Ginger lemonade - a drink for health

ginger lemonade For many, lemonade is a drink that comes from childhood. Over time, his recipe has been improved, and now ginger lemonade is often prepared. The beneficial properties of such a drink are an order of magnitude higher, since it combines two ingredients, each of which is rich in vitamins and amino acids.

Ginger and lemon have been used for colds since ancient times, but even now they are an excellent alternative to pills and powders. In addition, this lemonade has a positive effect on the digestive system, improving its work, and is also useful for heart disease. It strengthens blood vessels and thins the blood, reduces high blood pressure, and eliminates inflammation in the joints.

The essential oils in the composition accelerate the metabolism, which is why ginger lemonade is known as a slimming drink. Regular consumption of lemonade helps to remove excess fluid from the body, therefore it is recommended to drink it while dieting in order to lose weight.

Lemonade (with or without ginger) is not recommended for gastritis, ulcers, or stomach acid.

Making ginger lemonade at home is very easy, and it doesn't take much time. To diversify the taste, if desired, herbs and spices are added to the main ingredients (mint, cloves, saffron, cinnamon, turmeric).

They use honey instead of sugar, which makes lemonade even healthier. However, that is why the drink is not prepared for future use by the conservation method, but only freshly prepared. Firstly, this will greatly reduce its beneficial properties, and secondly, ginger and lemon are available all year round - you can always buy them in the market or in the store.

Peeling ginger should be very careful, since the root has a rather dense structure, and its curved shape makes the process a little inconvenient.

You can use mineral sparkling water to prepare the drink. This will make it look like a store product. However, you should not completely replace drinking water with soda, it is advisable to add them in a 1: 1 ratio, or simply pour a little mineral water into a glass just before drinking.

Another interesting option is the preparation of a tea-based drink. Instead of water, ginger and lemon are placed in brewed tea, preferably black. This way you can get an interesting color and specific taste.

Homemade lemonade with ginger

homemade ginger lemonade

There is nothing complicated about how to make ginger lemonade. For 3 liters of drink you will need:

  • 200 g of ginger root;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 4 tbsp. l. honey.

As you can see, both honey and sugar are used in this recipe. This makes the drink sweeter and less cloying. If you wish, you can put one thing.

Step by step cooking:

  1. With a knife, cut off the dark top layer of the skin from the root and grate on a fine grater.peel and grate ginger root
  2. Pour a liter of water into a large saucepan and add the grated root there.boil chopped ginger root
  3. Put a kettle with 2 liters of water on the adjacent burner. Cool the boiled boil water
  4. While the water is boiling, wash the lemons and use a grater to scrape off the zest from them.grate lemon zest
  5. Squeeze juice from the remaining citrus pulp.squeeze lemon juice
  6. Add the lemon zest to the ginger and bring the water to a boil.
  7. Add sugar and, stirring occasionally, let it dissolve.
  8. Remove the boiled workpiece from the heat and strain.
  9. Let the drink cool to almost room temperature and add lemon juice and chilled water. Put honey. The lemonade is ready.pour lemon juice into the ginger broth

In order for the ginger lemonade to acquire a beautiful color, a little turmeric is added when brewing the main ingredients.

Mint tonic drink

tonic drink with mintTo make a refreshing lemonade, peel a small piece of ginger (about 4-5 cm long) and chop finely.finely chop the peeled ginger

For lemonade, choose fresh, juicy ginger. If the root has been left for a long time, it can add excessive bitterness to the drink.

Put the chopped root into a saucepan, add mint (to taste) and pour 1 tbsp. water. Bring to a boil, boil for 2 minutes and let cool to 40 degrees. Strain.strain the ginger broth

Squeeze the juice from one lemon and pour it into a separate container, or into a tall jug in which lemonade will be mixed with ginger and lemon. Add to it:

  • ginger-mint broth;
  • juice squeezed from lemon;
  • honey to taste.

Vitamin drink without boiling

vitamin drink without boilingTo preserve all the beneficial elements of the ingredients, many housewives use the recipe for ginger lemonade, prepared by the pouring method.

A small piece of the spine ginger peel and cut into strips 4 cm long.cut ginger into strips

Pour boiling water over one medium lemon and remove the zest from it.remove the zest of one lemon

Squeeze lemon juice into a separate bowl.squeeze lemon juice

Put chopped ginger and lemon zest into a glass container and pour hot boiled water over them (no more than 1.5 liters). Allow to cool, and then pour the squeezed juice into the infusion and put a couple of tablespoons of honey.add honey to the strained drink

Put the lemonade in the refrigerator overnight to infuse. You can put the leftover lemon pulp in the jar.

Homemade ginger lemonade will be enjoyed by both adults and children. In summer, it will perfectly quench your thirst, and on cold winter evenings a warm drink will warm and invigorate.


