Instructions for the use of insecticide Cannoneer Duo

insecticide gunner duo There is not a single gardener who does not face pests. To eliminate the parasites that have appeared on the plants, it is recommended to use the insecticide Canonir Duo, the instructions of which prescribe the necessary dosage and method of application. Before use, be sure to familiarize yourself with the methods of exposure and the characteristics of the insecticide.

Insecticide characteristic

pest control

Cannoneer Duo is an insecticide for the contact and intestinal damage of pests. Its action is aimed at eliminating parasites in two ways.

With contact action, the substance, getting on the outer shell, negatively affects the insect. While with intestinal influence, the substance penetrates into the parasitic creature along with food. Having penetrated inside, the drug infects the pest, causing its death.

According to the instructions, Cannoneer Duo insecticide can be used to protect the following plants:

  • legumes;
  • winter wheat;
  • alfalfa;
  • rapeseed;
  • melons (watermelon, melon);
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • fruit crops;
  • Luke.

The insecticide is aimed at the merciless fight against cereal flies, harmful turtle, bedbug, sawfly, gall midge, bread sawflies and beetles, aphids and thrips, cruciferous fleas and leaf beetles, as well as secretive proboscis. In the instructions of the insecticide Kanonir, it is stipulated that the effect of plant protection after application lasts for 3-4 weeks. Therefore, it is recommended after a certain period to re-influence the plantings.

Benefits of using

gunner duo in big packFarmers using the drug give off more efficacy after using it:

  1. After use, the result is visible after 30 minutes - the parasites begin to die out en masse.
  2. The plant has protection for 21-25 days after exposure to the drug.
  3. The parasites have no resistance to the sprayed substance.
  4. Destroys all parasites without exception: living secretly, hiding under the bark or in the crevices of the trunk, as well as on the underside of the leaf.
  5. Elevated air degrees do not affect the effectiveness of the substance.
  6. Shows the same performance when influenced at different stages of development of parasites (eggs, larvae, sexually mature insects).
  7. It affects a wide range of parasitic pests, protects various fruit and cereal crops.

The instruction of the insecticide Cannoneer Duo reveals an insignificant consumption of the diluted substance over a large area. It does not pose a danger to humans, therefore, during spraying, you do not need to wear special protective clothing.

The main thing is that after its impact before the formation of ovaries, the yield increases.

Instructions for use

recommendations for the use of the drugInstructions for the use of insecticide Cannoneer recommends killing parasites on a calm day. The optimal temperature regime for irrigation is + 12 ... +250FROM.

It is advisable to choose a time so that the sun either does not shine yet or is already setting. This is necessary so that the rays do not provoke burns on the bark or delicate foliage of plants.

Before use, you need to prepare the stock solution. Water and the required dosage for filling the sprayer once should be mixed in a separate container until a homogeneous substance is obtained. When diluting the rate for irrigation, you should adhere to the rate of 1: 5 (20% solution).

insecticide packaging for farmersIf crops are treated against parasites by seedlings, then the flow rate of the working fluid rate is 150-200 liters. per 1 hectare. In other situations, the working fluid is stretched to 300-400 liters. per 1 hectare.

The main thing is that the drug is highly toxic to pollinating insects. Therefore, it is worth keeping the bees away for 5 days from the moment of exposure to the plants.

Thus, the instruction of the insecticide Cannoneer Duo recommends the use of the chemical to combat many parasitic creatures. The main thing is to properly dilute the product and spray at the right time and the required consistency.

How to distinguish insecticides from pesticides - video


