We invite you to the galaxy of flowers to get acquainted with Iberis
What kind of land would the earth have had it not been for a variety of plants? Fortunately, we are surrounded by a whole galaxy of flowers, and the entrance to it is through the Iberis, the photo of which is admirable.
As soon as the warm spring rays warmed the soil, green leaves of Iberis appear. How flower lovers rejoice at these evergreen bushes protruding from under the snow. They, as the first messengers of the earth's rebirth, remind of the approaching summer. The evergreen Iberis, the photo of which is presented below, is like a visiting card to the world of spring flowers.
The first acquaintance with the stately flower
The small cups of the plant, 1.5 cm in size, are collected in graceful baskets. In one inflorescence, there are up to 40 pieces. During flowering, which begins at the end of April, they completely cover the green leaves, dressing the bush in a delicate shawl. This beauty lasts for a whole month. Iberis flowers come in white, pink, scarlet and lilac colors. Sometimes purple buds are found.
In the natural environment, Iberis is found both as an annual plant and a perennial. Annual variants branch well during the warm season. Some garden flower lovers call it a stencil. To grow it, it is enough to sow seeds in a well-warmed soil in the spring. After 10 days, young shoots will appear, which should be thinned out. When the bush fades, the buds must be cut off so that new ones appear, and the plant gains strength. In this photo, Iberis can be seen in all its glory.
In order to admire the flower bouquets of an annual Iberis in August, you should plant it in mid-May. According to the observations of botanists, annual plant varieties bloom much longer than perennial ones.
Iberis perennial has an original structure of inflorescences. The delicate petals of one bud are of different lengths. Thanks to this, the bouquets seem more magnificent and dignified.
Usually perennial Iberises bloom in the second year after planting. They are frost-resistant, so they can comfortably endure cold winters.
To successfully breed these perennial evergreens, several factors must be considered. Iberises love:
- rocky places;
- sandy soil;
- open area;
- a lot of light.
Plants are especially often used to decorate decorative slides or combined flower beds with rocks. The main condition is to keep the shape of the bush.
In nature, there are various varieties of Iberis, one-year breeding and perennial. A closer look at some of the options will help you plunge into the flower galaxy of beauty.
Popular varieties of annual garden beauties
To create an oasis of beauty in the country, gardeners use various types of annual Iberis. The lush flowering of such a bush attracts the eyes of guests and passers-by. It happens:
- white;
- pink;
- red;
- lilac;
- purple.
The most famous varieties of annual Iberis are bitter and umbrella.
Iberis bitter
The bush of this plant grows up to 30 cm. The branching stems are covered with a delicate white down. Annual leaves are inverse lanceolate. The edges are serrated.
Iberis bitter blooms in late spring or early summer. Inflorescences are white. Sometimes purple specimens are also found. The shape of the flower garlands resembles a hyacinth, which gives the plant a certain charm.
Iberis is ideal for decorating the interior. When cut, it retains its original appearance for about 10 days.
Gardeners also note other varieties of Iberis bitter.
The majestic "Iceberg"
The plant of this species grows up to 40 cm. Such bushes have large jagged leaves and luxurious long garlands of buds. During the blooming period, about 70 days, white Iberis resembles an air cloud that has settled in the garden. Its inflorescences are very similar to large hyacinths, which is admirable.
Hyacinth cultivar "Empress"
The Iberis bush of this hyacinth variety is like a candelabrum. The leaves are large, lanceolate. The edges are serrated. The buds resemble hyacinth inflorescences. The color is white.
Iberis umbrella
The bushes of the umbrella annual can be low - up to 15 cm and high - about 40 cm.The inflorescences are collected in original umbrellas of the following colors:
- lilac;
- white;
- purple;
- pink;
- red;
- cream.
The bud brushes are quite dense, therefore, during the violent flowering, they completely cover all the greens.
Iberis of Pink Dream variety amazes with its charm.
A short bush with dark green leaves, during flowering, is covered with a huge number of bright pink buds. The plant can withstand light frosts, so it decorates the summer cottage for a long time.
An incredibly beautiful variety that can decorate any area - Iberis Sweet Candy.
Densely branched bush, covered with fragrant garlands of inflorescences of different shades.
Luxurious varieties of perennial garden decorations
Many growers prefer perennial varieties of Iberis. Their advantage is that they do not need to be planted every year. The bushes wonderfully endure Russian winters and bloom annually in suburban areas.
Among the most popular varieties of this perennial, it is worth noting the following options:
- Gibraltarian;
- Crimean;
- snowflake.
Each of them has its own charms.
Iberis of Gibraltar
This luxurious bush, whose homeland is Spain and North Africa, grows up to 25 cm. Iberis of Gibraltar blooms in spring with small pink or purple inflorescences. It has oblong leaves on slender branched shoots.
Loves sunny locations and well-drained soil. Plants are used to decorate the rocky lawns of the backyard area.
Often in summer cottages you can find Iberis the Gibraltarian chameleon. This bush has dark green leaves and fragrant flowers.
The color of the inflorescences smoothly turns from purple to white. Suitable for decoration of rocky landscapes in summer cottages. Looks great in pots or containers.
Crimean Iberis
The name of the plant speaks of its homeland. Iberis Crimean grows up to 10 cm in height. Leaves are brownish green. Purple buds with white petals.
It is used to decorate borders garden paths... Can also be grown on the balcony.
Iberis snowflake
The plant grows in neat bushes. Iberis snowflake blooms with white delicate inflorescences that resemble snow caps on evergreens.
Low dense bushes grow up to 30 cm. Umbrella inflorescences of white color. Plants are used for landscaping garden paths. Grow well near curbs and stony decorative alleys. A similar variety Iberis snowfall comfortably tolerates the winter cold without additional shelter.
Having considered the various types of Iberis, you can see that, in general, the plant is unpretentious to its habitat. Therefore, gardeners boldly breed it in their country cottages or personal plots. Some manage to grow Iberis on the balcony. Surrounded by such cute bushes, life becomes more fun.