The ideal flower for beginner florists Vanka wet
Touch-me-not, ever-flowering, light, Vanka wet flower - all these are the names of one plant, which is often found in our apartments. The homeland of this lovely flower is tropical Asia and Africa. It is one of the most unpretentious and easy to grow at home plants.
The twig takes root easily, grows quickly and looks very impressive during flowering: its compact bushes, strewn with bright flowers, can decorate any room. The flower Vanka wet has another name - balsam... With good care, it can bloom almost all year round, and providing it with favorable conditions is not a big deal.
Balsam blooms best when planted in a slightly cramped pot or container. A plant in a pot that is too spacious will not have a lush flowering.
Description of the plant and its varieties
The balsam genus includes about four hundred plant species. In indoor floriculture, they mainly grow:
- balsam Holst;
- sultan balsam;
- Waller's balsam;
- New Guinea hybrids.
The flowers of the wet vanka are distinguished by a huge variety of shades: from white and pale pink to red and maroon. Plants with bicolor petals are increasingly common. Recently, breeders have bred varieties with flowers that are much larger than the usual indoor balsams in size. At the same time, the bushes of such plants are still compact.
Given the popularity of balsam for indoor cultivation, breeders continue to work on creating new varieties. The hybrids that have appeared recently are striking not only by the size of the flowers, but also by their color and shape. Varieties with double flowers have become quite common, which look great in landscaping rooms and balconies.
Balsam bushes, densely covered with bright flowers, are very decorative. However, this was not enough for the breeders, and varieties with beautiful variegated leaves appeared. Such plants look very attractive even at a time when the flower buds have not yet blossomed. This can be seen in the photo of a wet vanka with variegated leaves.
Variegated varieties need to create the same conditions as usual. They require the same care, with only one difference: in winter, the temperature of their content must be higher than for plants with solid green leaves.
Caring for balsam at home
In order for the plant to thank you with lush and bright flowering with the onset of summer, it is important to know how to properly care for this flower. Vanka wet is an unpretentious plant, for its growth and flowering conditions are needed that are not at all difficult to create at home:
- Temperature: The optimum temperature for balsam is about 18 degrees. In winter, you need to make sure that it does not drop below 13 degrees. In summer, the temperature should not rise above 22 degrees.Too hot and dry conditions can cause leaves to curl and fall off.
- Lighting: good, but diffused. The plant should be shaded from bright sunlight. The pot or container of balsam should not be placed on the sill of the south window. The plant can tolerate some shading, but in this case it will not bloom.
- Watering: In summer, water the plant at least 2-3 times a week is required. In winter, when the temperature drops, watering should be reduced. Usually in the cold season, this flower is watered once every 7-10 days. Balsam does not tolerate waterlogging, especially in combination with low temperatures. This can lead to plant disease and even death. Let the soil dry well before watering again.
- Soil: balsam requires a loose nutritious soil mixture. A combination of greenhouse and deciduous land with the addition of a small amount of sand would be ideal.
- Top dressing: in summer, during the period of active growth - once every 1-2 weeks. Top dressing is produced fertilizers for indoor plantsdiluted in water. It is recommended to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers.
- Air humidity: if the summer temperature reaches 22 degrees, the balsam pot should be placed in a tray with wet pebbles. However, the plant should not be sprayed. This can lead to fungal infections and blotches on the flowers.
- Transplanting: After the first year of growth, balsam must be transplanted annually into fresh potting soil. Since the plant is very stretched due to its rapid growth, it is better to grow a new balsam from cuttings every spring.
- Leaf Care: Clean the dust off the plant with a soft brush. In summer, you can shower the leaves and shake off any water droplets. Do not use polish for maintenance, as this may damage the leaves.
If you provide proper care at home, a wet banya flower will thank you with its lush and long flowering.
For fertilizing balsam, use fertilizers at a concentration two times lower than that recommended by the manufacturer.
Reproduction of balsam
The flower Vanka is wet in spring and summer. Two methods are suitable for its propagation: by seeds and cuttings. You can buy ready-made seeds or get them yourself from your home plant, but for this you need to take care of pollination. Seeds sprout within two weeks.
It takes about the same time to root the cuttings. As you can see in the photo, a wet indoor flower Vanka can easily take root in water. 3-4 pieces of charcoal should be put into the water for rooting cuttings. Side shoots of a plant about 8 cm long are suitable as cuttings.
After the cuttings take root, they should be transplanted into small pots. For the first time, the transplanted cuttings should be covered with plastic wrap to ensure a high level of humidity.
This plant does not like sudden temperature changes. However, in winter, it is advisable to lower the temperature for balsam to 14-16 degrees, providing the plant with a dormant period.
Garden balsam
Unpretentious balsam - Vanka wet is also used in decorative and home gardening. Moreover, for landscaping areas and landscape design Plants of common indoor varieties are often used, planting them in containers or open ground.
Along with the indoor plant Vanka wet in landscape design, an annual form is also used, which is called "garden balsam". This plant spread from Eastern India, where it is found in the wild. It has a lush erect bush with juicy fleshy shoots and green toothed leaves.
The plant blooms for a long time and abundantly. Flowers of Vanka wet can be simple or double. They are distinguished by a wide palette of various shades. This thermophilic plant requires a well-lit area. Garden balsam is propagated by seeds.
Often, omens and superstitions are associated with a indoor flower Vanka wet. They say that it has a positive effect on creative people, contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of harmony and harmony in the house. If peace and respect reign in the family, this flower will bloom magnificently and lastingly. Misunderstandings and disagreements between family members, on the contrary, can affect the plant negatively.
Vanka wet got its name because of this feature: often droplets of juice appear on its juicy green stems. Probably for the same reason, the superstition arose that because of the flower, family members may become addicted to alcohol.
How these facts are connected is not clear. And, of course, it is everyone's business to believe in such signs or ignore them. But in favorable conditions and a sincere home atmosphere, the balsam will bloom and prettier from day to day, delighting households with the bright lights of their flowers.
I want to order a FLOWER Vanka wet
We do not sell plants. Contact your nearest garden center.
why do the leaves of balsam turn pale and what diseases are they susceptible to and how to deal with them?
Pale leaves can be from a lack of lighting (then the shoots are stretched out) or, conversely, from sunburn (in this case, it looks more like spots). The balsam also grows frail, and the foliage is not bright enough if it lacks nutrition. But the appearance of a plaque on the leaves of a white or grayish color indicates the presence of a fungal disease. By the way, it is the fungus that affects the flower most often, in particular, powdery mildew, gray rot. After all, balsam loves moisture, both in the air and in the soil, and such conditions are simply ideal for the fungus. Only special preparations - fungicides can help. Sometimes a wet vanka is affected by bacteriosis, which can be cured with copper-containing preparations at the initial stage. When bacteriosis is started (it quickly affects the entire bush), you will have to part with the plant. You can find out more about the diseases and pests of balsam by following the links:,
Hello, Wet Vanka is my first season, it grows on a light, well-ventilated loggia, the temperature regime is suitable. I have two questions. Is it possible to use plastic transparent buckets, and the second, there are very few flowers, but there are a lot of leaves, is it necessary to thin out the bush and, if so, how much. thank
It doesn't matter to me whether the pot is transparent or not. The main thing is that the flowerpot should have drainage holes and water the flower correctly. As for flowering, you can feed it with a mineral complex for flowering plants. The laying of flower buds in balsam occurs during a dormant period, which should take place in cool conditions. If it was warm, then there will be few flowers. Thinning, of course, is possible, but without fanaticism. It was advisable to do this in the spring, pinching the most elongated shoots. They will begin to branch, which means there should be more buds. I would not touch it now, it's a bit late, except for cuttings for new bushes.