Insecticide Confidor Extra will protect against pests and increase productivity
Any gardener will say that not only an effective drug, but also not addictive, will be the best for processing plantings. And this exists. Insecticide Confidor Extra occupies a leading position in the market of its kind. It helps eliminate more than 60 types of pests without making them resistant, even with prolonged use. Acting within a couple of hours after application, the insecticide is not washed off by rain and is absolutely harmless to the future harvest. Moreover, it noticeably improves its performance. What is the effect of the insecticide and how to use it?
Characteristics and properties of the drug
It is a contact-intestinal insecticide. After processing, the active substance (imidacloprid) is absorbed into the leaves, stems and roots of crops, but not into the fruits. Insects, even in the larval stage, are paralyzed when they eat the treated crops and die within a couple of days.
The drug is resistant to washing off, but for this, at least 6 hours must pass after treatment and before rain. In such conditions, its protective effect lasts 1 month, regardless of further precipitation.
Thanks to the improved insecticide formula as a result of its application:
- the growth functions of plants are activated;
- the process of photosynthesis improves;
- a more developed root system is formed;
- flowering accelerates and, accordingly, fruit setting;
- yield increases;
- the protective effect of plants against fungi is enhanced and pests.
You can use the drug even when there are no pests. In this case, it will work not to kill insects, but to improve the general condition of crops and yield.
Confidor Extra increases the resistance of plants to adverse conditions (drought, rain, frost). Cultures tolerate them more easily and react less painfully. As a result, the yield does not suffer.
Insecticide Confidor Extra: how to use
The drug is used for processing grain crops, potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes. It is also suitable for pest control of ornamental and garden plants. It can be applied both by spraying and directly into the soil.
First you need to prepare and strain the working solution. Its concentration depends on the plants:
- potatoes - no more than 1 g per 10 liters of water;
- tomatoes - 1.5-2 g for the same amount of liquid;
- cucumbers - the same concentration as for tomatoes.
In conclusion, it remains to be noted that the Confidor Extra insecticide is not compatible with alkaline preparations. But it can be used in combination with growth stimulants.