Early ripening and super-tolerant geese Linda - breed description, photo
These proud and beautiful birds are bred by more than half of poultry farmers and they are all happy with the result. Geese Linda, the description of the breed, the photos of which we will consider today, differ not only in their snow-white plumage. They are extremely friendly, grow fast and gain a lot of weight. Already at 4 months they can be slaughtered. At the same time, geese have thick and delicate down, from which pillows can be made.
Geese Linda - breed description, photo
Among breeders, geese are known as Gorky geese and already in appearance differ favorably from other breeds:
- they have gorgeous white plumage, with beige markings, mainly on the wings, and thick soft fluff;
- the body is large, with a large back and wings, a small tail, a long neck and large legs set wide apart;
- the head is also large, with a bright orange beak and small dark eyes.
Linda geese are characterized by the presence of a bump on the forehead, while in males it is larger. A lump appears as early as 4 months, in addition, you can still distinguish boys by a wider chest and thicker and elongated paws.
With the right diet, the bird quickly gains weight, and the molting season does not affect this at all. Unlike other breeds, they stop gaining mass during this period. Geese are ready for slaughter already at 5 months, reaching by this time an average weight of 5 kg. A one-year-old bird can weigh 12 kg - male, 7 kg - female.
Gorky geese are distinguished by a friendly disposition, they can be kept together with another bird. Males rarely fight, only to protect their flock. In general, the bird is very peaceful, but active and mobile. Geese love to run and fly, and communicate actively and loudly with each other.
Geese begin to rush at the age of 9 months, although they "walk" from 7-8 months. Their egg production is good, from 50 to 70 eggs per year, which they lay from late winter to mid-summer. However, goose do not always sit on eggs on their own. Although 90% of the eggs from the clutch are fertilized, the same percentage goslings then they survive.
Pros and cons of Gorky geese
The breed has many advantages that put it an order of magnitude higher than the rest, namely:
- early maturity;
- excellent taste of dietary meat;
- high egg production;
- absence of genetic diseases in young animals;
- endurance (both to heat and cold);
- non-conflict nature.
At the same time, there are some nuances that must be taken into account when planning to breed Linda geese in order to get the maximum profit. First of all, it is the need for walking and access to water. Without this, the bird grows worse.In addition, in early spring it is susceptible to vitamin deficiency, so it is necessary to give vitamins.