Impatiens ampelous Highlight - a blooming ball in a pots

Tell us how to keep the impatience ampelous Highlight? I bought it already in a large bush in a hanging planter, it was all strewn with interesting white and red flowers. I hung up the flowerpot on the summer veranda; in a month it had grown well and even tied seeds. What to do with it in winter, bring it into the house, or is it better to collect seeds and sow in spring?

impatience ampelous highlight Every one of us probably had a flower called wet Vanka. However, this is far from the only species of this plant and not at all its last name. One of the most beautiful varieties can rightfully be considered impatiens ampelous Highlight. Under the unfamiliar word hides a well-known balsam, in this case not a bush, but with hanging shoots. What did he deserve such popularity, what is he and how to grow this beautiful flower?

Balsam is called impatiens for the same reason as touchy. Translated, it means "impatient". If you even lightly touch the seed pod, it immediately bursts, and the seeds spill out.

Impatiens ampelous Highlight - description and types

impatiens in pots

Like all balsams, ampel impatiens is a herbaceous plant. Its shoots are juicy, and the leaves are fleshy, dark green, with a jagged edge. There are varieties in which the foliage is more saturated, with a burgundy tint. Balsam branches branch well and can reach a length of up to 50 cm.

From the beginning of summer until autumn, the bush is literally strewn with fairly large flowers. They bloom in the axils of the leaves, and after flowering, they tie the seeds in a juicy box with valves.

Highlight is a hybrid variety that reproduces exclusively vegetatively. Plants obtained from seeds lose their varietal characteristics.

The hybrid has several subspecies that differ in flower color:

  • Salmon with delicate salmon flowers with a crimson heart;impatiens salmon
  • Red Star with two-tone flowers: white petals are surrounded by a wide bright red border;impatiens red star
  • Coral with soft coral flowers, on the petals of which lighter strokes are barely visible;impatiens coral
  • Burgundy with dark crimson, almost cherry, flowers;impatiens burgundy
  • Deep Orange with dark orange flowers.impatiens deep orange

Agricultural technology of cultivation

Given its tropical origin, impatiens can be grown as a pot culture or outdoors. In the latter case, this is possible only in the summer. When the temperature drops below 13 ° C, the plants die. For this reason, as horticultural crops, balsams live only one season. However, if at the beginning of autumn you dig up a bush and plant it in a pot, it will quite live up to next season in the house. In the spring, it will be possible to cut impatiens and get young specimens.

It is worth considering that balsams demanding on the soil and do not grow well in heavy garden soil. The substrate should be light; it is ideal to use a commercial soil mixture for ampelous surfinias. You can also prepare loose and nutritious soil yourself. To do this, you will need 1 part of vermiculite, leaf land, river sand (coarse) and 2 parts of peat.

If the impatiens will grow in a pot, it is better to give preference to shallow bowls, given the superficial root system.

impatiens from cuttingsCaring for ampelous balsam is no different from growing its other types. In summer, the bushes need to be watered often, otherwise they will wither. Twice a month it would be nice to feed them with potassium - phosphorus fertilizers.Then the flowering will be even more magnificent.

Ampel impatiens - video


