich sweetness.

Positive qualities of the variety:

  • frost resistance:
  • shelf life in a cool place for several months.

Negative aspects of the winter look:

  • susceptibility to scab;
  • self-infertility.

Planting and leaving

planting pear DuchessPlanting and caring for a Duchess pear does not differ much from growing other varieties. Quality seedlings are planted at the end of April before bud break. The pit for planting is small: 1 meter deep by 0.7 m wide.

You shouldn't overdo it with fertilizers. Fresh manure can damage the roots and should be avoided when planting future trees. And, here, the connection of fertile soil with peat and compost is suitable as soil for such a case. As if to mold a cone from this soil mixture, into which the roots of the seedling are carefully distributed and sent into the pit. A thin trunk needs a support, the role of which can be performed by an ordinary wooden block stuck into the ground next to the seedling. The trunk of the pear and the bar are tied with a rope to each other, but not tightly.

planting a seedling with a closed root systemDescription and photo of Duchess pear will tell you how to look after and care for the tree.Before winter, it needs to be covered with dense material, in order to avoid drafts and very low temperatures to the roots. The material can be plain paper of different thickness or cotton fabric. When snow falls, it should be piled up as much as possible around the tree, thereby providing a “duvet” during cold weather. Low fences will help save the tree from rodents - hares.

Duchess pear branches are pruned in spring. A year after planting, you should already get rid of the side branches. You need to trim them above the kidneys. This year, the trunk should also be shortened by 1/4 to ensure that it grows to the sides. In the second year, the trunk is shortened by 20 cm, and the branches by 8 cm.

You need to prune the branches so that the top of the tree is shaped like a truncated cone.

Fertilizers and feeding

watering and loosening the soilIn the first year of the tree's life, no additional nutrients are needed, because the soil was fertilized initially when planting. Its beneficial properties last long enough.

fertilizer superphosphateThe rest of life needs feeding every three years. organic fertilizers... To do this, certain proportions should be observed: 8 kg of manure are needed per 1 square meter. Every year, the tree needs mineral fertilizers: potassium chloride - 30 g per 1 square meter, nitrate - 25 g, superphosphate - 25 g. Fertilizers are introduced into previously dug cavities in the ground with a depth of 20 cm.

Pear Duchess is considered the standard among its species. Such positive reviews are due to its taste, usefulness and ease of growing.

The grandfather's way of planting pears - video

  1. neket

    I had green duchess (pear) when I tried it, I was shocked: it tasted at first sour, then sweet, and then I didn't even like carrots. How do you like it?

  2. Victor

    Where to buy a pear duchess is it suitable for the Moscow region

    • Natali

      It is advisable to purchase seedlings in garden centers at the place of residence. They take root best of all, get sick less.


